Splendid Book

Chapter 109: Growing Up and Marrying You

Chapter 109: Growing Up and Marrying You
Chunliu and Luwu are both older than Shen Changle, but they are still Huanghua girls. Seeing the deep and shallow marks on Changle, the two of them are almost ashamed and dare not look up.Fortunately, both of them are still well-trained, and this meeting is already going forward to help Shen Changle get dressed.

Today is the first day of her wedding, and she has to enter the palace to pay her respects to the emperor and concubine De, so she needs to wear a princess dress.The princess's dress was extremely grand, with gold and silver threads piled up, dragons and phoenixes drawn, it was not much simpler than the bright red wedding dress she wore yesterday.It's just that this is the rule, Shen Changle naturally dare not break the rule.

When she put on her clothes, Ji Yu beside her was already fully dressed, and he was also wearing a dark prince's dress today.It's just that the dark color on her body made his face more like a crown jade. In addition, he was tall and tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, so this prince's dress added to his majesty and grace.

Ji Yu's appearance is really handsome, but after experiencing the violent waves last night, no matter how Shen Changle looks at him now, he feels flushed.This person is really good at pretending, outsiders will definitely not know, but he actually has such a temperament in private.

Although Shen Changle is a servant girl who takes care of dressing, but he is really tired, and last night he didn't go to bed until late at night.Usually when I wake up, I feel refreshed, but this time, my mind is muddled, as if I could fall asleep at any time.

But this one has to enter the palace, she can't even take a wrong step, so no matter how sleepy this meeting is, she still needs to work hard.

"Girl, let's take this golden walking rocker today," Lu Wu opened the jewelry box, took out one of the gorgeous walking rockers, and asked with a soft smile.

It's just that after she finished speaking, Ji Yu who was next to her turned her head to take a look. Luwu was talking to Shen Changle with her head down, so she didn't see it, but Chunliu saw Ji Yu's look.She was startled inwardly, thinking about where Lu Wu had offended the prince, and then thinking about what she said just now.

She immediately stepped forward, tugged her, and said in a slightly reprimanded tone: "Look at you, you fainted from joy, you can't be called a girl now, you have to change to Wangfei."

When Luwu heard what Chunliu said, she immediately felt a little bit in her heart, she used to call her a girl, she was already in Prince Zhao's Mansion, but it was no longer Shen's.

She quickly squatted down and pleaded guilty: "The princess forgives the sin, the servant is stupid, I forgot to change my words for a while, and I ask the princess to punish me."

Shen Changle didn't think much at all, but seeing Lu Wu's appearance, he smiled and said: "It's fine to change your mouth, why should you punish, get up."

This is just a trivial matter, Shen Changle naturally would not blame the maid who has been by her side for many years.But when Chunliu and Luwu came out, Chunliu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Just now you called girl, I looked at the prince and looked at you with displeasure. So I think it will be better in the future." To restrain the people we brought here, we must not call them wrong again. Otherwise, I am afraid that the next time, it will not be so easy to get past."

Only then did Luwu understand why Chunliu wanted to pull her.

She couldn't help being speechless, and said: "The rules of the palace are really big. Fortunately, you pulled me a little bit, otherwise the prince will definitely think that I am unruly, and I really embarrass our girls."

Chunliu glared at her immediately, Luwu hurriedly smiled flatteringly, and said softly: "OK, OK, in private from now on, I'll call you Wangfei too."

After having breakfast, the two of them went out, but arrived at the second gate.When the servant brought Ji Yu's horse over, he waved his hand and said, "Today I will enter the palace with the princess in a carriage."

In fact, it was just an ordinary sentence, but Shen Changle blushed when he heard it.But the maids and servants around bowed their heads one after another. It seems that the prince really likes the new princess so much that he can't separate him even this once.

Originally, the servant girl wanted to come in to serve her, but Ji Yu waved her hand, and all the accompanying people sat in the carriage behind.

As soon as Shen Changle sat in the carriage, he sat in the innermost position, as if he wanted to stay far away from Ji Yu.Of course Ji Yu noticed where she was sitting, but he didn't rush, walked slowly to her side and sat down before ordering the driver to drive.

