Chapter 320

"This matter must be reported to the imperial court first. If you touch this matter rashly, once the imperial court finds out, the prince will be under great pressure." Whether it is deliberately trying to win people's hearts or something else, the imperial court will take the opportunity to suppress Chu Huang, especially the emperor. He will never let Chu Huang go.

Hei Jianyu didn't think about this, she looked at Chu Huang, Chu Huang was also a little embarrassed, he lowered his head, he didn't care about the pressure from the court, but let her deal with the plague, he was worried about whether she could handle it .

"The plague has always been severe, and the court usually slaughters villages and burns everything to prevent the plague from spreading." The court has done this for many years, because there is no way to treat these plagues. "Can you really solve the plague?"

Is he worried about her?
"My lord, even if the concubine has this ability, we can't take risks." Once infected with the plague, it will die.

He couldn't let Chu Huang take this risk.

"Tomorrow, I will ask Dr. Wu to go with you, and I will also ask Shi Hu to lead the soldiers to help build the village under Nankun Mountain." Before the situation is critical, we must quickly remedy it, otherwise, wait for a large-scale When a disaster occurs, it will be too late.

Hopefully not so many more people will die this year.

"My lord, please think twice."

Knowing Mu Cang's concerns, Hei Jianyu would not be good for Chu Huang's reputation if he rashly intervened in this matter, but if he didn't make a judgment earlier, those refugees would probably be doomed.

"Saving people is the most important thing." In a sense, Chu Huang is really a prince who loves the country and the people. He has his own righteousness and standards of measurement.

Knowing that Chu Huang has always put the people first, it is different from the understanding of ordinary people. Like the late emperor, Chu Huang loves the people like a son. He may be cold-blooded on the battlefield, but in the capital, he has always cared about the lives of the people.

If it wasn't for the people of Dongcheng, Chu Huang would probably have fought with the emperor very early on, and he would never have reached the point of being plotted against.

"Then I'll go prepare the supplies, and I'll go there with the princess tomorrow." Mu Cang stood up, and his face, which was still chattering and smiling just now, had come to his senses, "I'll let Bai Ze come back, do those spies around need to be cleaned up?"

There are a bunch of spies around the Zhanwang Mansion. Because the Zhanwang Mansion is heavily guarded, they can't get in, so they can only inquire about the news outside, but most of the news is Chu Huang's initiative. If it is too important to let people know, those spies will soon will be resolved.

"No, just let them pass it into the palace, I want to see what the emperor will do? The relationship between Chu Huang and Mu Cang is really not so good. In front of Mu Cang, they don't even call themselves king.

After getting Chu Huang's response, Mu Cang left clearly.

"Miraculous doctor Xie entered the palace today?" The queen mother pretended to be unwell, and Hei Jianyu always felt that something was wrong with letting doctor Xie enter the palace many times.

"The empress dowager is not feeling well, so I asked Dr. Xie to make a diagnosis." Chu Huang also knew that something was wrong, but it was the empress dowager's order, so he couldn't refuse it.

Hei Jianyu took a piece of pastry from the table, broke it in half, and asked, "Would you like some?"

Chu Huang opened his mouth slightly, and Hei Jianyu looked at him with black lines all over his face, and he was getting more and more aggressive. She just asked, why is he so serious?Ask her to feed him.

Handing over the pastry, watching Chu Huang take a bite, Hei Jianyu felt strangely happy, "Do you know about the Lingbao?"

The people in the palace must have told him about Li Lingbao, but what did he think?Doubt her?Still suspicious of the child's father?

Heijianyu suddenly thought of a question, why didn't Chu Huang ask Lingbao's father?It stands to reason that this is what he cares most about, right?That's not right, he doesn't care about her, why should he care about Lingbao's father?
(End of this chapter)

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