Chapter 705 This cave is so big!
Everyone knows that staying in the Mountain of No Return for one more day will bring more danger.

But right now, the Soul Returning Grass is so close, it is naturally impossible for anyone to give up at this time.

Although Nan Linghan still expressed doubts about Cangli's words, the dark clouds above the zenith were getting thicker and thicker. Seeing that the heavy rain was coming, they could only leave as soon as possible.

Once it starts to rain, it will only be more dangerous for them to stay here.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, Feng Qingcheng took another deep look at the edge of the cliff, raised her hand and said, "Let's find a place to shelter from the rain first, and come back when the rain stops."

"By the way, on the road before, I saw a cave, why not go there to hide from the rain."

The person who said this was Cang Jin. As Cang Yanli's personal bodyguard, he had strong observation skills.

Since he set out this morning, he has been observing the surrounding environment, and when he saw the cave, he paid attention to it.

But when they heard about the cave, the expressions on everyone's faces were a little subtle.

Seeing this, Cang Jin looked at Feng Qingcheng suspiciously, "Princess, did your subordinate say something wrong?"

Feng Qingcheng smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "No, it's just that we have a shadow on the cave."

As they walked down the mountain, Feng Qingcheng told him about the vampire bat he had encountered in the cave.

After Cang Jin heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little terrified, "In this case, we can only find another place to shelter from the rain."

"It's too late." Feng Qingcheng shook her head, and continued, "Besides, not every cave is a bat nest."

"Yes, yes, Dabai and they also live in caves!" Cang Li immediately took the words, thought for a while and said, "Dabai's caves where they live are big and spacious, great!"

Cang Jin was silent for a moment, "..."

The nest of pythons and the lair of poisonous bats, it seems that no matter which one they encounter, they are enough to make people feel uncomfortable.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Feng Qingcheng couldn't help laughing, "Everyone, don't make the atmosphere so dignified. In fact, there are many caves in the mountains that are formed naturally, and there are no scary things living in them. We ran into poisonous bats before. It's purely bad luck, but people don't have bad luck every time, right?"

After Feng Qingcheng said this, she turned to look at the people behind her and asked for their opinions, "It will rain soon, do you think you should continue down the mountain, or go to Cangjin and see that cave to hide from the rain?"

Nan Linghan pondered and replied, "Hide out of the rain, the mountain road is especially unsafe during heavy rain, and going down the mountain by force is likely to be dangerous."

Feng Qingcheng nodded, "I agree with you, what about the others? Do you have any different opinions?"

"I also agree to take shelter from the rain! The wind is so strong that I'm almost freezing to death!" Murphy also raised her hand to express her opinion. Just as she finished speaking, a gust of wind blew up, making her shiver again.

"Go hide from the rain, everyone should be tired."

Feng Qingcheng consulted everyone's opinions, "Since everyone agrees, then go hide from the rain, Cangjin, take us to that cave."

"it is good."

Therefore, Cang Jin led the way, and the others followed closely behind him.

Not long after they walked, they stopped at the entrance of a huge cave.

"Wow!" Mo Fei looked at the hole in front of him and couldn't help opening his mouth, "This cave is so big!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the same voice came from the cave——

The cave is so big!
so big!
Murphy jumped up excitedly, "Oh my God! I can still hear my echo, let's go in!"

Since the echo can be heard, it means that the cave is very deep, and it is not known if there are any strange creatures dormant in such a cave.

 One more!
(End of this chapter)

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