The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 706 But, why do I think talent is the scariest thing?

Chapter 706 But, why do I think talent is the scariest thing?
Feng Qingcheng thought secretly in her heart, then turned her head to look at the darkening sky, her heart froze, and she said, "Let's go into the cave."

Anyway, they had already reached the entrance of the cave, and they had no room for repentance at this time, not to mention, she would rather enter the cave than to be drenched in water.

"Let's go, let's go in, who knows if there will be more terrifying beasts outside!"

As Murphy said, he walked into the hole with his legs first.

Feng Qingcheng couldn't help laughing after listening to her words.

That's right, after staying in the Mountain of No Return for so many days, they were frightened by wild beasts and became more and more timid, even worse than a little girl.

Murphy seems heartless, but he is more transparent than anyone else.

Even if you stay outside in the wind and rain, who can guarantee that it is absolutely safe?
Without any further hesitation, everyone strode into the cave.

And the moment they entered the cave, a thunderbolt suddenly flashed across the sky.


The lightning was so bright that it seemed to tear the entire sky in half.

"Thunder is terrible! Fortunately, I came in early!"

Murphy shrank his neck and glanced outside the cave, only to see the bushes and weeds not far away were blown to this side by the wind.

Immediately, big raindrops fell from the sky and hit the ground crackling.

There was a lot of thunder and rain outside, and everyone was lucky that they hid in the cave in time.

Just as they were standing at the entrance of the cave watching the torrential rain outside, a crisp voice suddenly sounded from behind them with doubts, "Hey, why is there a firewood pile here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but startled, and turned their heads subconsciously.

The light in the cave was very dim, and they were all watching the torrential rain outside, but didn't notice what was going on inside.

At this time, they heard Cang Li's voice and looked in his direction.

Sure enough, he found a pile of unburned firewood at his feet.

The fire should have been extinguished artificially, because when you get close, you can even smell the smell of wood when the firewood is burning.

So, it was clear that the firewood had not been extinguished for long.

Feng Qingcheng stood still in front of the fire, her eyes fell on the fire, and after a moment of silence, she said slowly, "There should be another wave of people in this cave."

Cangjin became alert immediately, and involuntarily grasped the sword at his waist with his right hand, "Princess, do we want to..."

Hearing his guarded voice, Feng Qingcheng spoke again and interrupted him, "Everyone, don't be a warlord. At least we should be thankful that there is nothing terrible in this cave."

As soon as she finished speaking, Murphy suddenly muttered, "But, why do I think people are the scariest thing?"

As soon as she said this, everyone fell silent at the same time. There was no sound in the cave, only the sound of the storm outside could be heard.

After a moment of silence, everyone couldn't help laughing, "Yeah, we've been worried about encountering a beast but forgot that those who hide behind the beast and attack secretly are the scariest!"

Nan Linghan frowned, and his eyes fell on the pile of dry firewood, "Since the fire has not been extinguished for a long time, does that mean they are still in this cave?"

Feng Qingcheng didn't deny it, but just replied lightly, "Our top priority now is to have a good rest."

As she spoke, she took out the fire pocket from her bosom and lit the pile of firewood again.

At the moment when the fire was lit, the strings that had been tense in everyone's minds relaxed a little bit.

Yes, along the way, they have experienced too many battles, and now they are cold and tired, and they really don't have the extra energy to secretly compete with the group of people hiding in the dark.

 Two more!
(End of this chapter)

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