Chapter 271 Waking Up In A Strange Place
Hei Jianyu felt that she had a very long dream. In the dream, there was a mother, a Lingbao, and Chu Huang. It was very warm and happy. It was a life she had never experienced before. It was because she was about to die, so Such a wonderful fantasy.

She had a smile on her lips, and her body seemed to be in pain, but because the dream was so beautiful, she was reluctant to leave, so she remained in a coma.

But her hearing gradually became clear. She heard some faint sounds, and she woke up. She didn't know how long she had been in a coma.

When he woke up, it was already dusk outside.

What caught my eye was a basket hanging on the wall with a few eggs on it, which looked like a folk house.

where is thisWhy is she here?
She wanted to turn her head, but she moved too much and accidentally pulled the wound. The pain made her gasp. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw an eagle dozing off with its head down on the shelf.

The lit candles are swaying gracefully, and the medicinal fragrance in the silver hanging box beside it is billowing, fragrant and strong.

For some reason, she suddenly felt relieved.

"Are you awake?" Someone came over with a bowl and touched her forehead, "Master said? If you don't have a fever, you will be much better."

The person who came was a girl, Hei Jianyu felt that her eyes were a little hazy, and she couldn't see her appearance clearly, but her voice was very soft, with a girl's watery feeling, sweet, waxy, very nice .

"I heard that you were shot through the heart. It was impossible to save your life, but you are lucky. The position of the heart is different from other people's. It is a little bit off, and you are from the Heijian family, so it will automatically recover. Very capable." The little girl seemed to be very good at expressing herself, and she talked a lot.

She was changing Hei Jianyu's dressing, gently unbuttoned her clothes, untied the bandage, changed into a new one, and wrapped the bandage again, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your wound is too deep, you have to recuperate for a few more days before you can get out of bed, do you know that when you first came, I was almost scared to death, I couldn't dare to look at your wound, it was really too bad. The little girl continued, "Since you are awake, drink some medicinal soup, and you will recover faster."

She took a softer pillow and put it under Hei Jianyu's body, and fed it to Hei Jianyu. She didn't stop talking, "By the way, sister, what's your name? Why did you hurt so badly?" ?”

Her voice was soft, and she felt sleepy. Hei Jianyu thought it was very interesting, so she kept listening. She felt at ease, even though the child was a bit wordy.

"Sister, will the soup be bitter?" The little girl looked at Hei Jianyu's cooperative opening of her mouth and drank all the medicine. She felt a little strange. Most people would think that these soups are bitter, and would complain to her after only a few sips. .

"How many days have I been in a coma?" She opened her mouth and took another sip of the soup. It was indeed bitter, but it was not unacceptable.

"It's been five days." After drinking the soup, the little girl put the bowl aside, "Brother Chen brought you here."

"Five days?" Has it been that long?Does Lingbao know that she is missing?Will she be worried.

Hei Jianyu was a little worried, quickly lifted the quilt, and was about to get off the bed, and left after thinking about it.

"Sister, what are you doing? You can't move yet." The little girl was startled, and hurriedly held Hei Jianyu down, "Sister, your wound will open soon, don't do this."

Hearing the movement, Hei Jianchen came in, just in time to see Hei Jianyu panting beside the bed, as if about to leave.

"Where are you going?" He came over, picked her up and put her back on the bed, "Don't move around before the injury heals.

(End of this chapter)

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