Chapter 364 Unusual
"It's strange to say that the queen mother thinks of me as an old woman so well." My aunt couldn't help sighing. Although King Anyang was the only surviving younger brother of the late emperor, she didn't know the queen mother very well, because they went there very early. After leaving the fiefdom, he hasn't come back for decades, and hasn't spent much time with the queen mother.

The Ji family didn't think there was any problem with this, she said: "It doesn't matter, what's important is that our sister Xiu is now the princess of the Zhan Palace, and our Anyang Palace has more face in the capital, so we have more face."

"That's true. However, there are too many girls in our mansion, and the population is also large. Although the fiefdom can collect taxes, it has to pay tribute to the court every year. The boss doesn't know how to manage things. It has become more and more declining in the past few years. gone."

Their Anyang Prince's Mansion has spent a lot of money in recent years. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't get along outside, they wouldn't laugh and find an excuse to come back as soon as they heard the Queen Mother's secret order. Although they don't know what the Queen Mother has, they can make a fortune. It's a fortune, and it's better than starving to death outside.

"Yes, yes, those young ladies in our mansion are so respectable that they can't even afford a dowry. Fortunately, Miss Xiu didn't use any dowry when she entered the palace." But no dowry means no dowry , Ji sighed, "I heard that Princess Zhan has many shops, and they are all located in the first, second and third streets of Chunxi Street and Zhuque Street, and the annual profit is tens of thousands of taels. Go to the prince and ask for a few shops, and the situation in our palace will be much better."

My aunt felt that Ji's words were right, and she nodded in praise. Their family's finances are really in decline. If they don't find some funds, how can they survive in the capital?

The capital is no smaller than that of Weizhou. The Madam Hou in this capital is a rich and powerful real local tyrant. Every time I go to a banquet, I always see those real gold and silver headdresses and jewelry, and the family members of the feudal king who came back from sitting outside , They can't embarrass themselves, they can only pretend to be rich and powerful.

"In a few days, I'll go to the Empress Dowager and talk about it. I'm sure that sister Zhu will also enter Zhanwangfu. The girls in our Anyangwangfu are all pure and pure girls, so they can't be compared to a broken flower and a willow."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law smiled slyly and went home happily.


The annoying mother-in-law and daughter-in-law finally left, Hei Jianyu breathed a sigh of relief, she really didn't have the strength to deal with those two troublesome women.

"It's fast enough to give it away, I'm afraid I'm really worried that the prince will die." Hei Jianyu leaned against Chu Huang's arms, and said strangely.

She was only notified in the morning, and the person was sent here before evening. She can guarantee that sister Xiu will go to Ling Yuxuan to seduce Chu Huang at night. After giving birth, she will be forced to go to the palace. .

Chu Huang put his arms around Heijianyu, and felt very happy watching her speak in a huff. He kissed her forehead and said happily, "Are you jealous?"

Hei Jianyu turned his head and glared at him, jealous, what the hell is this?She doesn't like this kind of shit.

"I'm just a little curious. What is it about King Anyang's sudden entry to Beijing?" She was really worried that King Anyang had lived in Weizhou for a long time and had his own army and territory in his hands. Speaking of paying tribute, no matter how you look at it, it is suspicious.

It was indeed a little strange, Chu Huang reached out and stroked Hei Jianyu's hair, her hair was of good quality, black and soft, and felt smooth, "This king is entering the palace today, and the emperor said that King Anyang wants to let some brothers Find some errands in the capital."

King Anyang is a vassal king, and Dongcheng has a rule that a vassal king cannot leave the fief Kyoto to serve as an official, so King Anyang cannot leave Weizhou, but his brother can.

(End of this chapter)

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