The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 334 If you say no, you must!

Chapter 334 If you say no, you must!

Although it was a question, his tone was more declarative, as if he was sure she would agree.

Feng Qingcheng lost her temper after being kissed by him, her whole body was limp, and she didn't even want to move a finger.

However, she didn't want this man to succeed, as if she just nodded and lost her momentum.

She didn't bother to look at him, so she replied casually, "You wash yours, I'll wash mine, besides, there's not such a big bathtub."

"If the concubine is worried about the bathtub, there is absolutely no need." Cang Yanwei chuckled cheerfully, and said slowly, "There is a bathtub in this bedroom, and it is more than enough for two people to wash."

The expression on Feng Qingcheng's face couldn't be maintained immediately, and she glared at him viciously, "I don't even take a bath if there is a bathtub! I'm going to take a bath in the bathtub!"

Cang Yanwei smiled slightly, and continued patiently, "The water in this bath is drawn from the hot springs on the mountain. Taking a bath can relieve fatigue, and it is said that it also has the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin."

Feng Qingcheng raised her chin, "Does my face still need beauty treatment?"

Cang Yanlei was amused by her words, his eyes fell on her gorgeous face, and he nodded in agreement, "Well, the natural beauty of a princess really doesn't need a beauty treatment, but you can't even get out of bed now, do you want to let the maid of honor Lift you into the tub?"

"Don't worry about it, I can climb in even if I crawl!" After Feng Qingcheng said this, she first imagined the scene of crawling into the bathtub on all fours. The scene was indeed a bit unbearable to look at.

But before she finished speaking, her body suddenly lightened, and the man couldn't help but hug her up from the big bed.

"Ah!" When the quilt slipped off her body, Feng Qingcheng lowered her head and looked at the uncovered body, exclaimed, and quickly raised her hand to block her body, "Cang Yanli, what are you doing?"

"Take you to the hot spring." Cang Yanli took her long legs and carried her to the bathing pool at the back of the bedroom.

Feng Qingcheng became anxious, "I've already said, I don't want to wash with you!"

Cang Yan looked straight ahead without squinting, and replied unhurriedly, "Women love duplicity, if they say they don't want it, they want it."

Feng Qingcheng didn't think about what to say next, and blurted out, "Then I say yes!"

Cang Yanlei smiled and nodded, "Okay, this hall is enough for you."

So, is she being tricked?
Feng Qingcheng, "..."

This man's thick skin broke her lower limit again, and she didn't want to talk to him anymore.

While speaking, Cang Yanli had already carried her into the specially built hot spring bath at the back of the bedroom.

The pool is very large, built in a square shape, and the hot spring water is steaming, enveloping the room.

There is a red sandalwood screen carved with retro patterns of dragon and phoenix by the pool, and there is a sandalwood hanger for clothes beside it.

Feng Qingcheng glanced into the pool, she was so tired that she really wanted to go down for a dip.

Cang Yanli seemed to know what she was thinking, and leaned over to put her into the pool.

The moment the hot spring water flooded her body, she felt that every cell in her body was stretched, which was very comfortable.

Feng Qingcheng soaked in the hot spring water, leaning her head against the edge of the pool, squinting her eyes comfortably.

The ancient emperors were too good at enjoying it!Turn over the concubine's brand every day and keep it warm together, and then go to the hot spring, it's as happy as a fairy.

As he was walking, suddenly there was the sound of rushing water in his ears.

Startled, she subconsciously opened her eyes, and the man also came down amidst the mist.

The height of the water in the pool was barely below his belly, and the sexy and magnetic mermaid line was looming under the rippling water, which was extremely seductive.

Feng Qingcheng stared at him blankly, forgot to blink, and heard the sound of swallowing saliva clearly.

 Third watch, thank you little fairies [Xiao Lizi] and [Mu Qi] for their rewards, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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