Chapter 318 Refugee 2
Hei Jianyu felt that the emperor was very incapable of doing it, partly because of this, he granted Chu Huang lands in many states and counties, in fact, in a large sense, he increased Chu Huang's power, expanded Chu Huang's territory and his guests .

If one day Chu Huang really rebelled, then Chu Huang's power would be much more difficult than the emperor imagined.

Handing the box to Ye Qirou, Hei Jianyu instructed: "This is the land deed and the shop's deed from the prince. You keep it carefully. The Houye's mansion gave you a dowry of 1 taels, and your mother saved 5000 taels for you. Return it to me." You have to pay attention to some clothes and jewelry. The Wang family only has an old mother and a younger brother. Don’t worry about being embarrassing you. But there are many other relatives. Knowing that you are Miss Hou’s family, they will inevitably pay attention to your dowry. Be careful, if you don't manage well, life will not be easy for you and Wang Xiang."

Hei Jianyu was really thinking of Ye Qirou, and reached out to touch Ye Qirou's face, "These land deeds and house deeds must be kept well, don't let people deceive you, and manage these shops carefully, your life will be easy." good."

Regarding how to deal with those poor relatives, Hei Jianyu has already told Ye Qirou in the past few days. Ye Qirou looks soft and weak, but actually has her own views.

After finishing the order, Ye Qirou went to say goodbye to Lord Marquis's room, and then got into the sedan chair supported by Xi Niang, and Li Shi and Hei Jianyu watched him off at the door.

Wang Xiang is not from the capital, nor does he have a house in the capital. He lives in Hei Jianyu's house in the east of the city.

The welcoming team hadn't gone far when there was a turmoil. A few people with shabby clothes and haggard faces broke into the welcoming team, followed by several officers and soldiers.

"Come on, catch them, don't let them run away." The head catcher ordered the people below to catch them.

The sedan chair shook for a while, Ye Qirou felt a little jolted, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous, Wang Xiang's horse was also disturbed, but fortunately the horse was docile and didn't run away, so he calmly asked: "My lord, what's going on?" ?”

Wang Xiang was probably the only groom who could be so calm when he was interrupted to greet his relatives. The place where the accident happened was very close to the Yongle Hou Mansion. Seeing this, Mrs. Li was anxious to see what was going on, but was caught by the black room. Yu pulls.

"These are all refugees from Nankun Mountain. There was a landslide on Nankun Mountain during the heavy rain a while ago, and many people died. These refugees took the opportunity to flee into the capital and are now about to be driven out." Wang Xiang is a newly promoted Tanhua who paraded in the capital , but unlike the No. [-] Scholar who can work in the capital, so not many people know him, and if he knows him, he doesn't have the heart to curry favor with him.

The official was not polite at all, and he didn't take Wang Xiang seriously at all, "These refugees may be infected with the plague and must be expelled immediately."

"But my lord, today is Wang's big wedding, I wonder if I can make it easier?" Wang Xiang cupped his hands, still very polite.

"What does your big wedding have to do with me? Come, arrest him quickly." The official didn't care about this, and immediately ordered someone to arrest him.

Usually at this time, the matchmaker would step forward to give money to the officials, and then they would earn a fortune before driving those refugees away so that they would not interfere with other people's weddings.

But before the matchmaker stepped forward, they were stopped first, and Yan Zhendong put a knife on the man's neck with a paralyzed face, "Today is the wedding of Princess Zhan and his concubine, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Yan Zhendong was majestic, he looked like a Lianjiazi at a glance, and his speech was thick and powerful, which was even more frightening.

"The prince has an order. Whoever hinders this happy event will be punished by [-]% to match the frontier." This is not an ordinary threat, especially under the banner of the prince of war, the official was so frightened that his feet went limp .

(End of this chapter)

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