The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 426 I will win the trip of no return to the mountain!

Chapter 426 I'm sure to win if I don't return to the mountain!
Feng Qingcheng knew that he had been busy recently, not only to manage the trivial matters of the palace, but also to search for rare medicines and famous doctors, trying to rescue Cang Yanlu.

From what she said to test him just now, she probably guessed that Cang Jin was also thinking about the Mountain of No Return, and he must also plan to go there to find the soul-returning grass that only exists in legends.

Cang Jin's face changed slightly, "This subordinate also hopes that His Highness will recover soon."

Feng Qingcheng said lightly, "You don't need to go, I have more important tasks for you now."

"Princess, please tell me, as long as my subordinates can do it, I will never hesitate."

"Stay in the palace and take good care of Cang Yanli and A Li for me. If you don't return to the mountain, I will go."

Cangli's expression changed, and he said anxiously, "The princess can't do it! It's very dangerous not to return to the mountain, it's better for the subordinates to lead people there."

Feng Qingcheng raised her eyebrows, and asked unhurriedly, "What? You don't believe in my strength?"

"Don't dare! During His Highness' coma, the subordinates have the responsibility to protect your safety."

"Don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about." Feng Qingcheng raised her chin, with a confident expression on her face, "If you don't return to the mountain, I will definitely win."

Cang Jin's heart moved, "Does the princess have any plans? If there is something useful for my subordinates, my subordinates will definitely..."

"You are outside of my plan." He was interrupted by Feng Qingcheng just halfway through his words, "The task I give you is also very simple. During my absence, you only need to take good care of the palace."


"I know what you want to say. The Mountain of No Return is indeed very dangerous, but the greater the risk, the more precious the Soul Return Herb will be. If anyone can enter the Mountain of No Return, then the Soul Return Herb in this world will soon be It's gone."

People are greedy. When they know that there is such a grass, they will inevitably pick it up and drive up prices.

Returning Soul Grassland is very rare, how can it withstand such a toss?

Therefore, it wisely chooses to grow in the Mountain of No Return shrouded in thick fog all year round.

No matter how miraculous the effect of the Soul Returning Grass is, no one would be foolish enough to risk their own life to gamble.

So what about her, she decided to go now, isn't it also a life-threatening?

For a legend, for a few words of Nan Linghan, for repaying Cang Yan's great favor, why is she not a fool?

Feng Qingcheng didn't wait for him to speak again, and said directly, "Okay, you don't need to say anything, I'm not going alone this time, Nanyue Kingdom wants to save Nan Lingyue, and they also have the idea of ​​returning soul grass .I will walk with them and transfer the risk to them, so you should feel relieved, right?"

Cang Jin knew that since she had already made a decision, she would not change it easily, so she didn't try to persuade her again, "I will follow Wang Hao's instructions, and I will definitely look after Xiao Shizi and Your Highness."

Feng Qingcheng thought for a while, and added, "There are also Biyue and Shameful Flower."


"Oh, by the way, about my going to Bugui Mountain, you remember to keep it a secret for me, and don't let other people know, understand what I mean?"

Cang Jin's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "Princess, please rest assured, my subordinates will keep their mouths shut."

While they were chatting, they didn't notice a small figure standing outside the door.

Cang Li originally came to find Feng Qingcheng, but he didn't go in when he heard their conversation. He stood quietly outside the door and listened to their conversation verbatim.

Although he didn't quite understand some of the content, he really heard words like 'dangerous' and 'dangerous'.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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