The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 223 Dabai, can you say something about the human chapter?

Chapter 223 Dabai, can you say something human?
The red python lay comfortably on the ground, and even the white scales between the eyes became whiter and brighter after eating.

At this time, it stretched out its tail in front of her obediently. Feng Qingcheng looked down, and when she saw the smooth red scales on its tail, her pupils shrank slightly, and a shocked expression appeared on her face, "Dabai, What about your injury?"

The small bloody hole in its tail that was pierced by gravel last night was completely invisible, and the scales were intact as if they had never been injured.

Feng Qingcheng knew very well that even the best Jinchuang medicine in the world could not achieve this state of turning decay into magic.

The red python swayed its head left and right, and spit out a long letter, "Hiss~ hiss~"

"It's ready? How is it?"


"Automatically? How is it possible? You're not Wolverine! Where's the self-healing ability?"


"Natural? Johnson's?"


Feng Qingcheng stroked her forehead with her hands, "Dabai, can you speak human words?"



Cangli watched the scene of them interacting with each other, one person and one snake, and ran over, "Mother, is Dabai's injury healed yet?"

"Yeah." Feng Qingcheng nodded, then turned to look at Xihua who was standing by the bamboo house, "Xiaohua, do you know which snake in Yuncang Kingdom has this kind of automatic healing ability?"

Xihua pursed her lips and pondered for a while, then shook her head and said, "No. But..."

Seeing her hesitate to speak, Feng Qingcheng couldn't help asking, "But what?"

"But it's not impossible at all." Shame Flower met her gaze and replied slowly, "At least witchcraft can do it."

She has served Feng Ping since she was a child, even though she doesn't know witchcraft, she knows far more about witchcraft than ordinary people.

Feng Qingcheng's eyes tightened, "Witchcraft? Do you know what kind of witchcraft it is?"

Shameful flower frowned, struggled for half a second before saying, "Black witchcraft."

Fifteen years ago, Feng Zhe used witchcraft to forcibly separate Feng Qingcheng and Feng Qingyin. He also used black witchcraft, so he suffered severe backlash later.

If it wasn't for the serious injury, how could Feng Qingyin be her opponent based on Feng Qingyin's tricks?
The reason why she chose to sacrifice herself was, on the one hand, out of guilt towards Feng Qingyin, and on the other hand, she hoped that she could influence her.

It's a pity that Feng Qingyin is no longer the original Feng Qingyin, and her mentality has long been distorted, so it is impossible to change her purpose just because of Feng's death.

Feng Qingcheng raised her eyebrows when she heard these three words, and her expression became serious, "I once heard my aunt mention it, but the price of practicing black witchcraft is so high, who would risk his life to save a snake?" Woolen cloth?"

Shame Flower also agreed and replied, "I can't understand this point."

At this moment, a crisp baby voice sounded in their ears, "My master said that all living beings are equal. Human life is life, and Dabai's life is also life, they are all the same!"

Feng Qingcheng bit her lips thoughtfully, but she had to admit that what the little guy said made sense.

Maybe Dabai's former owner didn't regard it as a snake, but regarded it as his own snake son or something.

Oh no, maybe it's the snake girl.

Just like many people in previous lives kept pets, and raised pets as their own children.

"No matter what, Dabai may become a breakthrough. I hope to find its former owner through it, so that I can avenge my aunt."

When this heavy topic was brought up, Shame Hua's eyes turned red.

Feng Ji dedicated her whole life to the Feng family, but in the end she ended up setting herself on fire in the prison, and she might not be able to rest in peace when she is under the Nine Springs.

 One more, thank you little fairy [Gentleness is only for the person you like. ]'s reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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