Chapter 319 Lingbao's Ability

"This strong man, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, the villain is also acting impartially." He said flatteringly, and the man begged for mercy.

Yan Zhendong didn't care so much, he picked up the people, threw them aside, and then invited all the refugees to Hou Ye's mansion.

"Miss Yongle Hou Er is getting married today, please do me a favor and don't miss the auspicious time." Yan Zhendong asked his subordinates to take all the refugees away, "And everyone will go to the Hou Ye's mansion to finish the porridge and rejoice." Bar."

Those refugees heard that there was porridge to drink, and they were happy in their hearts, so they followed Yan Zhendong. Wang Xiang thanked Yan Zhendong for helping him out of the siege, thanked him, and then left.

Those refugees followed Yan Zhendong into the Yongle Hou Mansion, and as soon as they entered the door, Hei Jianyu's virus system rang immediately.

It turned out that these refugees were already infected with the plague. No wonder the officers and soldiers must drive them out. Hei Jianyu asked Yan Zhendong to take care of them. Expose them to outsiders.

Yan Zhendong agreed one by one, and Hei Jianyu couldn't wait to rush back to Zhanwang Mansion.


Lingbao and Mulian were playing in the yard when a puppy ran with them, but Lingbao suddenly turned around, raised his hands and laughed at the dog, and shouted, "Leading thunder..."

After a while, there was thunder and lightning, and a thunderbolt struck the dog's side, and Lingbao laughed loudly when he saw it, and sat on the ground with a belly laugh.

"Lingbao, what's going on with you?" Hei Jianyu was a little shocked. She had only seen Lingbao's ability twice. It was accidental, I didn't expect Lingbao to be able to control it.

"Doctor." Lingbao got up and ran to Hei Jianyu's arms. "This is my new magic trick, isn't it amazing?"

Lingbao didn't seem to know that he had such an ability, and thought he had learned magic. Mu Lian beside him was also tired, her swords were glowing red, and she was smiling happily.

"That's right, Princess, Miss's ability is really useful. We even picked up a puppy." Mu Lian raised her eyes happily, and Ling Bao rushed over to hug her. The two were very friendly.

"Well, you play first, I have something to ask the prince."

"Uncle Chu is at Guanyu Pavilion over there, don't go to Ling Yuxuan to look for the doctor." Lingbao pointed the way for her.

Chu Huang was sitting in the fish viewing pavilion, while Mu Cang was teasing the goldfish in the lake with some fish feed, watching the fish jump out of the water in order to compete for food, he felt a kind of satisfaction.

Hei Jianyu walked over, Chu Huang looked up and saw her, and waved at her, "You're back so early?"

Ye Qirou got married today, he thought she would spend more time with Li Shi in Yongle Hou Mansion, and would come back tomorrow.Chu Huang pulled Hei Jianyu to sit beside him, he saw her sweaty temples, did she run back?What the hell happened?
"What happened?" Chu Huang's voice became serious, which made Mu Cang recover from the situation of teasing the fish.

"A group of refugees flooded into the city, and they were all infected with the plague. It is estimated that the people on Nankun Mountain are in danger." The big river burst its banks and caused floods.

"Isn't this bad? If these refugees flood into the capital, they will definitely bring the plague in. What will the people in the capital do?" Once the refugees infected with the plague come in, the plague will spread, and within a few days, many people will appear in the capital. The disease is likely to spread to the palace, isn't that bad?
"Yes." That's why she came back in a hurry and told Chu Huang, "I have asked Yan Zhendong to take them to Zhuangzi outside the city. I have also told them not to contact other people casually. I want to take Dr. Wu to Nankun Mountain tomorrow. , to help the residents there, how does the prince feel?"

(End of this chapter)

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