Chapter 303 Kill me... Please...

Feng Qingyin raised the corner of her mouth, her eyes were a little bit cold and evil, "The answer is wrong."

Before she finished speaking, she pulled hard again with her pliers.


Zhao Wan'er's face was pale, as if she couldn't bear such severe pain, she rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot.

"I haven't started yet, so it's over so soon?" Feng Qingyin reached out and patted her face vigorously, "Don't pretend to be dead, wake up! Wake up for me!"

But Zhao Wan'er really fainted, even if Feng Qingyin slapped her face swollen, she didn't respond at all.

"Do you think I'll let you go like this?" Feng Qingyin looked at her face dripping with blood, snorted, her eyes fell on her pulled out nails, and she muttered something.

The next moment, Zhao Wan'er's nails were wrapped in white light, and her hand from which the nails had been pulled out grew new nails at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wound healed little by little.

In a few seconds, her nails had all grown back, and only the blood stains on her hands could prove the cruel treatment she had suffered.

Feng Qingyin glanced at Zhao Wan'er, then took the cold tea from the stone table next to her and splashed it on her face.

Zhao Wan'er shuddered and woke up slowly. She was panting heavily, but she still felt like she was about to suffocate.

Recalling the finger that was pulled out just now, she turned her face to look at the hand with difficulty. When she found that the nail had grown back, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock, "What, what happened?"

Feng Qingyin didn't answer her, and approached her again with the pliers, "Question and answer time is up, now start the first question. Zhao Wan'er, you have to prick up your dog ears and listen carefully. If you answer wrong, you will have to pull out your nails."

Zhao Wan'er originally thought that everything that happened just now was her own nightmare when she saw her intact nails, but now it seems that Feng Qingyin is her worst nightmare.

She has lived to such an age, and she has seen many people, selfish, petty, and vicious, but such a bloodthirsty pervert like Feng Qingyin is really unheard of.

"Kill me...please...kill me..."

Feng Qingyin ignored her completely, and took her hand again with her slender white hand, "Please listen to the question, there are five birds in the tree, one was killed by a hunter, how many are left?"

Seeing Zhao Wan'er's look of lovelessness, she lowered her eyebrows and warned in a cold voice, "I only ask my question once, if you don't answer, I will pull out all your nails."

How painful it is to pull out your nails, probably only those who have experienced it will know!
At this moment, even just hearing these words, Zhao Wan'er shuddered reflexively all over her body.

She had no way or strength to contend with this lunatic, so she could only reply resignedly, "Four, four."

"If you answer wrong, the punishment will begin." Feng Qingyin smiled, but the action of pulling out her nails was unambiguous.


With the pliers in hand, the nail on Zhao Wan'er's little finger was pulled out again, causing tears and snot to flow out of her nose.

"Why are you so stupid, you can't even answer such a simple question?" Feng Qingyin grabbed her long hair with one hand, and tapped her face lightly with the blood-stained pliers, "Aren't those birds dead?" Yes, how could it be possible to stay in the tree after hearing the gunshots, don't you think?"

Zhao Wan'er was in so much pain that she couldn't even utter a word, Feng Qingyin clicked her tongue softly, "Forget it, I'll lower the difficulty of the question. How much is thirteen minus nine?"

Zhao Wan'er's brain nerves were all numb from the pain, and she didn't have any extra mental energy to think about the problem, "Death...death...I want to die..."

Feng Qingyin laughed, "What fun do I have if you're dead? I'll count down to three, answer the question quickly."



 Second watch, asking for votes, I get inexplicably excited when I write about abnormality, what's going on?
(End of this chapter)

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