Chapter 270 Are you going to die?
Her eyelids were getting heavier, she felt so tired, she seemed to see the shadow of her mother in her mind, she stretched out her hand, that beautiful face had a familiar smile, she didn't speak, just beckoned her over, she stretched out her hand, He wanted to hold his mother's hand, but Lingbao's shout suddenly came from his ear, and Hei Jianyu turned his head, but he didn't see any figure.

She felt a little tired, her body didn't seem to have any feeling, she moved her body, but it was so heavy, as if bound by countless iron blocks, she was too tired, so she gave up struggling, and died like this, although she couldn't rest assured Bao, but Chu Huang should help take care of her, this is their agreement.

She closed her eyes, her body sank slowly, she was stabbed in the heart, but she could still live for so long, shouldn't she die all at once?

Her thoughts slowly slackened, and Hei Jianyu vaguely felt someone swimming over, and then her body was dragged up.

who is it?

Through hazy eyes, Hei Jianyu saw a black figure. She reached out to touch him, but her body was too heavy to touch him at all. She felt a little tired, so she could only let him lead her Walk.

She actually wanted to ask, but couldn't say anything.


"What do you mean not finding it?" Chu Huang said sternly, staring at Bai Ze indifferently, almost wanting to kill him.

Mu Cang watched from the side, and saw Bai Ze lowered his head, his face was tense, and he didn't show any expression. He definitely didn't want to save people, otherwise, how could he not be saved?
"Don't be angry, maybe someone rescued her first." Mu Cang stepped forward to smooth things over, and when Chu Huang wasn't paying attention, he secretly gave Bai Ze a look.

"Who will save her? Even if someone goes, it may not be able to save her." The person who wanted to kill her was Xiao Nian, he really didn't understand, although Xiao Nian was the kind of person who had to complete the task after receiving it, but in the end Who is going to kill Kuro Jianyu?Why did Xiao Nian insist on failing to complete the task several times.

"Maybe she has companions too." She can't look at Hei Jianyu with the eyes of ordinary people. After all, she is from the second prince's side. It is impossible that she has no power. Maybe she hides a lot of secrets that they don't know. "No matter what In this way, the Ever-changing Lord is dead, and Tuoba is also angry."

Maybe Hei Jianyu will die, but after all their goal has been achieved, other things are not so important.

Chu Huang looked back at Mu Cang, although he knew that what he said was right, but he always felt empty in his heart, and felt that something was missing.

"How about Qingyu?" He pressed his forehead, maybe he should save her instead of watching her fall, but if he did, maybe she would really have no chance of surviving.

"Qingyu has already gone back, and there is no problem." Thinking of that woman Qingyu, Mu Cang felt a headache. An old woman in her 40s had a face that was only in her twenties. Every time she looked at it, she was disgusting. .

"Send someone to look for it, no matter how much time it takes, they must be brought back to me." If you want to see a person, if you want to see a dead body, he must let her come back no matter what.

"Is it really necessary?" Bai Ze didn't like Kuro Jianyu at all, he was obviously an uncertain time bomb, why did he have to keep it by his side?He really couldn't understand Chu Huang's thoughts.

"Let me find it." With decisive and irresistible words, Chu Huang pointed out the door, his eyes were firm but indifferent, Bai Ze nodded, turned and went out.


"You go too." He doesn't want to hear anything now, everything is for him to leave, he needs to be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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