Splendid Book

Chapter 110 Warm as Spring

Chapter 110 Warm as Spring
For the prince's little thought, Changle still took great pride and did not point it out.But when she reached the entrance of Concubine De's palace, she had an indescribable smile on her face, a bit naughty, but infinitely sweet.

When the two of them reached the entrance of the hall, they saw a middle-aged white-faced and beardless eunuch ushered in. This was the chief eunuch in Defei Palace, and it was said that he had served Defei Empress for 20 years.It was the steward who followed the empress as soon as she entered the palace.It is said that the Concubine De concubine is nostalgic for the past, but no, there are old people serving her around.

The palace is not a humane place, so it is rare to have such a master who values ​​friendship, not to mention slaves, even the concubines in the harem all praised Concubine De endlessly.Just hearing such a reputation, Shen Changle knew that her mother-in-law was really not simple like her previous life.

Thinking of the suffering she had suffered at the hands of Concubine De, she immediately felt afraid of this palace.Although Empress Concubine De is not the Empress Dowager now, she is still her own mother-in-law. If she troubles her again, it will be a breeze.

Before entering the door, Ji Yu turned his head to look at her, and when he saw the unnatural expression on her face, he immediately frowned slightly.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't know his concubine's dislike for Changle, but he can't even please his concubine, so how can he teach Changle how to please her.So he can only protect Changle as much as possible, let her enter the palace less, and listen to the sarcastic remarks of the mother and concubine.

Today is the day of meeting relatives, if it is an ordinary family, it is natural to visit the elders respectfully in the main hall.It's just that the rules in the palace are different from other places, so Shen Changle met the emperor and all the uncles before, and then went to the harem to meet Concubine De and many sisters-in-law.

The chief steward of Defei Palace personally led them in. When he saw the hall, he saw many noble ladies sitting there, either bright or arrogant or noble, as if they had walked into a hundred gardens, there were all kinds of beauties. of.

When the new couple walked in hand in hand, the female relatives who had been waiting for a long time in the hall suddenly became quiet.All the people present here are royal family members, so naturally they have met Ji Yu. Among them are the concubines and wives of several princes, but even they have to admit that they are there at this time. No wonder others say that King Zhao is the prince Among them, the one with the most outstanding bearing and handsome appearance.Although he looked a little indifferent, his plain expression did not damage his perfect appearance in the slightest.

He is so handsome, but the new princess next to him has no intention of being compared to him.I saw the delicate beauty, dressed in a princess dress, elegant and dignified, with willow-leaf long eyebrows, black eyes as bright as jewels, high nose and cherry lips, there is nothing bad about her, plus a slapped face, such It's really strange that such a beautiful woman can still hide until now.

Concubine De had a smile on her face at this time, she nodded and said: "Yesterday was a day of great joy for you, and Concubine Mother was not able to go out of the palace to have a look."

Although she said regret in her mouth, her eyes were flat, and even the smile on the corner of her mouth did not smile to the bottom of her heart.

"Although I didn't get out of the palace, I have to drink this bowl of daughter-in-law tea," said a lady in a purple palace dress, holding a cup of tea and raising her little finger leisurely.

Shen Changle immediately recognized that this was Concubine Rong, the eldest prince's mother.In the previous life, the eldest prince and the second prince competed for the throne, and the two could maintain superficial peace in front of the emperor, but in private, they had already turned into a fire and water situation.Although Concubine Rong is also a noble concubine, she does not hold the power in the harem, and besides, her concubine position was only granted after the eldest prince came of age.So she is different from Concubine De, Concubine De was conferred because of being favored by the emperor, but she is honored by mother and son, that's why she got the concubine position.

Now that she said this, although she meant it as a joke, but people listened to it as if she was trying to curry favor with Concubine De.

Concubine De was amused by her words, and said with a smile: "That's true, I have been waiting for this cup of daughter-in-law tea for a long time."

At this time, the palace maid arranged the brocade mat, and Shen Changle quickly knelt down.The other court lady was carrying a mahogany tray with gold-painted and carved crabapple flowers. On the tray was a blue-and-white porcelain teacup. She stretched out her hands and took out the teacup respectfully.After she raised the teacup high and handed it to Concubine De, "Mother Concubine please drink tea."

