The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 227 Have you ever smelled that the jar of vinegar has been knocked over?

Chapter 227 Have you ever smelled that the jar of vinegar has been knocked over?
Feng Qingcheng rushed out so suddenly that she almost knocked down Biyue and Xianghua who were standing at the door.

"Miss, why did you come out so quickly, did you not find His Highness?"

Biyue and Xianghua looked at her in bewilderment, and before they had time to catch up and ask what happened, a slender and tall figure flashed by in front of them.

Biyue rubbed her eyes vigorously, and asked the shy flower next to her, "Is the man who just walked past our Highness?"

Chahua looked at the slender and tall figure in the corridor, and nodded with certainty, "Yes."

"Since we found it, why did Miss go away... Ah!" Bi Yue suddenly thought of something in the middle of her sentence, and covered her mouth exaggeratedly, "Could it be that His Highness did something bad and happened to be bumped into by our lady?"

Just as she was guessing, footsteps suddenly came from behind her, Biyue turned her head to look, "Miss Hai, Tang?"

Haitang was depressed, she didn't seem to hear her voice, and walked past her in a daze.

Biyue stretched out her hand and scratched her forehead, with a puzzled expression on her face, "What do you think happened to the three of them?"

Shameful Flower shook her head, and said a very profound sentence, "Those who are in power are fascinated, and those who are beside them are even more fascinated."

At the top of the stairs, before Feng Qingcheng had time to go down, her wrist was grabbed by a big hand, "Where are you going?"

"Your Majesty is a beautiful woman in your arms, what are you doing running out?" Feng Qingcheng sneered, trying to shake him off, but unfortunately failed, "Hurry up and go back, the girl is still waiting!"

Maybe she didn't even realize that when she said these words, her tone was full of sourness.

Cang Yanlei didn't answer, but just stared at her with his jet-black eyes, and after a long while, he suddenly laughed softly.

Seeing this, Feng Qingcheng became even more furious, raising her leg as if she was about to kick him, puffing her cheeks angrily and glaring at him, "Why are you laughing!"

Cang Yanli hooked his thin lips, and provoked a playful arc, "Princess, have you ever smelled that the jar of vinegar has been knocked over?"

Feng Qingcheng didn't realize the subtext in his words, and said angrily, "Really? I didn't smell it!"

Cang Yanlai moved closer to her, and intentionally sniffed in front of her, "Why does this hall smell so strong of acetic acid?"

She was startled, and denied it, "Bah! You have a good idea! If you want me to be jealous of you, it is impossible in this life!"

"Women like duplicity." Cang Yanlu was not annoyed, and the curve of his lips even deepened a little, "You don't need to say too much, since you married into the palace, we will know your intentions."

He knows what a ghost!
This man's thick skin is beyond redemption!

Feng Qingcheng raised her free hand and pointed to the ground, "Is there a face here that must have been lost by you?"

Cang Yanlei was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, "Princess, your way of swearing is really ingenious."

Feng Qingcheng saw that there were quite a few spectators looking at them, and couldn't help frowning, "I don't have time to mess with you here, you don't feel ashamed, and I feel ashamed too! Let go! "

Cang Yanli's slender fingers brushed the back of her hand intentionally or unintentionally, and said provocatively, "I caught it by myself, why did you let it go?"

The man's fingertips were slightly cool, and when they landed on her skin, his movements were as light as a feather, which made her heart skip a beat.

Is this guy... flirting with her now?

Feng Qingcheng opened her eyes wide, and when she heard the whispers from the onlookers, her cheeks became inexplicably hot, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Cang Yanli, don't you feel ashamed enough? You've almost lost my face!"

 Five more, reward and add more~
(End of this chapter)

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