Splendid Book

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
As soon as he got into the carriage, Shen Changle felt his whole body sore and limp that even sitting was struggling.In fact, when she got up in the morning, she felt unwell, but because she was too nervous later on, she was afraid that she would not perform well and others would look at her and lose face.So as soon as she entered the palace, she seemed to automatically forget about her physical discomfort.

Now she's ready to go home, without tension, she can't even lift her arms too tired.

Ji Yu sat on the side, seeing her fidgeting, knew that she was not feeling well.Although he made trouble until late at night last night, and he was the one who took the initiative to get tired, but he is an adult practicing martial arts, and things like horseback riding and archery can't stop him, and those things between the beds will only make him He's just more refreshed.

"Come over here," Ji Yu saw that she was sitting so far away from him, and immediately stretched out his hand to pull her.

But before his hand reached her, she had already shrunk into the corner, looking shy and anxious.Seeing her small appearance, Ji Yu knew that she must be thinking wrong.She is so pitiful, how could he do anything to her.

"I'll squeeze it for you," Ji Yu said softly again.

Shen Changle looked at him with some disbelief, he said the same thing last night, it must be the last time, but then again and again, her voice became hoarse from crying, and she never saw him pity her.

That's why Shen Changle didn't believe his words.

Since she won't come, then go by yourself.Ji Yu moved over lightly, Shen Changle wanted to move, but he pinched his arm and taught him a lesson: "Don't move, and don't look at how tired you are."

Shen Changle gave him a sad look, you have the nerve to say, who is the reason why I am so tired.

But with Ji Yu's temperament, he wouldn't feel any embarrassment. The meat that he had been thinking about for so long appeared in front of him. If he didn't go up and take a bite, could he still be a man?
Seeing her sitting in the corner, looking at him vigilantly, he was amused and distressed at the same time, pointing to the couch beside him, he said: "Why don't you lie down for a while, and I'll give you a pinch when you get back. "

Seeing his sincere appearance, Shen Changle felt a little relieved.It's just that although she is lazy, she still behaves like a lady, and she can't sit down with her feet on the couch.She also just leaned on the brocade mat.

Seeing that she still didn't relax, Ji Yu quickly pulled her into his arms, lowered his head and said softly, "There are only two of us here, you just need to lie down comfortably."

His arms are so warm, hard and soft, she really can't get up when she leans on them like this.But the two are newlyweds after all, leaning on each other so casually, they felt apprehensive in their hearts, Shen Changle pressed against his chest, and could even hear his heartbeat, a steady and firm heartbeat, very much like him.

She was just leaning gently in his arms at first, but after the carriage kept driving, she slid down little by little, and she was so tired that she almost didn't even want to lift her arms.It only took two quarters of an hour to go back from the palace, but she fell asleep right away.

After the carriage drove into the palace, Ji Yu looked down at her, her beautiful eyes were lightly closed, and she was sleeping very soundly.

The servant girl and the coachman were still waiting outside, so he just hugged her and stood up.When the curtain of the car was lifted, everyone saw their concubine and concubine, who was being hugged by the prince.In the morning, the servants of Prince Zhao's Mansion who were surprised because Ji Yu wanted to ride in the same carriage with Shen Changle, after seeing such a scene, how could they not understand that this princess is really liked by the prince? .

After he carried her into the house, the maids wanted to come in to serve her, but he turned his head and ordered: "You don't need to come in, just wait outside."

Chunliu and Luwu immediately looked at each other, but since the prince said he didn't want them to wait on them, they could only obediently stay outside the room and wait.

But Ji Yu directly hugged her to the bed, and when he gently took off her coat, she saw her frowning, as if it was because she was woken up.Ji Yu quickly comforted her softly, Shen Changle has always slept very well, so he also raised his arms in cooperation, but from the beginning to the end, he didn't open his eyes once.

After he took off her clothes, he pulled the thin quilt beside her and covered her.

When he got up to look for something in the drawer, he couldn't find it.Speaking of which, he prepared such things himself, so logically it should be here.When he got up again, he suddenly remembered that he had put the jade box in another place. After all, the dressing table is Shen Changle's usual place, so it would be bad for her to see it. .

