The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 302 Riding a monkey on a tree, and a monkey on the ground!

Chapter 302 Riding a monkey on a tree, and a monkey on the ground!

"You..." She opened her mouth to speak, but she coughed up a lot of blood, " just kill me! Kill me!"

"I said long ago that I gave your life! Whether you live or die can only be decided by me!" Feng Qingyin walked slowly to her with a limp leg, and was exchanging with Feng Qingcheng just now. The critical moment of the soul was destroyed by Zhao Wan'er, and her vitality was also injured, and her walking movements were obviously much slower.

Stopping in front of the wall, she looked at Zhao Wan'er, who was covered in blood, and pulled the corners of her lips viciously, "This time I'm just giving you a small lesson, so you know what will happen if you betray me."

"Feng Qingyin, you're so insane!" Zhao Wan'er's long hair was disheveled, her eyes were bloodshot as she stared at her, she was obviously very weak, but every word she uttered was forceful, "Do you think I will give in like this? No ! Absolutely not!"

"Heh!" Compared to her hysteria, Feng Qingyin's reaction was quite calm, but her cold voice was piercingly cold, "I kind of appreciate your unyielding arrogance. I am also looking forward to it. Is it your bones that are hard, or my means are hard."

Feng Qingyin turned around and took out a small box from the back of the sarcophagus. Inside the box were a lot of miscellaneous tools.

His slender fingers slid across the tools one by one, and finally picked out a weird tool that didn't look like tweezers, and scissors didn't look like scissors.

"These are the pliers I improved. When Dabai was around, I often used them to remove those scales that didn't grow neatly on Dabai, but I've never used them on humans before." Feng Qingyin took a step forward with the pliers Walking back in front of her, his eyes fell on her tied hands, and he smiled faintly, "Why don't you try it on you and see if it works."

As she said that, her eyes turned cold, she grabbed Zhao Wan'er's hand, clamped the nail on her little finger with the pliers, and then pulled it out forcefully.


A woman's scream of pain suddenly sounded in the secret room, the sound was so loud that it could almost penetrate other people's eardrums.

However, the expression on Feng Qingyin's face did not change at all, and she continued to pinch her second nail with the pliers, "I'm asking you a question, you have to listen clearly, if the answer is wrong, I will pull out a nail. If the answer is correct , just let this nail go."

Well, just letting go of a nail, not letting her go.

Zhao Wan'er twitched uncontrollably from the pain, and couldn't hear her words clearly.

Feng Qingyin waited for a while, seeing that she was silent, her eyes turned cold, and she pulled out the pliers again and again.


Zhao Wan'er screamed again, saying that her fingers were connected to her heart. At this moment, she felt as if her heart was being twisted by a hand, and the pain made her even distort her expression.

"I don't like to repeat myself, but I'm willing to give you another chance. If you can't answer again, you won't be able to keep the third nail."

Feng Qingyin glanced at her hand, the hand whose nails had been pulled out was shaking violently, the dark red flesh was exposed to the air, and fresh blood flowed out from Zhao Wan'er's fingers.

"Listen clearly. The first question is, how many monkeys are there in total, with a monkey riding on a tree and a monkey on the ground?"

Zhao Wan'er was in so much pain that fine cold sweat broke out on her forehead, mixed with blood and dripping down her forehead, she looked shocking!
Feng Qingyin waited for a while, and seeing that she still had no response, she sighed softly, "It seems that you don't know, then pull out the third nail."

"Eight..." Zhao Wan'er's lips trembled, and a single syllable was squeezed out from between her lips, "Eight..."

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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