The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 230 Who doesn't chop up puppies!

Chapter 230 Who doesn't chop up puppies!

"Princess, do you want to go back and look in the mirror?" Cang Yanwei paused for half a second, his expression recollecting, "Seeing your mouth, this hall suddenly wants to eat the sausage pickled by Second Aunt Zhang in the kitchen."

Feng Qingcheng was stunned, and after thinking for a while, realized that the man meant that her mouth was like a sausage.

Depend on!
It's not his fault that her mouth is swollen like this, how could he have the nerve to speak sarcasticly?
As soon as Feng Qingcheng raised her head, she could see two maids standing behind who dared not step forward from a distance.

She ignored the man in front of her and shouted at her, "Bi Yue Sha Hua, let's go!"

Biyue and Xianghua looked at each other, then at the man standing there, hesitated for a moment before stepping forward, "Yes, Wangfei."

Cang Yanwei looked at the back of Feng Qingcheng leaving angrily, the curve of his lips deepened a little, "Cangjin, it's time for us to go back home."


As soon as Feng Qingcheng returned to the mansion, the imperial decree came. Eunuch Yao, who was wearing the uniform of the chief eunuch, saw that she was standing there without moving, and reminded her sharply, "Princess, it's time to kneel down and listen to the decree."

Feng Qingcheng knelt down and knelt down to her parents. She had never knelt down to an eunuch before, but seeing a large group of servant girls kneeling in the open space of the courtyard, it was not good for her to be disrespectful to the emperor in front of them.

Gritting her teeth, she had no choice but to kneel on the cold floor tiles, "Feng Qingcheng listens to the order."

"Following the imperial edict of Chengyun, the Empress Dowager is grateful for the return of the little prince to Beijing for the first time..."

Eunuch Yao's voice when he read out the imperial decree was really unpleasant, Feng Qingcheng didn't listen to it word by word, but he also figured out the main meaning he wanted to express.

It probably means that both the emperor and the empress dowager wanted to meet the young prince, so they summoned her and Cang Li to stay in the palace for a few days.

Feng Qingcheng has only just adapted to the environment of the palace, and now she is asked to stay in the palace. With her personality in the palace, she does not know how many troubles she will cause!
After Eunuch Yao finished reading, seeing Feng Qingcheng kept her head buried in silence, she couldn't help coughing lightly.

Biyue next to her quickly poked her arm, reminding her in a low voice, "Princess, it's time to receive the order."

"Feng Qingcheng leads the decree."

"Wangfei and Xiao Shizi, please tidy up and go into the palace with this old servant."

"Ah?" Feng Qingcheng was stunned, a little reluctant, "Are you going to enter the palace now?"

"Yes, the empress dowager and the emperor are still waiting for you two!"

He moved out both the emperor and the queen mother, how could Feng Qingcheng refuse?

She thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll find some clothes for Ah Li to change."

After all, Eunuch Yao is the queen beside the emperor, and his posture is a bit higher than that of ordinary eunuchs, "This old slave is waiting for you two."

And after Feng Qingcheng finished packing her bags, Cang Yanlu happened to come back. After hearing the news, he came to Xiyuan to look for her, "Princess, I will accompany you into the palace together."

Feng Qingcheng didn't have time to settle the night with him at this time, "Okay, your clothes will be confiscated, you can take them with you, and A Li and I will go out first."

When she passed by his side, her eyes fell on his blood-stained dark red gauze, "Hurry up and find a doctor to bandage the wound, lest your father, the queen mother, think that I raped you after entering the palace!"

Cang Yanli curled his thin lips, and there was a smile on the corners of his brows and eyes, "Princess is so concerned about this hall, why don't you bandage this hall."

"Hehe!" Feng Qingcheng stared at him with a half-smile, "I just want to chop off that hand for you with a knife, do you really want me to bandage it?"

Cang Yanlei raised his eyes, "Princess, are you sure you can do it?"

Feng Qingcheng spread her hands in front of him, "Bring a knife! Anyone who doesn't chop up a puppy!"

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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