Chapter 330 Waste
"Don't worry about it." He suddenly remembered what Hei Jianyu said. The queen mother had some problems, and some poisonous weeds were planted outside the queen mother's palace, which made him a little puzzled. What exactly happened?
Chu Huang had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't say it out, "How is the princess?"

It's amazing, in just one day, he started to miss her, and it wasn't just a little bit, it was a very uncontrollable longing, like being bitten by ants, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, but also a little bit sweet.

"No problem." At least there was no life threat, and the plague was not as terrifying as imagined. Perhaps the princess was much more powerful than imagined.

That's good, Chu Huang didn't realize that he was relieved, he had been worried that Hei Jianyu would be in danger, her identity was too special, so he couldn't be completely relieved.


"What? Failed?" In the queen mother's palace, someone was getting angry, and that person was none other than the queen mother. She threw something she picked up at the face of the person below, and said fiercely, "Didn't you say Is it foolproof? How could it fail?"

Hei Jianyu was not in Zhanwang Mansion, and many guards were taken away by Hei Jianyu.Going to Nankun Mountain to help those refugees did not kill Chu Huang, these wastes.

The Queen Mother was really angry. She stood there, gasping for breath because of her anger. The nurse next to her stepped forward to support her, patted her on the back, poured her another glass of water, and drank some water. After that, the Queen Mother got better, but she was still angry.

"How is he?" She didn't say the man's name, and the queen mother was also worried that walls have ears, and to survive in the royal family, one had to be wary of many things.

"No injuries."

"Trash." As soon as she finished speaking, the queen mother smashed a cup on his head. The bronze cup hit his head hard, and fell to the ground with a loud clang. There was sticky liquid on his forehead. As it dripped down, he smelled a bloody smell, strong and, in a sense, disgusting.

"Queen Mother, calm down, this matter cannot be rushed." Nanny patted the Queen Mother on the back, trying to comfort her.

It is not a day or two for the Queen Mother to want Chu Huang's life, but this kind of thing is really too urgent, not to mention that Chu Huang is still the kind of person who cannot be easily grasped.

"You go down." Trying to calm down, the queen mother waved that person down, she was really mad, she spent so long training them, just want Chu Huang's life, but what about them?A bunch of crap that can't do anything.

The man responded and left. He needed to clean the wound, otherwise, he might lose too much blood and die.

"You go down too." The queen mother regained her composure and let the nanny leave first.

"Wan'er, you are too hasty." Someone came out from the side, that person had a very young face, smooth and fair, very handsome.

"For so many years, he just won't die, can I not be in a hurry?" The queen mother was sitting on the beauty couch, that man came over and massaged her, the strength of his hands was very steady, which made the queen mother feel very comfortable.

It's he who knows her best. Over the years, he is the only one who loves her the most.

"How have you been in the tribe all these years?" The queen mother squinted her eyes, enjoying the tender moment given by the man. The man pinched her shoulders, touched her neck, and replied softly, "Since you left, Am I still doing well?"

Since she left, he has been obsessed with medical skills and has never left the tribe or Dragon Tooth Valley until Chu Huang sent someone to look for him.

"Where's Qing'er? Isn't she in the palace?" He remembered that Xie Qing was first brought into the palace by the late emperor, and Xie Wan followed.

(End of this chapter)

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