"Why do you sit so far away?" Ji Yu asked knowingly.

How could he tell him the thoughts in his heart so bluntly, so Ji Yu saw her look at him shyly and timidly, but there was a bit of resentment in her eyes.It can be seen that she cried and yelled to forgive her last night, but Ji Yu didn't listen to it at all. Now she has kept everything in mind.

But what Changle didn't know was that the more she looked like this, the more angry Ji Yu's heart would be aroused. Now that he looked at her, his lower abdomen began to tense again, and he wished he could punish her on the spot in this car .

It's just that he still has some sense, knowing that he will visit his father and mother later, even though he is an 'ugly daughter-in-law', he can't be rude in the slightest.

"Sit closer to me, let's have a good talk," Ji Yu stretched out his hand to hold her catkin, but Chang Le was really afraid of him, so she shrank back to the side to prevent him from catching her .

"I really can't come here," he asked again.

On weekdays, he has always been the one who seldom talks. When others talk to him, he cherishes words like gold.But now it is better, he is the one who speaks, one sentence after another, and every sentence is meaningful.

Shen Changle was so ashamed that he whispered: "I don't want to sit with you, a bad guy."

Ji Yu raised his eyebrows, he is a bad guy, it seems that he 'bullied' her last night, he really bullied her so much that she was so scared that she didn't dare to approach him.It's just that if the mountain doesn't come, let him go, so let him go to the mountain.

"Last night, I was too careless. Come here and let me see, is there any injury on your body?" Ji Yu's voice was warm and warm, like a spring breeze in March.

But Shen Changle is not a fool, besides, now she is the weakest between her legs, what does he think?As a result of Ji Yu's overtures, she turned into a full-fledged hooligan again in her eyes.Even when they reached the gate of the palace, the young husband and wife still dragged each other.

When he found that the carriage had stopped, Ji Yu was stunned for a moment, he had never felt that the distance between his palace and the palace was so close.

"You will follow me later," Ji Yu seriously reminded before getting out of the car.

Shen Changle lowered his eyes and didn't look at him.As a result, he grabbed her hand and said again: "Listen carefully to what Mr. Xiang has to say."

Xianggong, Chang Le looked at his serious and stubborn expression, and burst out laughing.The trace of resentment from last night seemed to disappear in the laughter.

When she got out of the carriage, Ji Yu stood on the carriage and reached out to hold her arm carefully.The guards guarding the palace gate not far away, who were supposed to keep their eyes on each other, were all shocked by this scene.Who in this palace does not know that the Seventh Prince, His Highness King Zhao, is notoriously cold-faced and cold-hearted.

It really is different when a man marries a wife.

When they went all the way in and arrived at Qinzheng Hall, Li Changhai, the second manager who had been waiting at the door for a long time, saw His Royal Highness Zhao Wang leading the new princess over, and rushed forward to greet the prince and the new princess.

"Eunuch Li please get up," Shen Changle said politely following Ji Yu.

Li Changhai has no more face in front of the emperor than the chief executive, so this time the chief executive is serving the emperor, so he can only stand here and blow the wind.Fortunately, there are two little Bodhisattvas waiting here, so it is not in vain that he has been looking forward to it for so long.

"Yesterday was a day of great joy for His Highness, and the emperor was very happy. Although he didn't make it to the wedding, he has been thinking about it all the time," Li Changhai would say, "It's not early in the morning, and the emperor will arrange slaves Waiting for His Royal Highness and Princess Wang here."

Although Ji Yu has a cold temper, it is not the nature to offend others.He nodded lightly and said: "Eunuch wants to serve Emperor Father in the palace, but he can't come to my house to drink a glass of thin wine. I will send some jars of wine to Eunuch some other day."

"How can His Highness miss you so much?" Li Changhai immediately showed a grateful expression on his face.

At this moment, the little eunuch he sent in to communicate also came out, and the emperor asked Prince Zhao and the concubine to go in to have an audience.Li Changhai hurriedly led the way, and when he reached the door, he hurriedly turned his head and said with a smile, "Wang Concubine, be careful where you step."

The threshold at the main hall entrance of Qinzheng Hall was quite high, Shen Changle stretched out his hands and lowered the hem of his skirt, and then followed Ji Yu in.

