The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 719 You can't just sit here and wait to die!

Chapter 719 You can't just sit here and wait to die!
"No! She won't do that!" Liu Siyuan shook his head heavily, in his heart Feng Qingyin was the Bai Yueguang who saved him from the fire and water.

If it wasn't for her, he might still be lying on the bed at home, giving up on himself all day long, and even choosing to commit suicide because he couldn't bear the mental torture.

It was she who gave him a healthy body, it was she who gave him more flexible legs, and it was she who rekindled his hope for life, so he didn't believe Yan Wushuang's conjecture!Don't even believe a single punctuation mark!
Yan Wushuang looked at his blind adoration, and sighed helplessly, "I know she is kind to you, of course, I don't deny that she is kind to me, but if you think about it carefully, from Luo What did Shuizhen do all the way to Mount No Return? Don’t you remember the corpses of those fourteen little girls? At the beginning, she instigated the villagers to abandon such small children in the coffin of Yizhuang Here, it was she who used witchcraft to make the villagers obey her! And at the foot of the mountain of no return, she treated Ah Li..."

"Enough! Stop talking!"

Hearing his cold shout, Yan Wushuang twitched the corners of her mouth, "Actually, you have already seen through all this in your heart, but you just don't want to admit it."

Speaking of this, he sighed again, "But it's useless to pursue her crimes now. We should make plans for ourselves and think about how to protect ourselves and how to get out of here."

"Leave? Don't do it for the time being." Liu Siyuan's face has regained his composure. He raised his eyes to look at the sunlight falling outside, and continued, "Until our physical strength recovers, we'd better not act rashly, otherwise we will be easily caught by the people in this forest." The beast took advantage of it."

Yan Wushuang touched his empty stomach and wailed, "I'm almost starving to death now, if I keep doing this, my physical strength won't recover in 800 years."

"Don't you have a better idea?"

Yan Wushuang rolled her eyes, pointed to the depths of the cave and said to him, "How about we go over there and have a look?"

"You're crazy!" Liu Siyuan's face suddenly changed when he heard that, "If we meet Feng Qingcheng's group, they will probably crush us!"

After all, along the way, they secretly tripped up Feng Qingcheng and his group a lot, and even killed their companions because of it.

If it really fell into their hands, would there be a way out?
Hearing what he said, Yan Wushuang couldn't help retorting, "You haven't met them before, how do you know they will kill us? Anyway, I think they are more reliable than that woman!"

"That's not OK!"

Seeing that Liu Siyuan refused to let go, Yan Wushuang tried hard to listen to the movement at the other end of the cave, rolled her eyes, and said, "There seems to be no sound at the other end of the cave. I guess they may have already left, why don't we go there quietly?" Take a look."

In fact, his main purpose was to see if there was any rabbit meat left by Feng Qingcheng and the others last night, even if it was leftovers.

Seeing that he was in such good spirits, Liu Siyuan asked, "What? Your physical strength has recovered?"

"No, then you can't just sit here and wait to die! You have to do something."

As he said that, Yan Wushuang dragged him vigorously with both hands, dragging him up from the ground, "Ouch! You used to be able to drag ten of them, but now I just pull it like this, and I feel like my old life is almost dead. Already!"

Yan Wushuang supported the stone wall with both hands and gasped for breath. It took him a long time to recover, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's go, let's go to the other side to have a look!"

 Three shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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