The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 711 Dabai No matter how you say it, I also raised it with my own hands!

Chapter 711 Dabai No matter how you say it, I also raised it with my own hands!

It's not that Yan Wushuang is worrying unnecessarily, but because he sees it too thoroughly, that's why he thinks their plan is ridiculous.

He admitted that Feng Qingyin's witchcraft is very strong, but Feng Qingcheng is not a vegetarian. The scene of her dealing with the giant python is still vivid in his memory. Such a powerful force is no longer something ordinary people like them can contend with.

However, he basically has no right to speak in this team.

After all, Feng Qingyin saved his life. If it wasn't for this woman, he still doesn't know which mass grave he would be thrown into!
Therefore, even if he knew that the path she chose was an unwise one, he could only follow.

"Okay, as long as you are happy."

Yan Wushuang felt that along the way, he was probably the only one who was tempered into a Buddhist temperament.

Let everything go with the flow, whichever step you can go is which step.

The final battle with Feng Qingcheng and their team is definitely unavoidable. Anyway, his life was snatched from God, so he can live one day longer.

However, he hoped that even if he was going to die in the end, he would never be bitten to death by a python!

Feng Qingyin glanced sideways at him slightly, and asked indifferently, "Did you see when you went over there just now, how many of them are left?"

"No." Yan Wushuang met her gaze and sighed, "You don't even care about whether I was bitten by a python? I ran into those two pythons just now, and I was so frightened that my soul flew away. Look further ahead?"

After Feng Qingyin listened to his words, she raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and asked calmly, "Is it Dabai?"

"Ah?" Yan Wushuang didn't understand what she meant, raised her hand and scratched her forehead twice, and said again, "It was too dark in the cave just now, I only saw the eyes of two giant pythons so big!"

"Don't worry, Dabai will not take the initiative to attack without the master's order, unless it senses that you are aggressive, or threatens the person it wants to protect."

What Feng Qingyin said made no sense, and Yan Wushuang was confused, "What's so clear? Why do you want to protect people? Why didn't I understand a single word?"

Feng Qingyin's red lips hooked slightly behind her veil, and a cold light flashed in her eyes, "You don't need to understand, you just need to know that although those two pythons are now in Feng Qingcheng's team, when necessary, they It may also become our secret weapon!"

Hearing this, Liu Siyuan couldn't help but a look of joy flashed across his face, "So, those two pythons can be controlled by you just like the giant python last night, right?"

Having said this, he paused slightly, and said again, "But you already spent too much energy controlling the giant pythons yesterday. If you force them to control them again, will it cause any harm to your body?"

After all, Feng Qingyin had a backlash in front of them, so he was very worried that her body would not be able to bear it.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what, Dabai was raised by me with my own hands. My blood is still flowing in its body. I can still command it without witchcraft!" Feng Qingyin made the poison in Dabai's body stronger. She personally feeds it with her own blood, such kindness, she believes that Dabai will remember it in her heart.

However, she completely forgot how she wanted to kill Dabai herself in the forbidden area of ​​Prince Rui's Mansion.

Listening to their conversation, Yan Wushuang finally caught some clues, "So you have such a relationship with those two boa constrictors! Then I can rest assured, at least it won't eat me!"

 Three shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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