Chapter 335 How can I drooling?

The man stopped in front of her, and she raised her eyes involuntarily, looking up a little bit along his well-defined abdominal muscles.

Wide shoulders and narrow hips, is the most standard inverted triangle figure, the abdominal muscles are well-proportioned and full of strength, the upper body exposed to the air is charming and strong, full of male hormones.

I have to admit that this man is the best example of a good figure. Although it is not the first time for her to see him, but now he is walking towards her step by step, Feng Qingcheng feels her heart is about to jump out of her throat.

No wonder this man has such good physical strength, his muscles are sexy and beautiful, even those instructors in the devil training camp back then may not be able to catch up with him.

Seeing her staring at him intently, Cang Yanwei leaned over slightly, supported the wall of the pool behind her with one hand, and approached her eyes, "Princess, wipe the drool off my mouth."

"Ah?" Feng Qingcheng was startled, raised the back of her hand and wiped the corner of her lips before realizing that she had been fooled, "How can I drool?"

"That's probably my hall's misreading." Cang Yanwei looked at her with downcast eyes, and his thin lips raised a teasing arc, "Just now the princess's eyes were almost on my body, my hall thought you..."

Listening to his words, Feng Qingcheng's cheeks became hot, and even the roots of her ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before the man finished speaking, she retorted angrily, "When did I see you? It's obvious that you blocked my sight by standing in front of me!"

Seeing her stubbornly denying, Cang Yanlei hooked her thin lips, nodded with a smile, "What the princess says is what she says."

He was very close, and the breath he exhaled brushed her cheeks, and immediately his breath invaded her olfactory system domineeringly.

Feng Qingcheng leaned the back of her head against the wall of the pool, looked at the handsome face less than a centimeter away from her, and raised a finger to press between their lips, "Cang Yanli, don't try to take advantage of me again."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, the man's lips kissed her fingers.

After the kiss, he raised his phoenix eyes to meet her gaze, and his magnetic voice was somewhat hoarse, "How do you take advantage? This, or this?"

Feng Qingcheng looked at the man who directly kissed the tip of her nose, her beautiful eyes widened immediately, and her voice suddenly turned up a lot, "You, don't kiss me indiscriminately!"

They have no clothes on, and it's too easy to shoot a gun in this situation!

Cang Yanli's lips moved down slowly, but they stopped slowly when they were about to touch her lips, "Princess, my palace will give you a chance to kiss back, how about it?"

His voice was originally pleasant, but now he deliberately lowered his tone a little, more like an invisible temptation.

Feng Qingcheng rolled her eyes at him directly, "You have a good idea! Kiss and kiss, and you won't let you take all the advantages in the end?"

Cang Yanwei looked at her peach-pink cheeks, and raised the end of his eyes, "Princess, it was my hall who contributed just now, and you are the one who is comfortable. How can you say that this hall took all the advantages? This hall is very wronged!"

Feng Qingcheng, "..." It's what he wants to do, how can he say such shameless things now?It really is a ruthless bastard who pulls D!
She ground her small white teeth, turned her face to one side, and said with a tough attitude, "Either take a shower, or I'll go out now!"

The man straightened his upper body slightly, and slightly opened the distance between the two, "So hate this hall kissing you so much?"

It's not that he hates him kissing her, but who can guarantee that he just kisses her simply?
"I don't want to have a good time in a hot spring pool."

Cang Yanli did not insist either, and withdrew the hand behind her, "Okay, this is not the mansion after all, let's go back and come back."

Feng Qingcheng, "..."

So, is he addicted?

 Four more, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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