Chapter 529
Arriving safely at the Bodhi Temple, Hei Jianyu followed the old lady to visit the treasure hall first, and then went to meet the abbot with the old lady. She was really not interested in the mysterious Buddhist principles that the old lady and the abbot talked about, so she found a As an excuse, he walked around the temple accompanied by Jin'er.

Along the way, Hei Jianyu was in a lazy mood, and yawned from time to time, as if he hadn't slept well. Jin'er followed her cautiously, feeling that her face was much more haggard than before, Hei Jianyu She has observed the changes during this period of time, and she doesn't know what the princess has on her mind. She is so nourishing every day, so why is she getting more and more haggard?
"I heard that there is an osmanthus pond next to this temple. The environment is very quiet, and the mountain spring water is also very sweet. Would you like to go up and have a look?" Looking at her, he told Hei Jianyu what he had inquired about.

The Bodhi Temple is very famous in the capital. Many believers come to worship during the festivals. The old lady is very familiar with the abbot here.

"Then let's go for a walk." Hei Jianyu didn't care, anyway, she was not in the mood for anything now, and had nothing to do, so if she walked more, it was like a walk.

Jin'er looked at Hei Jianyu's lazy look, so he could only smile, saying that pregnant women are more likely to get tired, but the princess is tired too fast, right?It wasn't long after I woke up, why did I look drowsy, could it be that there was no one last night?

On the way to Osmanthus Pond, there are quite a few pedestrians here and there, all of whom are believers who have come to pay their respects. Some are walking with them, and some have already returned from there.

"Come here so early to pay homage?" Hei Jianyu didn't know much about temple life, and was a little surprised to see countless pedestrians coming and going.

"In the temple, we have to chant scriptures and have morning classes at Yinshi. Many believers place orders in the temple, so they wake up early in the morning and want to go to the sweet-scented osmanthus pond to cool off and get some mountain spring water to go back." Jin'er patiently explained that the rich lady did not Before leaving the cabinet, she seldom had the opportunity to go out, because she was afraid that doing something bad would ruin the door, unlike a country girl who had to show her face.

"Yin time." It was three or four o'clock, and it was not easy for those masters who practiced. A few young monks came to meet them. , walking in a neat row, so cute that people can't help but want to go forward and squeeze them.

Early in the morning, the mountain was a bit chilly, Jin'er didn't bring a cloak out, so he didn't dare to let Hei Jianyu continue to walk in, the two of them walked along the path in the bamboo forest to look at the scenery, there were no people in the bamboo forest, far away Only a few small figures were seen.

"It's cold outside, the princess is weak, let's go back early." Jin'er suddenly regretted that he was so hasty just now, and actually suggested that the princess go to the mountain to see the spring.

"It's okay, just walk around, I'm in good health." Once she calms down, she will think wildly. She always feels that she can see Lingbao being forcibly taken away from this world. If she can't accept this fact, she is not willing to calm down and think about it .

"Go to Hei Jianyu."

As soon as he took a step, Hei Jianyu almost sprained his ankle when he heard this sound. Jin'er quickly stepped forward to support her, raised his head, and saw a woman with messy hair holding a hairpin He rushed over, clearly intending to murder Kuro Jianyu.

"Princess be careful." Jin'er hurriedly stood in front of Hei Jianyu, preventing that crazy woman from hurting Hei Jianyu.

But before the woman could get close to Hei Jianyu, arrows shot out from all directions, turning her into a hedgehog. The woman spun around in a circle, died and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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