The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 732 Are you planning to fight with me?

Chapter 732 Are you planning to fight with me?

Nan Linghan glanced at the two brothers and sisters, and reminded lightly, "Since the demon girl is so evil, everyone should be more careful."

"That's right!" Mo Fei nodded vigorously, and agreed, "This demon girl is really evil, she can't fall off such a high cliff to her death! She looks like a monster!"

While they were talking, Cang Yanlei glanced behind them and asked, "Where are Dahei and Ah Li?"

Cangjin was the last one to come down. Hearing his question, he replied, "Please rest assured, Your Highness, Dahei has already brought the princess down, and he is resting under the tree on the top of the cliff, and Ah Li is guarding over there!"

When Cang Yanlei heard this, the look in his eyes softened a little, "This forest is too big, why don't we go find it separately, the demon girl will not be able to run far if she is seriously injured!"

Then, he pointed to the bloodstain on the ground again, "This bloodstain should be left by the witch, she must have been here just now!"

"Then let's start from here!"

"Okay, everyone pay attention, once you find the whereabouts of the witch, immediately notify everyone, don't be a hero, that witch has a lot of tricks!"

Nan Linghan nodded, "Okay, let's find each other separately."

So, several of them searched in different directions.

Only Cang Yanli remained standing there without moving, looking down at the pool of bloodstains that suddenly disappeared on the ground, his thin lips tightened little by little.

They came down not long after Feng Qingyin fell off the cliff. Logically speaking, Feng Qingyin shouldn't have much time to escape, let alone she suffered such serious injuries?
Well, there is only one possibility.

Cang Yanwei slowly raised his head and looked towards the canopy of the tree above his head.

Sure enough, at a glance, he met a pair of green vertical pupils.

The boa constrictor wrapped its long snake body around the branch, and around its tail was a woman in a gray robe.

The giant python and Feng Qingyin that disappeared at the bottom of the cliff are all here, on this big tree.

Da Baigang had been carefully hiding his huge body, but he was still discovered by Cang Yanli.

At this time, it spat a snake letter at Cang Yanlei, as if warning him.

Cang Yanlei glanced at the woman with the curled tail, coldly pursed her thin lips, "Dabai, this woman pushed you off the cliff with your own hands last night, and you are still protecting her like this until now. What do you mean? Do you have no dignity as snakes? You have already died twice for it, isn’t that enough?”

"Hey! Hiss!"

Dabai stared at him, and continued to spit out snake letters, making a sound that only snakes could understand.

Cang Yanli didn't know why it did this, but it frowned tightly, "Put her down, while I can still talk."

"Hey! Hiss!"

Dabai didn't move, and still maintained the posture just now, but stretched his triangular head in his direction, as if sending some warning.

"What? If I insist on catching her, you still plan to fight with me?" Cang Yanwei's eyes were cold, and he snorted coldly, "Alright, then let me see how capable you are .”

However, before Cang Yanli had time to make a move, a hasty and delighted voice sounded beside his ears, "Dabai! Dabai!"

It was Cangli, he quickly ran under the tree, looked up at the giant python coiled on the trunk, excited, "Dabai, I knew you would be fine! Come down quickly, let me see if you are injured ?”

Seeing Cang Li, the murderous aura on Dabai's body disappeared in an instant.

It glanced at Cang Yanlei with its green vertical pupils, then continued to lie on the tree without moving hesitantly.

 Four shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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