Although this is the first time she has come here in this life, she has come here a lot in the previous life.It's just that the master of Qinzheng Hall at that time was the man standing beside her now.She lowered her head, and although she didn't dare to look around, she took a little look around from the corner of her eye.

Naturally, the Hall of Qinzheng will not change much, but the change is also the decoration layout inside.The surroundings are decorated with bright yellow, which makes people feel awe as soon as they enter.

At this time they were led to the emperor, but they didn't expect that someone was faster than them.

"My son, pay respects to the emperor." When Ji Yu knelt down, Shen Changle beside him also knelt down.

After Ji Yu finished speaking, she also bowed her head respectfully and said: "Daughter-in-law pays respects to father and emperor."

The emperor in front looked at the two people at the bottom across the wide sandalwood table.As soon as the two came in, standing together was a pleasing scenery.Now the emperor who has contributed to this landscape is quite proud, and it is indeed right to marry this girl from the Shen family to Lao Qi, Lao Qi is so outstanding in appearance.If you marry an ordinary-looking wife, the two of them stand together, and the wife is not as good-looking as the husband, isn't it a joke.

A golden boy and a jade girl, this pair is really a perfect match.

The more the emperor watched, the more satisfied he became, and he was naturally very satisfied with Shen Changle, his daughter-in-law.

So he asked people to bring up the rewards he had prepared long ago, and said: "Since you are married, you will be an adult in the future. And don't act willfully, husband and wife should respect and love each other, and spread the branches and leaves for the royal family as soon as possible. "

Hearing the words "open branches and scattered leaves", Shen Changle pursed his lips forcefully.

On the other hand, Ji Yu, who was next to him, immediately raised a smile and kowtowed to thank him: "I will always remember my father's teachings."

Only this time, only he himself knows whether the teachings he keeps in mind are mutual respect and love, or whether they spread branches and leaves.

But the one who came earlier this time was King Zhennan, Ji Yu got married yesterday, he was already there, but because he couldn't drink enough, he was helped back home in the end.It's hard for him, the one who drank so much yesterday can still get up early to enter the palace today.

Ji Yu led Shen Changle to greet King Zhennan again, King Zhennan quickly smiled and said: "Get up, we will be a family in the future, so don't be so polite."

After the emperor took a look at him, he asked angrily, "Since it's my nephew, why didn't you even have a meeting ceremony?"

"This is Brother Huang's place, even if there is something, I can't take it out directly. So I have sent someone to Lao Qi's mansion, and I can see it when I go back today," Ji Heng smiled mysteriously.

The emperor looked at his appearance, but didn't say anything, he just pointed to Ji Yu and said: "Go back and have a good look, if it's not good, just send it back."

Ji Yu followed with a smile.

Because the other princes hadn't arrived yet, they had a conversation with the emperor in the Palace of Qinzheng.During this period, the princes came here one after another. The elder brothers above Ji Yu were all married, and the ninth younger brother below Ji Yu was still young, not yet old enough to leave the palace and start a mansion.

When the eldest prince came, there was a little man by his side.Ji Zerui followed the eldest prince to pay respects to the emperor, who knew that the moment the emperor asked him to stand up, he saw Shen Changle at a glance.

"Sister Changle," in front of so many elders, he didn't dare to run over to find her, so he just called her in a low voice.

As soon as the first prince saw his son's appearance, he knew that he had seen a beauty again, and besides, this was the elder sister Changle whom he had been thinking of so much.After learning that Miss Shen was about to become his seventh aunt, the little guy cried a lot. If his mother and concubine hadn't coaxed him, he might really have gone to find his elder sister Changle.

So when he heard that he could see Sister Changle today, he got up early in the morning, and his mother was so angry that he called him a little heartless.

Of course Shen Changle was also happy to see Ji Zerui, but this time in front of the emperor, she had to smile at the little guy.At this time, the emperor who was sitting on top waved his hand at him and said, "Zerui, come to the emperor's grandfather."

Ji Zerui is the eldest son and grandson, so he is quite favored in front of the emperor.So this time the emperor greeted him to come to his side, the little guy usually ran over as soon as the emperor greeted him.But this time he looked at Shen Changle eagerly, as if he couldn't choose between the majestic Grandpa Huang and his beloved sister Changle.

