Chapter 224 It's very good!

Seeing one or two of them looking angry and serious, Cangli couldn't help tugging at Feng Qingcheng's sleeve, "Mother, can you promise Ah Li not to hurt Dabai? He is very good."

Feng Qingcheng glanced sideways at the red python lying on the ground, her rejection of it was not so serious in her heart, "As long as it doesn't hurt innocent people and doesn't do bad things, I won't do anything to it."

"Thank you, mother!" Cangli was very happy when he saw her let go, and ran up to the boa constrictor with short legs, "Dabai, did you hear me, I will be a good person in the future, ah no, I should be a good person." What a snake!"

The red python seemed to understand what he meant, its huge head swung up and down, making a nodding motion, "Hiss~ hiss~"

Cang Li bent his big black eyes, "Mother, look, Dabai has agreed!"

Feng Qingcheng is also very puzzled, this giant python is so spiritual, how could its former owner abandon it outside the abandoned mountain temple?
She can imagine how much thought it takes to raise such a giant python. How could its former owner be so cruel?

Or did he just discard Dabai to clear himself of the murderer's suspicion?

However, Dabai's behavior of assimilating into them so quickly is also very suspicious. How can there be a pet that can get along with it just after being picked up by its new owner?

Feng Qingcheng had many doubts in her heart, and there were also countless mysteries about this red python.

But since she decided to keep it, she won't look at it with hatred for the time being.

What kind of owner has what kind of pet, from now on, she will work hard to transform Dabai into a good snake!
Feng Qingcheng glanced at Dabai who was interacting with Cangli, then turned and walked towards the bamboo house.

After Biyue fainted, she put her on the low couch in front of the bamboo hut. At this time, she stopped in front of the low couch, and stretched out her hand to pinch Biyue's person.

After pinching several times, Biyue woke up faintly. Recalling the scene before she fainted, her tongue was knotted, "There are, there are boa constrictors in the pond... It's, it's too scary!"

Feng Qingcheng patted her on the shoulder, pointed her finger towards the front of the room, "Is that what you're talking about?"

Bi Yue was startled, and looked in the direction of her finger, "Ah!!!"

She rolled her eyes, seeing that she was about to faint again, Feng Qingcheng shook her shoulders vigorously and rescued her, "Biyue! This boa constrictor can't eat people! Don't be afraid!"

"Miss, don't try to fool your slaves, how can a boa constrictor not eat people?" Bi Yue tremblingly glanced at the boa constrictor from the corner of her eye, and when she saw Cang Li riding on the boa constrictor, she quickly covered her eyes in fright , "Little Shizi...Little Shizi..."

"Ah Li is playing with the boa constrictor, why don't you touch it?"

"No!" Bi Yue resolutely refused, without hesitation for half a second, her face was still a little pale.After a while, some blood color recovered, "Miss, you'd better let Xiao Shizi come down, what if you fall off the boa constrictor?"

"It's okay, Dabai won't let him fall."

"Dabai?" Biyue swallowed her saliva, and said with difficulty, "Miss, you still gave this snake a name?"

"Ah Li chose it, isn't this name cute?"

The corners of Bi Yue's mouth twitched, "Miss, to be honest, no matter how cute the name is, servants think it's scary."

Feng Qingcheng actually understood her feelings very well at this moment, just like when she saw this python for the first time, "I'm afraid, I'll get used to it gradually."

They stayed in the bamboo house for nearly half an hour before leaving. After going out, Biyue saw a little maid not far away who took the initiative to greet her, and the two of them were whispering together head to head.

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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