The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 249 A woman's struggle is for favor, but I don't need to fight!

Chapter 249 A woman's struggle is for favor, but I don't need to fight!

In the morning, the palace.

After Feng Qingcheng woke up, a palace lady came to pass the news just after washing up.

"Your Highness, Concubine Jing is here."

Feng Qingcheng got up from the vanity mirror and walked towards the door. When she saw that the woman in a plain long dress hadn't approached, she bowed slightly, "I've seen the imperial concubine."

"Qingcheng, don't see each other like this between you and me." Feng Jingwan smiled gently at her, without going around in circles, and said bluntly, "I came today to thank you. If it weren't for you yesterday, I'm afraid I would have suffered a lot." unredressed injustice."

"Auntie is serious." Feng Qingcheng looked at the beauty in palace attire in front of her, and felt that the expression between her eyebrows and eyes was somewhat similar to Feng's. She couldn't help but feel kind in her heart, but after just finished, she felt a little abrupt, "That, Can I call you aunt?"

Feng Jingwan smiled slightly, "Of course, we are aunts and nephews."

The two were chatting, and Cang Li happily rushed in from the outside on his short legs, "Mother, mother! Dinner is ready!"

Feng Qingcheng looked sideways at Feng Jingwan, and said with a smile, "Auntie probably hasn't eaten breakfast yet? Why don't you eat with us?"

Feng Jingwan did not refuse, "Okay."

The three of them went for a walk in the imperial garden after breakfast, and Feng Qingcheng and Feng Jingwan sat in the pavilion in the middle of the lake and talked about the harem.

"Auntie, there are too many murders and plots in the harem, as well as the scheming of those slaves, don't you feel tired of such a life?"

"People have to eat three meals a day, and each meal is five grains, who can get bored?" Feng Jingwan looked at her with a gentle and indifferent expression, "The same is true for living in the harem. Where there are women, there are women." struggle."

"That's right." Feng Qingcheng nodded in agreement, "The heart of an emperor has been unpredictable since ancient times. Now that he has stepped into the harem, he can only adapt. However, if Ah Li hadn't pretended to be a ghost yesterday to trick Concubine Su, the emperor would believe you Is it innocent?"

"The emperor is not a fool, he sees the affairs of the harem more clearly than anyone else, but sometimes he turns a blind eye to the harmony of the court." Feng Jingwan has seen the harem clearly for a long time. Chu, she paused at this point, her eyes fell on Feng Qingcheng's stunning face, "Qingcheng, you have to change your temperament when you enter the harem in the future."

"Auntie, a deep house like the imperial palace is not suitable for me. I have never thought of entering the harem." Feng Qingcheng shrugged her shoulders and cast her eyes on the rockery in the distance. "Women fight for favor, and I don't need to fight."

If she reconciles with Cang Yanli in the future, she will not be alone for the rest of her life. She must find a man she loves and loves her, and that man will only spoil her once in her life.

Listening to her confident words, Feng Jingwan couldn't help laughing, "Your Highness the Fourth Highness only dotes on you, and A Li relies on you so much. No one can shake your position in the palace."

When she said this, her words suddenly changed, "But my aunt is someone who has experienced it. I want to remind you that there is a reason why the emperor favors any woman. Just like Concubine Su, she and the queen are the sisters of Prime Minister Su. The status of the harem is also closely related to the status of the Su family in the court. And I also represent the Feng family, and the relationship cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences."

Feng Qingcheng understood what she said, and it was precisely because of this that her determination to leave Prince Rui's Mansion was strengthened.

She is an independent individual, not a bargaining chip for men to consolidate their imperial career, so it is impossible to sacrifice their lifetime happiness.

The topics they talked about were boring and boring, and Cangli felt bored, so he ran out of the lake pavilion, lying on the stones by the lake to watch the koi swimming in the lake.

 Fourth watch, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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