The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 731 Let's see who finds the witch first!

Chapter 731 Let's see who finds the witch first!
Cangjin brought a rope in his luggage, and it happened to be useful now.

They tied the rope to a pine tree on the edge of the cliff, and then went down one by one. The cliff here was so high that there was no way for the bottom of the rope to reach the bottom of the cliff.

Cang Yanli was the first to go down, and from this height he could already see the dense trees at the bottom of the cliff.

After pursing his lips and thinking for a moment, he put his toes on the rock wall, let go of the rope, and flew down with the help of the dense tree canopy as a buffer, and soon landed on the top of the cliff.

After his feet hit the ground, he searched around and found a few red python scales on the ground.

It can be seen from this that after Dabai fell from the top of the cliff, he did fall on this place.

Cang Yanlei frowned, and continued to look down, and sure enough, not far away, he found the two big trees that were destroyed when the python fell down.

Both the branches and the trunk were broken, and the blood stains left on the trunk could still be seen faintly.

Since Dabai was cushioned by the tree canopy when it fell, it could alleviate the huge dive force when it fell, and since there was no dead body around it, it is very likely that it is still alive!

Cang Yanwei thought about it, and continued to search. It didn't take long before he found a big tree with many broken branches falling down.

It can be seen from the traces of the broken branches that all the fractures are new.

It seems that Feng Qingyin fell here!
With a sweep of his gaze, he easily found a pool of bloodstains on the ground.

Not only that, he also saw a piece of gray cloth hanging on one of the branches, which was obviously from Feng Qingyin's clothes.

So she didn't die either?

However, Feng Qingyin was seriously injured by Nan Linghan before she fell off the cliff. Even if she still had breath now, she should be dying.

However, after walking along the bloodstains for more than ten meters, he unexpectedly found that the bloodstains were broken.

strangeness!Feng Qingyin was so seriously injured, where else could she go?

Standing where the bloodstains were interrupted, Cang Yanli slowly narrowed his eyes and pondered.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind him, and Cang Yanli's expression turned serious, "Who?"

"it's me!"

It was Murphy who came, and all of them had already climbed down from the top of the cliff along the rope.

When he got closer, Murphy waved at him and asked, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Cang Yanlei looked sideways, met her questioning gaze, and replied calmly, "Although Dabai and Feng Qingyin both fell off the cliff, they should still be alive."

"Still alive? Wow, that demon girl is too scary, even falling from such a high ground won't kill her?" Murphy smacked his lips and said, "Then what should we do now? Should we go find her separately? "

Cang Yanling responded, and said calmly, "When everyone else comes over, we will discuss how to find her whereabouts."

Feng Qingyin is too cunning, and her witchcraft is so evil, even if she has been seriously injured, she still can't be careless.

After everyone had arrived, Cang Yanwei held up a few snake scales he had picked up from the ground in front of everyone, "I checked around just now and found a lot of snake scales left on the ground, Dabai should still be alive, As for Feng Qingyin, I haven't found her body either."

"That is to say, that witch is still alive?" Mo Yebai clicked his tongue lightly and shook his head, "This kind of witch who can't be killed is really troublesome! But she is seriously injured now, so she must not be far away. Let's hurry up and find her. She, let her be executed on the spot!"

Murphy immediately raised his hands in agreement, "Great idea! Why don't we compete and see who can find the witch first!"

 Three shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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