Chapter 329

Ye Houye suddenly felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He thought that the woman he loved was cheating him from the beginning to the end. He thought that the first wife who cheated on him was killed by his ignorance, and his daughter is now with him. Backsliding away.

Ye Houye wanted to say something more, but looking at Hei Jianyu, he couldn't say anything.

"I know." Seeing the remorse in Ye Houye's eyes, Hei Jianyu didn't have any other feelings, and she never had any hope for him.

For a while, neither of them spoke. Marquis Ye didn't know what to say. He had a lot of things to say, but he always felt that he had never been a competent father, and those words sounded grandiose, while Hei Jianyu was I had nothing to say to him, so I remained relatively silent.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, especially for Lord Ye.

After working for a while, Hei Jianyu left the Yongle Hou Mansion. Zheng Zhong and Jin'er accompanied her out of the city. The guards at the city gate seemed to have got the news. As soon as they saw them coming, they let them out decisively without stopping them at all.

When he was leaving the city, Hei Jianyu looked back at the city gate, the capital was probably going to be in chaos.

Hei Jianyu had an accident on the second day after he left the capital. Someone trespassed in Zhan Wang's mansion in the middle of the night to assassinate Zhan Wang Ye, killed two people on the spot, and caught an assassin.

Ling Yuxuan was covered with a gloomy and cold atmosphere, Chu Huang kept a straight face, and kept poking the desk with his index finger, making a burst of noise.

The people standing below were all worried, for fear that the master would say something terrible. Mu Cang and Bai Ze were the calmest among them, neither nervous nor afraid.

Bai Ze pursed his lips tightly, with a cold face, refusing to say anything, while Mu Cang had a serious face, much more serious than before. The subordinates who were familiar with them understood what this meant, so no one dared to speak. say.

"Where's the person?" Chu Huang finally spoke, his extremely cold voice broke through the ice, and the impact made people tremble uncontrollably.

"Dead." Mu Cang's answer was short and straightforward, and the people below were even more trembling and uneasy. Mr. Mu is looking for death. The prince is already so angry and dares to speak so bluntly. Don't you worry that the prince will kill him? him?
Those people lowered their heads, as if they were going to lower their heads into the dirt. Chu Huang raised his head, his handsome face showed a flat indifference, "Go and find out who they are."

"Yes, my subordinates will do it right away." The people below finally breathed a sigh of relief, took the task and left quickly. Just as they were about to walk out of the door, a cold voice came from behind, "If you can't find it, you don't have to come back."

Want to cry but have no tears, those guards can't describe their current mood, lord, you are threatening, how can you threaten your subordinates?
Although I feel pain in my heart, I still do it obediently.

"Miraculous doctor Xie has entered the palace again?" Mu Cang sat at the side and poured himself a cup of tea, and also poured a cup of tea for Bai Ze, "He is often summoned by the Queen Mother."

With some sarcasm, Mu Cang drank a cup of tea, and Bai Ze was picking up the cup to drink some water. When he heard Mu Cang say this, he suddenly stopped, "What do you mean? You seem to be right. Dissatisfied with this?"

The queen mother is Chu Huang's biological mother. She is not feeling well, so it is okay to call the genius doctor beside Chu Huang.

"It's nothing, I just feel that this hospital is not very good." The hospital can be said to be a place where doctors from all over the country are crowded to go in. There are good doctors in the country there, but the Queen Mother did not summon them, but summoned Dr. Xie.

"Maybe the Queen Mother is here to reminisce about the past." There is also this possibility, but Bai Ze also began to feel that things are a little strange, in a certain sense.

(End of this chapter)

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