Chapter 451 Am I a Good Doll?

When Feng Qingcheng saw her doll in the dyeing workshop before, she was more frightened than curious, so she didn't have time to carefully see how similar her doll was to a real person.

It's rare to see that girl's doll now. Driven by curiosity, she walked closer and stared at 'it', looked left, right, up and down, no matter how she looked, she felt that 'it' was exactly like a real person.

She looked at it, and couldn't help touching the puppet with her hands, "My God, this puppet's body is actually equipped with a constant temperature system, and it's still warm?"

"What is decency? Is it delicious?"

The doll in front of her suddenly turned to ask her a question, staring straight at her with dark eyes.

"Oh my god!" Feng Qingcheng's expression changed, and she took several steps back in fright, "This, this puppet can still talk?!"

"I'm not a puppet!" The girl turned to look at her and blinked her eyes wide at the same time, "I'm a human!"

Feng Qingcheng stared at her for a few more times, and after confirming that she was the girl who escaped from the inn before, she gave her an annoyed look, "What are you doing pretending to be a puppet? Don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?" !"

The girl stuck out her tongue, curled her lips and said, "I'm bored! There's no one to play with me here, so I can only play with dolls!"

Probably because she had a full meal last night, not only did her face look much ruddy, but she even spoke much more fluently than before.

Feng Qingcheng looked at her innocent expression, put down her guard, and asked, "By the way, why are you back again?"

"I'm here to drink beef soup!" The girl pulled her to the table, pointed to the fresh beef and various ingredients on the cutting board, and said to her impatiently, "Hurry up and make me beef soup. The food is unpalatable!"

Seeing her greedy face, Feng Qingcheng smiled helplessly, "Your digestion ability is too strong, you obviously ate several bowls of noodles last night..."

But only halfway through her words, she seemed to have thought of something, and her voice suddenly stopped.

Feng Qingcheng turned her head to look at her stiffly, her eyes were full of disbelief, "No, how did you know I was going to make beef soup?"

When she was carried all the way in just now, she found that none of the guards staying in the inn had disappeared. Could it be that all of them were written by this girl?

The girl tilted her head to meet her questioning eyes, her expression looked confused and innocent, "Didn't you say you wanted to make beef soup for me?"

"It's you!" Feng Qingcheng's pupils were shocked, and she looked at her with a look of shock, "So you are the owner of that dyeing workshop! You made all these dolls?"

No wonder the three of them went to the dyeing workshop the night before, and a doll that looked exactly like them appeared there today. She thought the owner of the doll was so powerful, but it turned out that she had been in close contact with A Li and herself. .

The girl didn't see the sharp hostility in her eyes, and nodded her head vigorously, her tone was a little proud and proud, "Yes, I made them all, do you think they look like real people? Are the dolls I made really good?" Great?"

Feng Qingcheng pinched her shoulders with both hands, and said in a deep voice, "Why did you do this? Why did you use the faces of me and A Li as puppets? Tell me! What is your purpose? Who else is behind this scene? What exactly do you want to do?"

"Let me go!" The girl's complexion changed, seeing that she was holding her hand tighter and tighter, she gritted her teeth and pushed the cutting board on the table hard.

The motionless puppets in the kitchen suddenly seemed to hear some kind of order, their limbs and necks moved, and they all approached in the direction of Feng Qingcheng.

 Four more, thank you little fairy [Watching Fleeting Years with You] for your reward, please vote~
(End of this chapter)

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