The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 452 Will you still make beef soup for me?

Chapter 452 Will you still make beef soup for me?
Feng Qingcheng's expression darkened, and he reacted quickly. He blocked the girl in front of him, and at the same time raised his right hand to strangle her throat, "Let them all retreat, or I will strangle you to death!"

The girl was obviously frightened by the ferocious expression on her face, and replied angrily, "You are a bad person! You don't mean anything, and you said you would make beef soup for me! Bad person!"

Feng Qingcheng really didn't expect that beef soup was what she was thinking about at this time, but this girl didn't seem to have any evil intentions, after all, although she caught them, she didn't really want to hurt them.

After pondering for a moment, Feng Qingcheng said again, "It's very simple if you want to drink beef soup, you have to answer a few questions for me first."

The girl seemed to be thinking only about food, "Would you be able to make beef soup after answering?"

"Yes." Feng Qingcheng didn't hesitate, and asked straight to the point, "You made all these puppets by yourself?"

The girl nodded, "Yes, I did it."

"Apart from you, how many people are there in this town?" Feng Qingcheng was afraid that she would not understand, so she paused and added, "I mean the living."

"Just me."

Feng Qingcheng looked condensed, and then asked, "What do you mean? You are the only living person in this town? What about the others?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then spit out two words without warmth from her mouth, "Dead."

"Dead?" Feng Qingcheng's doubts deepened, "All the people in such a town are dead?"

"Well, they're all dead."

"How did they die? And when did they die?"

"It's a plague. Two years ago, a plague killed everyone." The girl recalled the scene at the time, her shoulders trembled uncontrollably, "I'm the only one left in the whole town."

Feng Qingcheng had also read relevant historical books in her previous life. In ancient times, due to limited medical conditions, if a plague was not treated in time, it was likely to kill everyone in a village.

It's just that she became more and more puzzled, "Since the plague killed everyone, why are you okay?"

The girl shook her head, "I don't know, but I'm the only one who survived in the whole town. Because it's too boring to be alone, so I made dolls to make the town lively again."

"Didn't anyone find out about such a big incident in the whole town? Why don't you go to live in a nearby town or village, and stay alone in this town?"

Hearing this question, the girl's voice suddenly dropped, "We rarely have outsiders coming to our town, and the town is too far away from the capital, and I don't know the way by myself, so I can't go anywhere."

What she said didn't seem to be a lie. The transportation in this era is very inconvenient, and it took a whole day for the group of them to get here from the capital by horse-drawn carriage.

Moreover, carriages are a luxury for ordinary people, and they cannot be afforded casually.

After some explanations from her, Feng Qingcheng finally let go of her hostility towards her, "Since you didn't intend to hurt anyone, why did you arrest our people?"

The girl replied sternly, "Those people arrested me first, they are all bad people!"

"You misunderstood, they didn't want to arrest you, they just wanted to ask you about the situation of this town."


"Really." Feng Qingcheng let go of the hand that was pinching her, and said in a warm voice, "Now can you let my friend go?"

The girl hesitated for half a second, then nodded slightly, "Yes, but will you still make beef soup for me?"

Feng Qingcheng suddenly laughed, "Of course."

 One more, ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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