Chapter 349 New Poison

Lingbao didn't care so much, hugged her and rubbed against her, wanting to get a little appreciation, Mulian followed her, watching her act like a baby with Heijianyu, a little envious, but also a little uneasy lowered her head, grabbed her The hem of his clothes seemed to miss something.

"Doctor, if you haven't looked at Uncle Chu these few days, his condition has become more serious." Lingbao raised his head, his brows were wrinkled at a young age, and he didn't know what he was worried about.

Lingbao is holding Hei Jianyu's hand. He is not as powerful as Hei Jianyu, and can treat others. However, she is very sensitive to the patient's condition, probably because she has been an assistant for too long. She is used to observing patients every day. Therefore, she quickly noticed that something was wrong with Chu Huang.

But she didn't know the reason, and her little hand held Hei Jianyu tightly. Lingbao became more and more worried about Chu Huang's situation. She pulled Hei Jianyu towards Ling Yuxuan, and when she passed Mu Lian, she pulled Mu Lian again.

"Sister Mulian, let's go together."

Mu Lian was very happy to hear this. She had no sisters since she was a child. When her father was still an official in the court, she only came home once a month. She lived with her mother at home. In those days, what she expected most was someone Being able to play with her, after coming to Zhanwang Mansion, Lingbao treated her like her own sister, she was really happy.

Lingbao is a natural behavior, but she never thought Mulian would be so grateful.

Hei Jianyu was so tired these days that he only slept for two hours a day, and was disturbed by people from time to time. His body was almost exhausted, but he was dragged to see Chu Huang when he came back. He was really exhausted.

But in front of Lingbao, she really didn't have the energy to refuse, so she could only follow.

Ling Yuxuan was very quiet, and there was not even a cleaning maid. The door of Chu Huang's room was open, as if he knew someone would come, so he opened the door and waited quietly.

Lingbao pushed Hei Jianyu in, and told him: "Doctor, you go in quickly, Uncle Chu is really very sick."

Chu Huang is very ill, how can this palace be so quiet?Hei Jianyu felt that this was impossible. Looking at Lingbao's anxious expression, she felt that something was wrong. Lingbao had a wonderful sixth sense for these things, and it was very accurate.

She pushed the door and went in. Chu Huang was sitting on the bed, resting on the small tea table on the bed. Hei Jianyu stopped and looked back at the door. The wind blew gently, and the door rang in response. , This is something wrong, Chu Huang can't rest here so peacefully, at least he won't let Ling Yuxuan sleep so deeply with the door open when no one is guarding him.

With a lot of doubts in her heart, Hei Jianyu walked slowly and approached Chu Huang. He still hadn't woken up, and the uneasiness in her heart gradually spread. She sat beside him, put her hand on his shoulder, and pressed the body against his back.

The virus system suddenly called out, notifying her that a new poison was found in Chu Huang's body, and told her that this poison would attack the brain nerves, causing mental weakness of the poisoned person, and asked her to collect blood tests as soon as possible.

Hei Jianyu was frightened, a new poison appeared in Chu Huang's body, would Chu Huang still be poisoned when the miracle doctor Xie was still in the mansion?

She frowned and squeezed her hands together. Is there a ghost in it?It's thanks to the miracle doctor who had bad intentions at the beginning.

She stood up and walked to the door, just when someone passed by, she hurriedly stopped that person, "Send me a copy of all the medicines and medicines that the prince has eaten and drank these days, and I will check them all over. "

Chu Huang is a prince, so it stands to reason that there will be a special person to test his diet, but because Chu Huang is more casual, he will not do this unless he has guests. Even the medicine is prepared in the kitchen. Bring it directly, it is easy to give others a chance to tamper with.

She walked back with a solemn expression, apparently having made up her mind.

Chu Huang woke up leisurely, saw Hei Jianyu standing in front of him, stretched out his hand to hold her hand in a daze, and rubbed her hand on his cheek, the appearance of not waking up was cute.

(End of this chapter)

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