The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 709 Why is he so unlucky!

Chapter 709 Why is he so unlucky!
For a hungry person, smelling the meat but not being able to eat it is more painful than killing him.

Yan Wushuang swallowed, feeling extremely entangled in his heart, when he turned his head to look at the other two people, he found that one of them closed their eyes and rested their minds, and the other was concentrating on sitting in meditation, they were actually indifferent to such a scent.

How is this possible?
Is he the only one with poor concentration?

Yan Wushuang gritted her teeth, sat cross-legged on the ground, and closed her eyes just like them.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, countless delicacies appeared in his mind.

There are roast suckling pig, roast goose, eight-treasure duck, and savory sauce-flavored beef.

No no no!

The more he thought about it, the hungrier he became, so hungry that he couldn't stand it!
Yan Wushuang simply got up from the ground again, seeing the other two people still maintained the same posture just now, like a rock, he rolled his eyes and decided to go to the other side of the cave to find out.

Yan Wushuang tiptoedly opened her legs, and slowly moved to the other end following the aroma of roasted rabbit meat.

His back was tightly pressed against the cave wall, and he took every step with extra care.

The deeper you go into the cave, the more intense the aroma of barbecue. Yan Wushuang smelled the aroma with a hungry stomach, and she was suffering both mentally and physically.

If it doesn't work, it's also good to ask for some leftovers to cushion the stomach.

Yan Wushuang felt that her legs were almost unsteady, she supported the rock on the cave wall with her palms, and continued to walk forward.

This cave is very deep and long, the more you go inside, the quieter it gets, Yan Wushuang only feels a chill rushing over his face, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on his body for no reason.

When he passed through this section of the cave just now, he didn't feel how scary the cave was, but now, even his back was gradually covered with cold sweat.

Yan Wushuang was wondering in his heart, when he suddenly heard someone talking and laughing from a distance ahead, such a warm atmosphere had never been seen in their team.

Yan Wushuang's heart moved slightly, and she couldn't help speeding up her pace.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly bumped into an ice wall head-on.


Unprepared, Yan Wushuang staggered back a few steps before stabilizing her figure.

"Why is there a wall in this place all of a sudden?"

He complained in a low voice, raised his eyes, and when his eyes met a pair of biying vertical pupils, Yan Wushuang felt that the sweat pores all over his body stood up.

He had seen a giant python before, so he naturally guessed what the cold and icy 'wall' he hit just now was.

It's a snake!python!
Even though the cave was dark and dark and couldn't see clearly, Yan Wushuang knew very well that the python coiled here was the red python that strangled the giant piebald python last night.

The toxicity of the red python is more poisonous than that of the piebald python!
He, he, why is he so unlucky!
Obviously just want to go ahead to see if there is any leftover rabbit meat to eat, but now it will become someone else's ration?

Yan Wushuang held her breath and looked at Dabai for a few seconds. At this moment, another python swam beside Dabai.

When he saw the four green vertical pupils like will-o'-the-wisps, he couldn't care about anything else, and turned around and ran away.

However, he was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he stumbled when he ran, almost rolling and crawling.

Fortunately, the two pythons had no intention of eating him, nor did they catch up, so he narrowly escaped death!

Yan Wushuang returned along the original road, and rushed back to the other end of the cave in one breath.

He saw Feng Qingyin and Liu Siyuan sitting there motionless, the heart that had been raised in the throat before falling back to its original position.

However, he was still a little uneasy, turned his head and looked behind him, for fear that the python would chase after him!
 One more!
(End of this chapter)

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