Chapter 430 Come on!Not good!
After this little episode, the carriage continued to move forward. In the second carriage, Feng Qingcheng looked at the little guy sitting opposite her, and criticized the education with a serious face, "A Li, you must never be so silent again in the future." Leave the palace without making a sound, you know?"

Cang Li met her gaze, and corrected solemnly, "Mother, A Li is not silent, A Li left a note for Uncle Cang Jin."

"What if the note is blown away by the wind? Wouldn't Cangjin want to look for you all over the street?" Feng Qingcheng raised her eyebrows, "Cangjin is busy enough now, you are not giving him any peace of mind."

Cang Li pursed his lips, bowed his head and admitted his mistake, "Mother taught you the right thing, Ah Li will pay attention to it in the future. But Ah Li left several notes, which are still pressed under the inkstone, and they will definitely not be blown away by the wind. .”

This little ghost!

Feng Qingcheng shook her head helplessly, "Okay, since you have come out now, you must obey your mother's command in everything. If you are not obedient, I will be the first to find someone to send you back home!"

Cang Li patted his small chest and assured, "Mother, don't worry, wherever you are, Ah Li will be there, and you will never run around!"

"Okay, then I'll wait to see your performance."

In fact, Feng Qingcheng had already prepared the worst plan in her heart for leaving the mansion this time, but now that A Li is also gone, she must ensure his personal safety, and must take him safe and sound. go back.

"Okay, there is still a long way to go to the next stop, you should take a rest."

Cang Li looked at her, blinked his big eyes twice, "Mother, Ah Li wants to hug you to sleep, can I?"

Feng Qingcheng patted the empty seat beside her, "Come over here."

"Okay!" Cang Li immediately sat down on the empty seat next to her, hugged her arms with two small arms, found a comfortable position and closed his eyes.

Feng Qingcheng looked down at his immature and fair face, and sighed silently.

Everything about going to the Mountain of No Return this time is unknown, I hope those rumors are all groundless, and nothing goes wrong.

If Ah Li made any mistake, after Cang Yanlei woke up, she would have no way to explain it.


Rui Wangfu.

After sending Feng Qingcheng away, Biyue Xiuhua returned to Xiyuan.

She was going to visit Xiao Shizi, but when she walked into Xiao Shizi's room, she immediately saw a large piece of rice paper on his writing desk, and a line of words was written crookedly on the rice paper, as if she was afraid that she would see it. I don't understand, and I added a picture next to it.

Biyue picked up the paper and read it carefully, barely making out the writing on it.

Ah Li went to find his mother, don't read it.

After reading the words, Biyue's face suddenly changed, "It's not good! It's not good!"

Holding the piece of rice paper, she strode out, "Come on! It's not good!"

Not long after she ran out, she bumped into someone head-on, "Ouch!"

Due to too much momentum, she groaned and staggered back two steps.

If it wasn't for the other party's sharp eyesight and quick hands to grab her, I'm afraid she would fall to the ground on the spot.

Raising her eyes, Biyue saw Cang Jin standing in front of her at a glance, and she didn't care about whether men and women could kiss or not, so she grabbed his arm, "Commander Cang, it's not good! The little prince is going to find the princess." !"

Cang Jin's expression was condensed, his eyes fell on the 'Runaway Book' in her hand, and he slowly raised his other hand, "I already know."

Biyue immediately took the rice paper from him, and found that the content on his rice paper was almost exactly the same as the one in her hand.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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