The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 228 I respect you for being a man!

Chapter 228 I respect you for being a man!
The man spread his hands and said in a natural tone, "Our husband and wife are a little awkward, what's the shame?"

Feng Qingcheng pointed to the crescent white robe on her body, and reminded in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "The key point is that I'm wearing men's clothing now, people might think you have a habit of breaking sleeves!"

Cang Yanwei felt very good about himself, "We can't control other people's thoughts vertically or horizontally. If they want to think that way, they can think that way, as long as the hall feels happy."

Feng Qingcheng, "..." His attitude towards life is really open-minded enough!
She glared at him angrily, "But have you ever thought that I don't like being treated like a monkey by others!"

"Then let's fight again when we go back home, and don't show them." The man held her hand without changing his face, and walked downstairs.


Feng Qingcheng struggled twice, but she didn't break free, but she clearly felt that the man's hand holding her shrank slightly.

Although the movement was small, she felt it keenly.

When he touched his hand again, it was wrapped in gauze, and his fingertips still felt warm and sticky.

A bad premonition suddenly surged in Feng Qingcheng's heart. When she looked down, she found that the man's right hand was wrapped with a bandage, and the bandage was completely soaked in blood.

When he grabbed her wrist, she didn't notice it through her sleeve, and she didn't notice when he held her hand just now, but she didn't expect that this man was injured again.

Feng Qingcheng frowned, and said in a muffled voice, "What's wrong with your hand?"

Cang Yanlu didn't care about the injury on his hand, his long and narrow phoenix eyes stared at her pretty face, and a little smile appeared on his lips, "Is the princess caring about the palace?"

Feng Qingcheng snorted, and said casually, "No, I'm just worried that you will lose your hands and rely on me. So it's better to ask in advance, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble!"

Cang Yanli pursed his thin lips, and the profile of his face suddenly tightened, showing a trace of coolness, "Go back with the hall first, and the hall will give you an explanation."

If it was in the past, why did he need to look at a woman's face?When did you ever need to explain to a woman?

It's only been a month since he got along with Feng Qingcheng, but now he has a different feeling for her.

But Cang Yanlei saw his own heart very clearly, and if he recognized her, it was her.

It's a pity that some people don't accept his favor.

"Who wants you to explain it?" Feng Qingcheng was in a bad mood, and she didn't show any good face to him, "You stayed in the Chunfeng Tower for a whole night with your half-damaged waist, and you are very affectionate. I respect you as a man. How about this, if you really fall in love with that girl just now, how about I give her the position of princess?"

Before she could finish her sentence, the man's hand holding her suddenly became stronger, his handsome face was thin and frosty, and his expression was so gloomy that water dripped out, "Princess, you and this hall are married by the queen mother, so don't say such things in the future." Don't talk stupidly, otherwise it will be bad for others."

"What? Are you threatening me?" Feng Qingcheng has the kind of temperament that is strong when she encounters the strong. When she sees his harsh words, she lifts her chin politely, "Okay, then give it a try! I want to know too How many other people can be hurt by a divorce... um..."

When she said this, the man's expression was extremely bad, especially when it came to the last sentence, Cang Yanli directly pulled her into his arms with a forceful right hand.

Then, without giving her any chance to react, he kissed her lips so hard, with a strong sense of punishment.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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