The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 712 Throw it away like trash!

Chapter 712 Discarded like trash!
After Feng Qingyin listened to his words, she raised her red lips again, and reminded lightly, "But don't be too happy too soon, Dabai is now bewitched by Feng Qingcheng, it's hard to say whether he still recognizes me as his former master."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Wushuang's handsome face, which was originally relieved, suddenly collapsed again, "Ah? Isn't it? So, it is still possible for that python to eat me?"

Waiting for the rain to stop in the cave is indeed a boring and uninteresting thing. Seeing that he lacks common sense, Feng Qingyin couldn't help saying, "Actually, if a python swallows an adult like you, it will take at least a week to digest it." It can completely digest you. So, you don’t have to worry about it treating you as food.”

"That's fine, that's fine."

However, before Yan Wushuang could breathe a sigh of relief, Feng Qingyin continued, "However, just like the giant python swallowing people before, if you are targeted by it, it will probably swallow you up. After it suffocates to death in its stomach, it spits you out and throws you away like garbage."

Seeing her say this with a gloomy expression on her face, Yan Wushuang shuddered, "Can you stop scaring me like this?"

"I'm just explaining the facts. I hope that when you really meet Dabai, don't take it lightly. You won't even know how you died."

Yan Wushuang raised her hand and stroked her forehead, "Forget it, I'd better sleep for a while. If I'm doomed to die, I might as well accept it calmly."

Feng Qingyin didn't bother to talk to him anymore and closed her eyes again.

Liu Siyuan was right in saying a word, she had indeed expended too much energy in order to control the giant python, she had to rest well before officially facing Feng Qingcheng face to face!
On the other side of the cave, Feng Qingcheng and the others sat around the fire and chatted while eating roasted rabbit meat, and the time became less difficult.

The torrential rain has never stopped, and they are no longer anxious, and began to perform various talent shows to pass the time.

At this time, Feng Qingcheng was holding a wooden stick in her hand. She raised the wooden stick up, and then threw it on the ground, only to see that the marked end of the wooden stick was pointing directly at Cang Yanli.

Feng Qingcheng immediately said, "It's your turn, it's your turn to perform this time."

Just now she was very unlucky, every time she was transferred to acting talent, she actually didn't have much talent, she could only sing, and she could sing so well that she couldn't even sing, now it was finally Cang Yanli's turn, she had to abuse him.

Cang Yanlei glanced at her, slightly pursed his lips, "I don't know how to sing."

"It doesn't have to be everyone who sings, you can act something else."

"Others?" Cang Yanwei frowned, and after pondering for a moment, asked, "I dance sword, can I?"

"Yes!" Feng Qingcheng nodded, and raised her finger to the open space next to her, "Please."

Cang Yanlei borrowed the long sword from Cang Jin, but he didn't twist it, and started to dance with the sword as soon as he got up.

The sword moves are like flowing clouds and flowing water, with a heroic posture and a powerful aura, as if one person can defeat thousands of troops.

He was originally in good shape, and the appearance of dancing with a long sword in his hand was really seductive.

Feng Qingcheng rested her eyes on her chin, watching with great concentration.

After he finished dancing, Feng Qingcheng took the lead in applauding, "Good! Beautiful!"

When the man came back and sat down, Murphy couldn't wait to say, "Come on! Let's continue playing!"

As a result, the stick fell and pointed right at her.

"Well, let me tell you a story."

"Murphy, are you going to tell ghost stories again?"

"how do you know?"

"You tell ghost stories every time you are drawn, can you change it to a new trick?"

"I can't do anything else."

"But the ghost stories you tell are not scary at all, and we will still laugh."

"Then take it as a joke!"

As soon as he said this, everyone couldn't help laughing,
It was still raining heavily outside, but the cave they were in was very warm...

 Four shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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