Chapter 718 Make us powerless?
"Old Liu, I have no strength at all. Look at you, can you still stand up?"

"Didn't you just lean on the stone wall and sleep all night, so why can't you stand up?" Seeing the exaggerated expression on Yan Wushuang's face, Liu Yuansi couldn't help but snorted, "I'm sure it's fine, why can't you stand up if you're good... …Ouch!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he slammed the whole person on the ground.

Seeing him like this, Yan Wushuang's expression became tense again, "Old Liu, are you okay? What's the matter?"

Liu Siyuan frowned tightly, looked down at his palm, and said solemnly, "I can't seem to stand up anymore!"

This was the expected result, Yan Wushuang couldn't help being startled when she heard what he said, "Do you feel like me that your legs are weak and your whole body is weak?"

"Yes." Liu Siyuan nodded, and the doubts in his heart became even more serious, "What's wrong with us?"

"I don't know either." Yan Wushuang rubbed her chin and said coolly, "But since that woman is not here, I guess it has something to do with her."

"You mean... Ah Yin?"

Although Feng Qingyin had told Liu Siyuan before that he could call her by her name, Liu Siyuan had never called her that way.

Her aura is too strong, and she is too alienated from others. In his eyes, he can't help but feel that she is superior and he is just her servant.

At this time, Feng Qingyin was not around, so he called out the name that he had silently called many times in his heart again.

"A Yin?" Yan Wushuang raised her eyes when she heard this strange name, leaning on the wall and slowly moving towards him, "Is this her name?"

"En." Liu Siyuan responded, and didn't continue talking, as if he didn't want to continue this topic.

"You knew this woman earlier than me. Tell me who she is? And where did she learn this terrible witchcraft?" Yan Wushuang was full of doubts in her heart. I couldn't wait to pick up Feng Qingyin's old background, "I heard that only women from the Feng family are qualified to practice witchcraft in Yun Cang. Is she from the Feng family? Also, have you ever seen her?" Her real face behind the veil? Is it beautiful or ugly?"

Facing his series of questions, Liu Siyuan gave him a blank look, "Shouldn't we be clear about our situation now? If we don't find a way to recover our strength, I'm afraid we will become the prey of wild beasts in the woods soon .”

Yan Wushuang had long since had enough of not returning to the mountain, if he didn't owe Feng Qingyin his life, he would never have come to such a ghostly place given his personality.

After listening to Liu Siyuan's words, his expression became serious, and he said depressedly, "I don't even know why we became like this, what do you want me to do?"

Speaking of this, something flashed through his mind, and he grabbed Liu Siyuan's arm, "Tell me, does this have anything to do with that woman? As soon as we woke up, she disappeared. Could it be her?" What did you do to us?"

"Impossible!" Liu Siyuan opened his mouth to reject his speculation, "She saved our lives, so what reason does she have to make us powerless?"

"Old Liu, please be sober! Haven't you seen what she is like through this journey?" Yan Wushuang said in a deep voice with a condensed expression on her brows, "I understand that she saved us just because she wanted to save us. Let us work for her! Now that the Soul Returning Grass is in front of her eyes, she no longer needs us, so she will naturally throw us away like trash!"

 Two more!
(End of this chapter)

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