The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 710 Could it be that they will hold the returning soul grass and wait for them to grab it?

Chapter 710 Could it be that they will hold the returning soul grass and wait for them to grab it?
Yan Wushuang managed to catch his breath, swallowed his saliva, pointed to the dark cave behind him in shock, and hurriedly said to the other two, "Python, python, python! There are pythons in this cave! Should we leave here?"

He had never lost his composure like this in his life, but when facing the python, he really couldn't keep his composure!
People who have never had close contact with giant pythons can't understand that kind of fear!

The moment he looked at the boa constrictor's fist-sized vertical pupils, his heart really stopped suddenly, and he felt as if he was a dead person!
Listening to the disordered breathing in her ears, Feng Qingyin slowly opened her eyes, and glanced at him, "It's not like I've never seen a python before, so why are you so scared?"

Yan Wushuangjun's face was completely bloodless, and his arms were still trembling uncontrollably, "So what if you've seen it before? That's a python that can swallow people in one bite! I'm not going to play anymore, sir! I want to go home!"

Feng Qingyin saw that he seemed to have frightened the boa constrictor out of her wits, she snorted lightly, and didn't want to keep him at all, "Fine, if you want to leave, you can leave anytime! We will never stop you!"

Yan Wushuang raised her head and took a look outside. The rain was still falling, showing no intention of stopping.

It was windy and rainy, and from time to time there was cold wind pouring in from the entrance of the cave. Let alone going out, even if you stood a little further forward and your clothes were wet by the rain, you would feel very uncomfortable.

Besides, if he went alone and encountered other pythons in the forest, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

Thinking of this, Yan Wushuang sat back slowly, "I won't leave, I will stay here and not go anywhere!"

Liu Siyuan slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at him with a bit of contempt, "Look at how promising you are, a boa constrictor scares you like this?"

Yan Wushuang snorted unceremoniously, and replied, "You are not afraid to go and have a look! That python is thicker than my waist! Swallowing one or two of me alive is completely out of the question, you just sit here and talk No back pain!"

"Okay! Stop arguing!"

Feng Qingyin was annoyed by the quarrel between these two big men, she frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Instead of talking nonsense here, you should think about it carefully, where are we going after the rain stops? Are we following secretly?" Feng Qingcheng and the others, should they find another way to survive and find the soul returning grass?"

"I think we should go our separate ways!" Yan Wushuang now just thinks of the touch of colliding with the boa constrictor just now and makes his whole body shudder, he naturally doesn't want to collide with Feng Qingcheng and the others.

And Liu Siyuan thought for a while, and then replied, "I think that since we have come to this point, it is better to follow Feng Qingcheng and the others secretly, and wait to reap the benefits."

Feng Qingcheng's group came here with a very clear goal, which was to get the Soul Returning Grass.

But now that they have two more pythons to help them, it must be easier to find the Soul Returning Grass than the three of them.

That being the case, why should they bother to find it themselves?

Wait until they find it, and then find a way to snatch it, right?
This way of looking at him was exactly what Feng Qingyin wanted, and the two coincided with each other.

Feng Qingyin narrowed her eyes, nodded slowly and said, "Your words are very reasonable, let's rest well and make preparations, and wait for them to find the Soul Returning Grass successfully before we act!"

"it is good!"

Listening to what the two of them said, Yan Wushuang really wanted to roll her eyes, are they fools like Feng Qingcheng?
Could it be that he would hold the soul returning grass and wait for them to grab it?
There are many people on Feng Qingcheng's side, and there are two pythons to help out. How could the three of them be their opponents?

 Two more!
(End of this chapter)

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