The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 229 What are you laughing at, you look like an idiot?

Chapter 229 What are you laughing at, you look like an idiot?
The man's breath was hot, as if he was carrying an unquenchable anger, and the place he passed seemed to have experienced a catastrophe.

Soon, Feng Qingcheng felt her mouth was burning, and he even bit her wrongly in one place.

His injured hand clasped her hand tightly, and the other hand pinched her waist, as if he wanted to embed her into his own flesh and blood.

The air in the mouth was plundered, Feng Qingcheng couldn't breathe well, and even her brain couldn't think normally.

Her strength was invisibly withdrawn little by little. If it wasn't for the man holding her, she might have fallen to the ground without even being able to support her own weight.

She never knew that a man's kiss could be so lethal. Feng Qingcheng's perception seemed to be blocked, and she could only feel that his kiss on her lips was extremely hot, and it might roast her at any time.

She was like being in a huge melting pot, unable to resist his plundering, and could only let him have whatever he wanted.

At the end of the corridor, Haitang, wearing a veil, stood there looking at the scene in front of her, her figure faltering a bit.

She grabbed the wooden railing beside her, and her slender nails almost dug deep into the wood.

She has known Cang Yanli for so many years, and this is the first time she has seen such a fiery and unrestrained side of him.

In the past, she thought that this man was cold, or the kind who would never be warm.

Now it seems that he can also be a fire, but it is not himself who ignites him, but someone else.

A fishy sweetness welled up in her throat, and Haitang used almost all her strength to keep herself from falling down.

She should give up on this man completely.

She took a deep breath, turned around and walked to her room step by step, with her back straight...

Second floor, stairway.

Just when Feng Qingcheng thought she would suffocate to death, Cang Yanlu finally released her mercifully.

"Cang...cough! Cough, cough, cough!" As soon as she said a word, she was choked by the air that suddenly poured into her throat and coughed violently.

The man stretched out his hand to pat her on the back, and curled his thin lips leisurely, "I'm here, please speak slowly if you have anything to say."

Seeing his sarcastic expression, Feng Qingcheng became furious, and raised her hand to shake off his hand forcefully, "It's not your fault!"

Maybe she didn't even realize it, but she stared at him unintentionally with a bit of resentment.

Cang Yanwei nodded with a good temper, and his deep voice was a little lax and undisciplined, "It's my hall's fault, and this hall promises that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."

What he said was very vague, and he didn't know whether this kind of thing meant staying out at night or kissing her in public.

Feng Qingcheng didn't bother to delve into it, and continued the topic just now angrily, "I said, the position of my princess can be given over to Xian at any time!"

Cang Yanlei's complexion that had just eased became a bit darker, and even the bottom of his eyes had a sliver of coldness, "Princess, take this back, and I don't want to hear it again in the future."

Feng Qingcheng was puzzled by his attitude, "Cang Yanli, what do you mean?"

"The concubine is also a person who has read a lot of books. Is it difficult to understand the literal meaning?" Cang Yanwei stared at her for a long moment with his deep eyes. When his eyes fell on her slightly red and swollen lips, he didn't know what he thought of. , suddenly smiled lightly.

Feng Qingcheng was completely confused, did this man have a convulsion, why did he have such a big emotional agitation?
Frowning, she looked at him and retorted rudely, "What are you laughing at, you look like an idiot?"

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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