This call of mother concubine, let alone Concubine De felt weird, even Shen Changle felt weird.In the previous life, the queen mother tossed her and tossed her, but she was at most the emperor's concubine. Although she was the only concubine with the highest status, she was not a serious daughter-in-law.So Shen Changle can always call her the Empress Dowager, but in this life she has to call her the Concubine Mu.

Although the person is still the same person, the two different titles of mother concubine and empress dowager made her feel a lot of emotion.

Concubine De looked down at her, to be honest, until today she was still dissatisfied with Shen Changle.At the beginning, she had set her sights on Xu Ge's granddaughter, and she even recommended it in front of the emperor.But the emperor appointed Shen Changle in the end, and it was only afterwards that she learned that it was Ji Yu who went to the Qinzheng Hall to ask the emperor to marry him.

When she thought that he had already begged for someone in front of the emperor, but she was still acting like a fool, struggling to intercede in front of the emperor, she couldn't express her resentment this time, and even her dislike for Ji Yu became even more serious. too much.

But now that she is married, even if she doesn't like her daughter-in-law, she can't let outsiders see the joke.

There will be not only concubines from the harem, but also several other concubines, so no matter how much face is saved here, Concubine De will give it to Shen Changle.So she didn't make things difficult for Shen Changle, took the teacup in her hand, took a sip, put the teacup on the small table next to her, got up and supported her arm, and said affectionately: "Good boy , stop kneeling, from now on, we will all be a family."

Concubine Rong was smiling at the side, but she couldn't stop laughing in her heart, this Concubine De was really Concubine De, and she was still tight-knit after all these years.Even if the whole palace knows that she doesn't like this Princess Zhao at all, she can still put on an appearance of being a loving mother and a filial son.

When she was young, if she had half of Concubine De's scheming, how could she fail to be promoted after giving birth to the eldest son of the emperor for so many years.

And the princesses on the side naturally had different expressions.On the contrary, Princess Qin looked at Shen Changle with a friendly expression.Ever since she learned that she had saved her son, although Princess Qin never came to visit her in person, she still sent someone to send a thank you gift.Later, they met again at a banquet, she also pulled Shen Changle and talked for a while.

In addition, the precious son in her family really likes his elder sister Changle so much, what he keeps talking about all day long is, when I grow up, I want to marry elder sister Changle.

Princess Qin glanced regretfully, but it was a pity that his elder sister Changle had already married someone else.

After seeing the concubine De, Shen Changle also greeted the other concubines in the palace. This time not only Concubine Rong came, but also the concubines of the third and fifth princes.As for the second prince's mother and concubine, although no one came, a gift was delivered, and it was said that she was unwell.

And the last thing was to meet the concubines. The one she was most familiar with was the wife of the eldest prince, Princess Qin, and the wife of the sixth prince came in only half a year earlier than her.Seeing her salute now, he happily said: "Finally someone came later than me."

Although she only said this one sentence, Shen Changle could see her temperament, and she was also lively and cheerful.I heard that the sixth prince is pedantic, so it must be very interesting when they are together as husband and wife.

Shen Changle has collected a lot of things this time, after all the concubines in the harem are all elders, and the sisters-in-law are also her sister-in-laws.So when it was time to meet the princesses, she sent things out.

The princesses are about the same age, that is, the fifth girl is slightly younger, only 11 years old this year.The other three princesses and four princesses, one is 15 years old and the other is 14 years old, they are all at the age of marriage.Probably the emperor's daughter is not worried about marrying, so even if it is the third princess, she will take it easy at this time.

The third princess knew Shen Changle's age, and saw that the new sister-in-law was a pretty person who looked like a fairy, so she naturally felt close to her.So when she spoke, she also got close to her naturally. She took Changle's hand and said, "Sister-in-law Qi and I are of the same age. We must have something to say when we are together. If sister-in-law Qi doesn't dislike her, she will have to visit her frequently in the future." The palace came to find me to play."

"Nonsense, your sister-in-law is an adult, how can she play around like you," Min Bin listened to her child's words, and immediately reprimanded her.

Concubine Min is the biological mother of the fifth prince and the mother of the third princess.Although the third princess is the oldest among the several princesses, she is also the most lively.Seeing that she was reprimanded by Concubine Min, Shen Changle hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "The third younger sister is lively and cute, I am willing. In the future, my younger sister can also come to the house as a guest."

