Chapter 347
Because he has confidence, he has no fear. Chu Huang is so calm because he has confidence.

The emperor glanced at King Rui, and he didn't believe his nonsense. He clearly saw farther than him, understood better than him, and said some nonsense in a high-sounding manner.

"I don't want to talk nonsense, just ask you, who of you has seen father's swordsman." Without conclusive evidence, the emperor did not dare to rashly conclude that it was in the hands of the queen mother, but apart from her, he really couldn't think of any other possibility. Candidates.

"Swordsman?" King Rui turned his head and looked at Chu Huang in confusion, "I remember that after my father died, these swordsmen disappeared."

The swordsmen cultivated by the late emperor were behind the scenes for the stability and prosperity of Dongcheng, and they were dedicated to cleaning up disobedient and rebellious officials in the court for the emperor, but since the death of the late emperor, I have never heard of that The whereabouts of the group of swordsmen, he thought they had disbanded.

"Chen Guang, do you know about this?" King Rui suddenly became a little apprehensive. If these people were in Chu Huang's hands, wouldn't he have the ability to subvert the court?
No, if Chu Huang really had this idea, he wouldn't have waited until today.

"I don't know." The emperor suddenly mentioned this matter, does it mean that this group of people has appeared?

He suddenly remembered the death of an official a few days ago. He heard that it was the right minister's disciple. He sent Bai Ze to investigate, but there was no news. Could it be those swordsmen?Who is their leader?

"Brother suddenly asked about this matter, but those people appeared again?"

As expected of Chu Huang, he immediately heard what he wanted to express. While the emperor admired him, he was also a little jealous. He was always so smart and neat.

"Indeed, I believe Chen Guang has also received the news." The matter of the bronze token must have passed from Hei Jianyu to Zhan Wang's Mansion, and it is impossible for Chu Huang not to know about it.

But the emperor guessed wrong, Chu Huang did not receive the news, because it was Yan Zhendong who knew the news, and Yan Zhendong served Hei Jianyu, not Chu Huang.

"What news did you receive?" He only knew that Hei Jianyu had been assassinated, and he didn't get any news about the others. Could it be...

"Among those who assassinated the princess last night, are there any swordsmen?" Don't think about it, it must be like this, otherwise the emperor wouldn't bother to say that he knew the news.

But he didn't get the news, that is, his people didn't recognize those swordsmen, but the emperor's people recognized them, so there must be some proof.

"You didn't get the news." This is something the emperor didn't think of, but it's not important, "If the leader of the swordsman is not you, then it is likely to be her." Clenching his hands, the emperor felt that all this was really ironic .

"Who is she?" King Rui asked with a smile.

Seeing the solemn expression on the emperor's face, Chu Huang vaguely guessed who he was talking about. His brows and eyes darkened, and the center of his handsome brows frowned, "Do you have any evidence, brother?"

It was really hard for him to imagine that the queen mother would become someone he didn't know, but she was indeed no longer the queen mother he knew, and he had a deep feeling for this since the last time they met.

"Back then, apart from me, she was the only one who had the opportunity to be close to father. If she didn't take it away, who would it be?" When the first emperor was critically ill, the only person who waited on him day and night was the empress dowager. The first emperor did not give him anything, but He didn't find that thing later, most likely he just took it away.

"Chen Guang, Ci Ming, it's possible that my father didn't die of illness." Thinking of what the imperial physician said, the emperor felt even more uneasy. If the empress dowager even poisoned the first emperor, then her motives would be hard to guess.

(End of this chapter)

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