Chapter 348 is back

Didn't die of illness?That means it might have been murdered.

Both King Rui and Chu Huang became serious. Murdering the emperor is a felony, and there must be some purpose. Is it for Dongcheng's country, or revenge?
"Brother, who do you suspect?" Ever since the emperor suddenly came to talk to him so peacefully, Chu Huang knew that the matter must be serious, but he did not expect it to be so serious.

He lowered his head and tried to recall the current situation. Li Decheng colluded with the pirates to rebel and caused civil strife in the south. If the Beirong invaded the northern border at this time, Dongcheng would suffer from internal and external enemies. Coupled with natural disasters, the emperor might be forced to The one who abdicates and has the ability to ascend to the throne is either him or the virtuous king. Of course, for the convenience of control, King Rui may also be chosen, because King Rui's deeds can easily be misunderstood as someone who is easy to control.

It's just that the people behind the scenes must be other than them to have such a result. If they are among them, then they are eyeing the throne. Besides them, the second prince and other princes may also be exiled The prince is also possible, but the possibility is very low.

People in the harem are likely to interfere in politics. For example, the queen exiled the prince, but the queen didn't say a word. Obviously, she pinned her hopes on the little prince. However, the little prince is still young and has nothing to do, and the prince's position is not yet his turn. He, Concubine Jing may also do things behind his back for the sake of his son.

Then things became more complicated. Chu Huang looked at the emperor. The person who was most likely to be suspected was their mother, the current queen mother. If this was the case, then the emperor was probably being used all the time. Prejudice came to see him.

"Chen Guang, you should know in your heart." The emperor said through gritted teeth, "I don't know what she is thinking, but if she really wants to be regent, then we are her pawns."

Things are much more terrifying than he imagined. If the Queen Mother's ultimate goal is to be a regency, at least Dongcheng is still safe, and the people don't have to suffer too much from the war, but if the Queen Mother's goal is to destroy Dongcheng, then things will be troublesome up.

"En." Chu Huang nodded, he probably understood what he wanted to express, "What does brother want me to do?"

For the sake of Anwei in Dongcheng, they must let go of their prejudices first. Chu Huang raised his head and glanced at the emperor. The emperor did not hate him to the point of intolerance, otherwise it would be impossible to come to him. Perhaps, compared to the country's Anwei, In other words, personal emotions don't matter at all.

"Don't forget me too, I am the most capable." Because he is not valued, he has unlimited potential.


Ten days later, Hei Jianyu came back from Nankun Mountain. Because of the timely rescue, no one died, and the residents of Nankun Mountain have moved to a nearby village for temporary residence. The flood has also been alleviated. The disaster is not as serious as imagined .

There was also good news from the second prince's side, the court was prosperous, but court officials died one after another in strange ways, which attracted attention, and everyone panicked. The emperor ordered Dali Temple to strictly investigate.

As soon as Heijianyu entered the door, before he could go back, he saw Lingbao hurried over and threw himself into her arms.

"Doctor, Lingbao misses doctor so much, doctor, where have you been these days? Why did you come back now?" Lingbao buried his head in Hei Jianyu's arms and acted like a baby, pouted, looking unhappy.

Hei Jianyu stroked her head, and she hadn't seen her for a few days, and she found that she missed that coquettish voice and the days with Lingbao very much.

"I'm fine, I'm just going to see the doctor." A simple explanation is an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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