Chapter 365 Too Thick Skin
It's just that King Anyang stayed well in Weizhou, and suddenly wanted to come to the capital to develop, did he have any special ideas?
Hei Jianyu nestled in Chu Huang's arms, too lazy to think about this matter. She grabbed his hand and continued to study, "Recently, I want to rectify the personnel affairs in the mansion."

"Do you need my help?" He hugged her and felt very relaxed. Every time he was with her, he always felt free.

"No need." She just wanted to inform him, not for his help, "I have asked Yan Zhendong to investigate, and there should be an answer soon, by the way, Chen told me that he will come to assassinate him that day My people lost a token, but Shihu didn't give it to me, did it go to you?"

"Token?" Chu Huang suddenly remembered the emperor's words, raised his eyebrows, and hugged Hei Jianyu even more forcefully, "Are you really not jealous at all if you just let that Chu Xiu enter the palace like this?"

"Sister Xiu is so good-looking. She is talented, beautiful, and can play piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. What can I do? Other than having a decent face, what else is there to be dissatisfied with by the prince. Hei Jianyu raised his fist and hammered his chest, "Don't be ignorant, this Anyang Prince's Mansion will send the second girl in soon, you just have to wait."

"You're beautiful, why belittle yourself so much?"

Is this a compliment to her?Hei Jianyu was a little astonished. It would not be surprising if it came from anyone, but it would be awkward to say it from Chu Huang.

She raised her head to look at Chu Huang, and looked at Chu Huang with a pair of bright black eyes. The man's eyes were full of seriousness and deep warmth. Suddenly, Hei Jianyu's heart moved, and he straightened up and kissed Chu Huang's lips.

"My lord, are you good at teasing girls?" She felt that the situation was not good, and the throbbing in her heart hit her heart deeply, and she felt that she might be about to fall, "You should be more ruthless to me Some."

"Why? I like you, okay?" Chu Huang stroked her face, lowered his head, kissed her, and pressed her on the bed.

"It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this between us." Holding him, she suddenly felt very fragile, yes, why did they become like this?

Although she didn't dislike getting along like this, it was really far from her initial acquaintance.

"Then what should we do?" He kissed her face, reached out to pull her clothes, with a smile on his face.

Stretching her arms around his neck, Hei Jianyu knew that there was no turning back. She had never felt such a strong feeling for a moment. She really fell in love with him, and fell in love with his occasional tenderness.

"No, it's fine like this." Yes, it's fine like this, and she should be satisfied.

Hei Jianyu kissed Chu Huang actively, and stretched out his hand to untie his pocket. Chu Huang looked at him and chuckled, "Didn't it mean that you can't prostitute yourself during the day?"

"You can't, but it doesn't mean I can't." In terms of thick skin, who can compare to her?

Kuro Jianyu doesn't care so much.

But things were not so lucky. After a while, I heard Lingbao shouting outside: "Doctor, an old man has come to deliver a letter to you. It is said that it is from the doctor's grandmother's house. Doctor, I also want to go to my grandmother's house."

Hearing Lingbao's voice and knowing that she would rush in soon, Hei Jianyu quickly pushed Chu Huang away, straightened his clothes and sat up.

Sure enough, the door was knocked open at once, and Lingbao's petite body jumped in. Seeing Chu Huang and Hei Jianyu still sitting on the bed, he tilted his head for a while and said, "Doctor, you are not feeling well. ?"

(End of this chapter)

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