The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 250 The familiar feeling of suffocation instantly overwhelmed her!

Chapter 250 The familiar feeling of suffocation instantly overwhelmed her!

Cang Li was watching with great interest, when suddenly a soft female voice came from next to his ear, "Xiao Shizi, what are you looking at here?"

The little guy turned his face and glanced at the source of the sound. When he saw the person's face clearly, he blinked his big black eyes twice, "I'm looking at the fish. The fish in this lake are so beautiful!"

Su Ziyin's eyes moved slightly, and the smile on his lips deepened a little, "Yes, I also think these fish are very beautiful, why don't I accompany you to watch the fish?"

She looks good, plus she deliberately pretends to be gentle and patient when she speaks, and Cang Xin has a simple mind, so naturally she won't be defensive towards her.

He nodded, with an innocent smile on his face, "Okay, okay!"

Su Ziyin smiled softly, and watched the fish with him. After watching for a long time, she suddenly pointed her hand in the direction of the center of the lake, "Look! There is a big fish there! It has colorful scales, so beautiful! "

"Where is it?" Cang Li stretched his neck and looked in the direction of her finger, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find the big fish she was talking about.

"Over there, in that direction!" Su Ziyin continued to point towards the center of the lake, with an exaggerated expression on his face, "Oh my god, that fish is really big, it should be the biggest fish I've ever seen!"

Cang Li opened his dark eyes and continued to search in the lake, "But why didn't I find it?"

Seeing that he was concentrating on finding the fish, Su Ziyin leaned towards his little shoulder with the hand that was hanging by his side, "There it is! It's easy to find, haven't you seen it yet?"

Cangli searched the lake several times, then shook his head with his mouth curled up and said, "No."

"It's right there!" When Su Ziyin said this, he suddenly pushed and pulled his shoulder with his hand, and then screamed loudly, "Ah!!!"

'Plop!Plop! '

Accompanied by the sound of falling into the water, one in front and one in the back, both of them stumbled and fell into the lake.

Cangli couldn't swim, so his two little hands kept flapping in the lake.

Su Ziyin was right next to him, seemingly reaching out to support him, but in fact the hand under the water deliberately exerted force, grabbed his clothes and dragged him underwater.

But with a panicked expression on her face, she deliberately shouted in the direction of the Huxin Pavilion, "Help! Help! Is there anyone? Help!"

When Feng Qingcheng and Feng Jingwan heard the movement, they immediately followed the prestige and looked over.When she saw the two people falling into the water, Feng Qingcheng's pupils tightened, and she rushed out of the pavilion without hesitation, "A Li!"

She was so absorbed in chatting with Feng Jingwan that she even forgot about the child.

Not long after she left her sight, something happened!
Feng Qingcheng glanced at Cangli who was struggling in the water, and Su Ziyin who was calling for help beside Cangli, her brows could not help but frown.

But she only hesitated for a moment, then jumped over the railing beside the pavilion and jumped into the lake.

Her rebirth in this life was in the lake. After jumping into the lake, her body obviously felt extremely uncomfortable.

Feng Qingcheng was worried about her son, but she didn't care too much. She gritted her teeth and swam to the center of the lake.

However, she hadn't swam far when she suddenly felt that her right foot was entangled by aquatic plants.

She was about to use her left foot to push away the water plants wrapped around her right foot, but just as she moved her left foot, it was also entangled by water plants.

The aquatic plants at the bottom of the lake seemed to suddenly come to life, climbing up her feet, as if they were dragging her to the bottom of the lake.

Feng Qingcheng's two arms were still paddling vigorously, but her body sank uncontrollably, sinking!

The lake water quickly filled her mouth, and the familiar feeling of suffocation instantly overwhelmed her!
 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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