Chapter 528 Go to Bodhi Temple
"It's okay, just a little tired." Hei Jianyu tried his best to pull out a smiling face, and continued to drink the tasteless chicken soup.

The old lady gave her a suspicious look. Her disguise was so bad that she could see through it at a glance, but they didn't dare to force her if she didn't say anything. Backfired.

"It's fine, I'll go to the Bodhi Temple tomorrow to pay my respects and ask for my child's well-being. I've already told the nanny to tell the host that I'll go to bed early tonight and go there early tomorrow morning." The old lady took Hei Jianyu's hand , said softly.

"Yeah." Hei Jianyu nodded, goodbye is also good, although I don't believe that, but it will make my heart calm down.

After sitting with the old lady and Mrs. Lu for a while, the old lady asked Nanny Jin to take Hei Jianyu back to her room, while she continued chatting with Mrs. Lu.

"What's wrong with Sister Yu? She's been absent-minded all day, do you really miss Sister Ling?" The old matriarch picked up a piece of pastry, took a bite, found it tasteless, and put it down again.

Hei Jianyu's abnormal performance had to make her worry, it was a little too much after all.

"It's no wonder. Sister Yu has always loved Sister Ling. It may be nothing to say when we parted, but after a long time, I will always miss you." Mrs. Lu took out a handkerchief to embroider, and asked the maid to bring some tea, " Otherwise, the old matriarch will write a letter to the other side, and ask someone to send Sister Ling back. After the war with the Northern Territory is over, it may be easier to pass."

Mrs. Lu reached out to get the pastry, but looked at what the old lady put aside, and lost interest again.

"That's true, but it's not suitable for me to write this letter. I'm sister Yu's natal family, and I'm separated from Zhanwang's mansion by a few roads. I'm afraid that both sides will be offended if I edit the book rashly." He picked up the tea bowl, opened the lid, and drank some tea.

Lu Shi had long nails on her little finger. In order to protect it from breaking, she wore a finger cot. Her gestures looked very graceful, with the demeanor of an ordinary lady. Her mother's long nails scratched the lid of the cup , "That's right, why don't you tell Lord Zhan to let him repair the book."

The old lady thought for a while, but still felt that something was wrong, so she said, "Let's talk about it."


Kuroma Yu didn't sleep well at night, and woke up before dawn, sitting in a chair by the window in a daze, with a bright moon hanging in the dark blue sky outside, shining brightly, it can sting the eyes.

She looked at it for a while and felt that her eyes were a little uncomfortable, so she lay down on the table and fell asleep again after a while.

When Jin'er brought water in the morning, she was shocked when she saw her lying on the table, so she woke her up quickly.

"Sleeping like this at night? Do you have a cold?" Nervously touching Heijianyu's forehead, which was slightly cold, Jin'er's expression immediately became anxious. Go to the Bodhi Temple, otherwise you will really catch the wind and cold, which is not good for the children."

Hei Jianyu felt that Jin'er was making a fuss, but her body was lazy, and she didn't even have the energy to speak, so she bluffed along with her.

Under Jin'er's nagging, Hei Jianyu went to have breakfast with the old lady after washing up. The old lady is old and doesn't like dry things. She always has some porridge and red dates for breakfast , wolfberry is my favorite, and occasionally eat bird's nest porridge.

After eating breakfast, Jin'er mentioned to the old matriarch what happened in the morning, and the old matriarch hurriedly ordered someone to invite the doctor.

Hei Jianyu felt that they were making too much fuss, so he asked the doctor to make a diagnosis, and there was nothing serious, so he went out with the old lady and others.

(End of this chapter)

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