"Zerui, the imperial grandfather is calling you." It was the eldest prince who gave his son a look in time, and the little guy walked over.

Seeing him coming, the emperor smiled, patted his little head and asked, "Why, do you like elder sister Changle very much?"

Ji Zerui called her Sister Changle, Shen Changle naturally wouldn't find it strange, but this time the emperor called her like that, she immediately lowered her head.That's embarrassing enough.

But Ji Zerui nodded very honestly, and said in a low voice: "Grandfather, I will tell you a secret."

Seeing that his son was so outrageous today, the eldest prince was about to snort to remind this little thing.But before he could speak, the emperor had already glared at him, so frightened that he didn't dare to speak.

With joy and shyness, Ji Zerui whispered: "I will marry Sister Changle in the future."

Puchi, except for Ji Yu and Shen Changle who didn't know what to do, everyone in this room didn't smile.The second prince even took the opportunity to tease: "Brother, you are really good at teaching your children."

Although the second prince spoke in a teasing tone, he still made the eldest prince very angry.For so many years, the two brothers have fought openly and secretly in front of the emperor, and now the eldest prince has a son as a magic weapon, as long as Ji Zerui comes into the palace, the emperor will only have this little guy in his eyes.Although the second prince was so angry that he brought his son into the palace with all his might to join the emperor, but his son was not as clever as Ji Zerui, and secondly, he was not as eloquent as Ji Zerui.Who the emperor likes can be seen at a glance.

So this time he seized the opportunity.

Unbeknownst to them, the two of them seem to be cross-eyed here, but the Emperor and Ji Zerui have a good conversation.The emperor was quite ashamed to ask, he said: "You said you wanted to marry sister Changle, but your seventh uncle has already married her."

"That's not true. My mother said that Sister Changle is only staying at Uncle Seven's house temporarily. When I grow up, I can go to Uncle Seven's house and bring her back," Ji Zerui said, taking it for granted.

It was precisely because he took it for granted that even Ji Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

In fact, he is not to blame, when he heard about the marriage between Ji Yu and Shen Changle, he cried a lot, because he had already agreed with Sister Changle that he would marry her when he grew up.But who knew that Uncle Qi was the one who married her in the end, so it was painful for him to cry.

So his mother, Princess Qin, made up a set of reasonable reasons to comfort her son.She told Ji Zerui that Seventh Uncle's marriage to Changle's Sister was only temporary, and Changle's Sister was only temporarily living in Qishu's house.When he grows up, he can go to Uncle Seven's house to bring Sister Changle back.

Of course, for this ridiculous reason, Princess Qin once held hands with her son, agreeing that this is a secret that only the two of them know.

But who would have thought that Ji Zerui would tell this little secret as soon as he got excited.

At this moment, the eldest prince couldn't care less about the verbal dispute with the second prince, so he hurried forward and pleaded guilty: "Royal father, it's because the sons and ministers have no way to teach the son, and let him say such absurd things."

As he said that, he glared at Ji Zerui fiercely, and said angrily, "Come here quickly."

Ji Zerui was rarely scolded by the eldest prince on weekdays, but seeing him stare at him, he immediately trembled in fright, and desperately hid behind the emperor.The emperor glanced at him, and the eldest prince didn't dare to show his face anymore.This is really the big fish eating the little fish, and the little fish eating the little shrimp.

After all the brothers here had met their relatives, Ji Yu led her to the harem, and there were probably quite a few people waiting in the Palace of Concubine De.

The two were walking on the wide avenue, with bright red palace walls on both sides, and Ji Yu was half a step ahead of her.

But suddenly, the person in front stopped suddenly, and Shen Changle fortunately stopped in time, otherwise he would have bumped into his shoulder.

She looked at him with some doubts.

But he heard him say bluntly: "Ji Zerui is talking nonsense, don't take it to heart."

Shen Changle: "..." I didn't take it to heart at all.

When she saw his turned away face, with the tightly pursed corners of his mouth, she laughed lightly. In fact, you must have taken it to heart.

(End of this chapter)

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