The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 431 What kind of heart does Nanling Han'an have?

Chapter 431 What kind of heart does Nanling Han'an have?

Biyue was so anxious that she frowned tightly, "What, what can we do? So many of us have lost our little prince. If the princess finds out, she will blame us!"

Compared to her panic, Cang Jin's face was quite calm and calm, "Have you searched all over the mansion? Are you sure that the little prince is not here?"

"No in Xiyuan, since noon, I have not seen Xiao Shizi." Biyue said, suddenly remembered a very important thing, "By the way, when the princess left the mansion, Xiao Shizi did not show up. With his dependence on the princess, how could he not come to see her off? The only possibility is that the little prince had already left the mansion long before that!"

Don't look at Biyue's usual nervousness, but when encountering this kind of thing, she can analyze it clearly.

Cang Jin pondered and nodded, "Okay, I'll send someone out of the mansion to look for him now, and you guys will continue to look for him in the mansion. If there is any news, remember to notify me immediately!"


Seeing that she was looking for someone, Cang Jin didn't stay any longer, turned around and strode towards the front hall.

Before he could gather people to find the young prince, someone came to report, "Commander Cang, there is an envoy from the South Vietnam Kingdom outside the door asking to see him."

Hearing the words of Cangjin, Feng Mei couldn't help but wrinkled a little, "An envoy from the South Vietnam Kingdom?"

Their Prince Rui's Mansion and the Nanyue Kingdom have never been on the same page, so why did the other party come to visit suddenly?
With doubts in his heart, he said in a deep voice, "Please invite people in."


The envoy was sent by Nan Linghan to report the safety of the palace, and he rushed back as fast as possible.

At this time, he walked into the hall in a hurry, and took out a letter written by the prince from his arms, "Commander Cang, His Royal Highness asked me to tell you that the young prince has now joined Princess Rui, and please don't worry too much about it." .”

"Meeting?" Cang Jin's expression changed again when he heard the words, "Where are they now? I'll go pick up the young prince right away."

Where is the Mountain of No Return?
As we all know, even the mountain people who live in the vicinity dare not enter the mountain easily, Xiaoshizi is not yet four years old, if he follows him into the mountain, it will definitely be dangerous, and it will also delay their itinerary.

"Commander Cang, please rest assured, since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince approves, he will definitely protect the little prince."

The Crown Prince of Nanyue shot and killed His Highness Yuncang without hesitation on the battlefield back then. Cangli was His Highness's son. How could Nan Linghan be so kind?

Cang Jin couldn't trust this group of people at all, so he snorted lightly, "The little prince is too young, so let me go with you to bring him back."

Who knows what kind of heart Nanling Han'an has?

Maybe he was worried that Feng Qingcheng would not help them wholeheartedly, or that if only one soul-returning grass was found at that time, the two parties would have a dispute, so he took the little son together, obviously to let their mother and son go together. Maybe he wanted to use Cangli's existence to restrain Feng Qingcheng.

"If Commander Cang really doesn't trust His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, hurry up now and maybe catch up with them before tomorrow. But as for whether the young prince is willing to come back with you, it's hard to say." The Nanyue envoy actually had an opinion on Prince Rui's mansion. After all, it was thanks to Cang Yanli that their prince would be blind for three years.

When he said this, he paused for half a second, cupped his hands, "Farewell."

Cang Jin watched his leaving footsteps, and tightened his hand holding the rice paper a little bit.

Of course he wanted to pick up Xiao Shizi immediately, but he was in charge of everything in the palace now, if he left the mansion now, in case something happened, there would be no one to make the decisions.

Since Xiao Shizi is with the princess, the princess will definitely protect him no matter what happens.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, he could only stay in the palace temporarily.

Cang Jin was struggling in his heart, but he had no choice but to tighten his hand holding the rice paper, almost crumpling the paper into pieces.

 Fourth watch, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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