The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 427 No matter how you look at it, she is the biggest beneficiary!

Chapter 427 No matter how you look at it, she is the biggest beneficiary!
Before they left, Cang Li quietly hid behind the pillars in the corridor next to him, and was not noticed by them.

There were still three hours before the time she agreed with Nan Linghan, after Feng Qingcheng handed everything over to Cang Jin, she went back to Xiyuan to pack her luggage.

"Miss, why don't you bring your slaves and maidservant with you when you go to find a famous doctor? With us here, we can also take care of your daily life." When Biyue handed her the packed bag, her hands were still tightly gripped. Yes, I don't want to let go.

"You can only cause trouble for me when you go, stay in the mansion well, you still have the important task of taking care of Ah Li. By the way, if Dabai comes back, remember to send him some food."

Feng Qingcheng guessed that the most likely reason for Dabai to run away from home was to look for food.

"The servant knows."

Feng Qingcheng took the burden from her hand, looked at Shame Flower again, "You two have to be good, Biyue, you can't bully Shame Flower."

Bi Yue curled her lips, "Miss, is this kind of person in your heart, Numaid? Numaid and Xianghua are obviously a family that loves each other."

"That's good." Feng Qingcheng nodded in relief, and changed into a set of men's clothes for the convenience of going out, "I'm leaving, you should take care of yourself at home."

"Miss, you should go early and come back early."


Feng Qingcheng turned around and walked outside, Biyue suddenly thought of something, "Ah, where is the young man? Miss, wait a moment, this servant will go find him and come over to see you off."

"Don't look for it." She was about to go out, Feng Qingcheng stretched out her hand to stop him, "It's the saddest thing to say goodbye to, wait for me to leave before you tell A Li."

Bi Yue understood what she meant, nodded and said, "Yes."

But it's strange to say that Ah Li is always around when Feng Qingcheng does anything, but he hasn't seen him until today.

Of course, they didn't have time to think about it now, so they sent Feng Qingcheng directly to the gate of the palace.

Outside the door, a carriage was already waiting.

Seeing Feng Qingcheng, the coachman immediately jumped out of the front of the car, respectfully opened the rear curtain, and let her get in.

Feng Qingcheng glanced at them and waved to them, "You all go back, I'm leaving."

Bi Yue also waved to her, "Miss, you have to come back early!"

Shame Hua took a step forward, reached out and stuffed something into her hand, "Princess, you have to be careful, this thing is left by Aunt Fengbo, you should be able to use it in an emergency."

Feng Qingcheng may be able to hide Biyue, who is naturally nervous, but Shame Flower was once Feng's most trusted subordinate. She knows Cang Yan's condition, ordinary medicine and doctors can't cure it at all, only the return of the soul Grass can have a glimmer of hope.

Feng Qingcheng was stunned, met her gaze and nodded, and at the same time clenched the things in her hand, "Thank you, I will."

After Shame Flower gave her the things, she retreated two meters away from the carriages and horses, "Princess, take care."

Feng Qingcheng glanced over them one by one, and smiled slightly, "I will be back as soon as possible."

After stuffing the things that Xiaohua gave her into her waist pocket, she turned around and got into the carriage, and said to the driver, "Let's go."

"Okay, my princess, please sit still." The coachman raised the whip in his hand and lashed the horse in front, "Drive!"

The carriage drove smoothly on the official road, and soon left the main road, heading towards the north of the city.

After more than two hours, the carriage drove out of the city gate, and there were two other carriages waiting there on the open grass in the outskirts.

It was Nan Linghan and his most capable elite subordinates.

He spent manpower and money, but she was the only one who came, so she was the biggest beneficiary of this trip of no return to the mountain!
 Fourth watch, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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