The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 211 Allows you to have unreasonable thoughts about this hall!

Chapter 211 Allows you to have unreasonable thoughts about this hall!
Seeing that Feng Qingcheng was unmoved, Cang Li hurriedly chimed in, "Mother, the king's father's injury is not fully healed yet, so you can just accommodate him."

"A Li, don't embarrass your mother, I can do it myself... hiss!"

Before he finished speaking, the man gasped again.

"Father!" Cang Li exclaimed, and hurried to help the rickety man.

However, someone was one step ahead of him and supported Cang Yanwei, "I'll take you to the latrine!"

Cang Yanwei hesitated for a moment pretending to be reserved, and said politely, "Thank you, Princess."

"Let's go."

When Feng Qingcheng supported his arm and walked outside, the man turned his head and blinked his right eye at his son, and Cang Li waved his little fleshy hand as a cheering gesture to him.

Being a son's matchmaker can only help so far, and he can only rely on himself for the rest.

Feng Qingcheng didn't pay attention to the small movements of their father and son, and silently helped the man go out.

The two walked across the bluestone road in the courtyard, and walked for a while before reaching the door of the toilet.

Cang Yanli's injury was indeed not healed, and he was a little out of breath when he stopped.

Feng Qingcheng opened the door of the hut, backed away a little, and then turned her back very consciously, "I'm standing at the door, hurry up."

Cang Yanlei raised his eyebrows, "Princess, what are you doing with your back to the hall?"

Feng Qingcheng didn't look back, her tone was very casual, "I'll tell you with actions, I absolutely have no unreasonable thoughts about you."

Cang Yanlei frowned, and said in a low voice, "This hall allows you to have it."

"Ah,?" Feng Qingcheng was startled, but didn't realize it all at once, "What are you allowed?"

"You are allowed to have unreasonable thoughts about this hall."

Feng Qingcheng, "..." She just wanted to give him a haha!

"Your Highness, your narcissism should be cured."

Cang Yanlei couldn't help but relax his brows when he heard her say 'His Royal Highness', and before the corners of his lips rose, the little woman in front of him said coolly again, "Compared to you, I'd rather like that Rong Jin Where is Young Master Rong!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Even if Feng Qingcheng's back was turned to the man, she could obviously feel that the gaze on her suddenly became colder, piercing her back like an arrow.

No matter how slow she was, she could sense that something was wrong with his mood. She laughed dryly, changed the subject, and said, "Aren't you in a hurry to pee? Go in quickly."

Cang Yanling stared at her for a few more seconds before slowly walking into the hut.

'Boom! ' With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

The loud noise made Feng Qingcheng's ears tremble. She rubbed her ears, turned her head and glanced at the door of the hut, and murmured uncomfortably, "Isn't the injury unhealed? How can it be so big to close the door?" How strong is it?"

After a while, Cang Yanlu came out of the hut, Feng Qingcheng took two steps forward to help him by the arm, but the man avoided him without a trace.

"The hall will leave."

While speaking, he had already walked a few steps away, each step was slow and vigorous, and his slender back was straight.

Feng Qingcheng froze on the spot, watching him gradually distance himself from her, with inexplicable feelings rippling in her heart.

Before she could catch anything, it disappeared, leaving only ripples.

She sighed helplessly, and chased after her, "Cang Yanli, wait for me!"

Cang Yanlu pulled his thin lips, and said in a lukewarm tone, "It's not the first time for the concubine to come to my Dongyuan, could she still get lost?"

Seeing him playing with his temper, Feng Qingcheng imitated his tone and snorted, "Since you can walk by yourself, then I'll go back to my Xiyuan!"

 Second watch, have you received the confession rose red envelope?Brother Cheng, a single dog, quietly hides in a small corner, watching you receive gifts!I wish all the little fairies a happy 520!
(End of this chapter)

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