Since she opened her mouth to invite the third princess, she naturally would not leave the other two princesses behind, "If the younger sisters are willing, they can come to our house as guests at any time."

She used the house instead of the mansion, which made Minpin nod secretly in her heart.I just feel that she speaks impeccably, although Concubine De doesn't like her, but to be honest, Concubine Min thinks that Shen Changle looks like Concubine De in some aspects.

And the fourth princess who is only one year younger than the third princess, from the beginning until now, only thanked Shen Changle when she gave him a gift.The youngest fifth princess looks like a delicate little beauty. Although she is the youngest, she looks better than the two older sisters above.

Now she pursed her lips and smiled along with the fourth princess, almost stunned Shen Changle.The fifth princess is so beautiful when she is still young. If she is older, she may really be able to overwhelm the country and the city.Fortunately, she is the emperor's daughter, no matter how beautiful she is, no one would dare to think of her casually.

Shen Changle really likes these three princesses, after all, they are the emperor's daughters, they were born noble, and they don't have that high-spirited appearance when they speak, but they all speak softly.Before, she had never liked to attend parties of little girls, because there were too many little girls, and there would always be some conflicts when they were together.You are jealous of her beauty, she looks down on her family background, and she envies her talent, saying a word is a twist and turn, she is too noisy, so she doesn't like to join in the fun.

So her girlfriends can be counted with five hands.

It's just that Ji Yu is here now, so it's inconvenient to spend more time together.So after seeing their relatives, everyone also left one after another. Several princesses served their mothers and concubines and left, and several princesses also went back to their respective courtyards to find their respective mothers.

As a result, as soon as this person left, Concubine De showed a tired look on her face.Shen Changle naturally said very carefully: "Mother Concubine, may I help you in for a rest?"

Originally thought Concubine De would refuse, but unexpectedly she nodded slightly.Shen Changle hurried forward and supported Concubine De's arm, while Ji Yu also supported Concubine De from the other side, the two looked cautiously on the left and right.

After entering the inner corner, Concubine De sat down on the kang, she leaned slightly on the big welcoming pillow, with a faint smile on her body, and said softly: "The older you get, the more you can't stand it. , It’s only been a while, and I’m so tired.”

"My concubine's words made my son terrified," Ji Yu was not one to comfort others, so he could only say this.

On the other hand, Shen Changle said softly: "Mother and concubine don't look old at all, if people who don't know see you standing with the prince, they might mistake you for siblings."

Women naturally like to hear good things, so Concubine De also laughed when she heard Shen Changle's words.This concubine De is really easy to talk, so Shen Changle also boldly said a few more words.Until Ji Ting came, they were still talking and laughing.

In fact, Ji Ting had already met the two of them in Qinzheng Palace, but after the emperor let them go, he ran to Defei Palace and met again.

He is Ji Yu's younger brother, Shen Changle naturally prepared things long ago, but in the Emperor's Qinzheng Hall, there were so many people there, it was not easy to give.This meeting happened to be in the palace of the mother and concubine, so she handed the things to Ji Ting.

Ji Ting saw that it was a seal carved from mutton fat white jade, and immediately said in shock: "This is really too precious, my sister-in-law is so kind."

"Ninth brother is the prince's real brother, and he will also be my real brother in the future, this meeting ceremony is nothing," Shen Changle pursed his lips and smiled.

Ji Yu gave her an encouraging look, feeling a little proud in her heart, only thinking that the little girl was still so uncomfortable when she woke up in the morning.But this morning he behaved so well, he was both moved and distressed.

So when Concubine De left them to eat in the palace, Ji Yu shirked them all.

After they left, Shen Changle was still a little strange.When she reached the gate of the palace, she asked softly: "My lord, let's go back so early, but there is still something to do?"

Ji Yu turned her head and looked at her thoughtfully, before asking unhurriedly, "I'm afraid you're not feeling well."

Not feeling well?She was about to say no, but suddenly there was a limp somewhere in her body, which made her understand what he was talking about.

Just now she was so tense that the discomfort between her legs was temporarily forgotten.

As soon as he mentioned this, she felt uncomfortable all over.

So looking at his eyes, suddenly became sad again.

(End of this chapter)

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