When preparing this, he was still anxious, afraid that she would be unhappy.When they got married, Ji Yu finally understood that there are some things that cannot be explained by being unhappy.

When he found the jade box, he opened it and saw that the jasper-colored fresh and transparent plaster was well preserved in the box.Only then did he sit back on the edge of the bed, he gently lifted the quilt, and took off the middle coat she was wearing, revealing his long and slender snow-white legs in front of his eyes.

Because she had been wearing skirts all year round, he was the first to see this pair of beautiful legs.Even Ji Yu, now I can't help but start to recall how she looked when her legs were wrapped around her waist last night, her cheeks were red and charming, her eyes were watery, and there was a tear in the corner of her eyes , it seems that the rescue wants him to bully more.

At this time, she was sleeping peacefully, and Ji Yu alone helped her to take the medicine, whether she could see if she could take it or not, this torture was like cutting him with a blunt knife.

But when he saw it was red and swollen, he still regretted it in his heart. No wonder she cried out last night, it was really painful to think about it.Thinking of how this morning, she followed Zijue into the palace without yelling a word of pain, he felt more and more guilty.So he took out the jade roller that he had prepared earlier, dipped it in the ointment, and began to apply the medicine to her.

It's just that when he was on the edge at the beginning, Shen Changle just groaned.But when the jade tube in his hand sank little by little, Shen Changle's legs started to move. Ji Yu had to reach out to hold her leg, push the jade tube in, and restrain the hotness in his heart. But it was really tormenting.

As a result, he pushed the jade tube in completely, and when he raised his head, he bumped into Shen Changle who opened his eyes in a daze.

"Well, what's the matter?" Shen Changle was sleeping in a daze, and felt a strange feeling, so he opened his eyes in a daze.

Although he was indeed helping her with the medicine, Ji Yu couldn't help showing a guilty expression when asked so suddenly.

With a straight face, he immediately said: "It's nothing, I'm covering the quilt for you, and have a good rest."

She was too tired, so after hearing what he said, she closed her eyes again.It's just that she still has a little clarity, and she always feels that something is wrong.It's just that something is wrong, and it really can't withstand her physical fatigue.

Seeing that she had fallen asleep again, Ji Yu carefully rearranged her clothes and put the ointment back, and then went to the study in the front yard.

If he continued to stay here, I'm afraid he really couldn't restrain the heat in his heart.

Ji Yu didn't come back until noon when he was preparing for dinner, but when he came, Shen Changle had already changed into a new set of clothes, and seemed to have washed and groomed.She was dressed in crimson and long trousers, and her snow-white face was ruddy, and she looked much more refreshed.

"Have a good rest, let's have a meal," Ji Yu said sitting opposite her.

But after he finished speaking, he didn't hear her reply for a long time.When he looked over, he saw her pursing her lips, looking hesitant to speak, and there was an inexplicable meaning on her face, she seemed to be angry, but she looked shy.

"What's the matter, it's become a gourd sawing the mouth?" Ji Yu rarely teased, but who knew that he didn't care so much, but Shen Changle was stimulated at once.

She frowned and stared at him, holding back for a long time before asking in a low voice, "Did you put that thing in?"

Ji Yu didn't hear clearly at first, and asked a little strangely: "What?"

Shen Changle had already decided in his heart that he did something bad, seeing that he still wanted to deny it, his face flushed with anger, and he said angrily: "You are so embarrassed, who else would do such a thing except you? ...?"

He just fell asleep, but when he woke up, he found that he had been let go of such a shameful thing, no matter how good-tempered he was, he would be angry.

It was only now that Ji Yu understood what she was talking about, he quickly explained: "I was just afraid that you were in too much pain, so I gave you the medicine."

As he said that, he already put on an aggrieved expression, although the expression was still light, but Shen Changle had already started to feel guilty looking at it.

Although his reason is good, but while he was asleep, he did this...

Shen Changle was originally full of complaints, but now that he heard his words and looked at his appearance, he immediately felt that he had indeed said too much.But no matter what he is, he should tell himself.

Unexpectedly, when she was struggling in her heart, Ji Yu asked again: "You feel more comfortable now, the medicinal properties of this ointment should be excellent."

Shen Changle blushed again, he was serious, why did he ask such a shy question.She hurriedly said in shame: "Don't talk about it, let's pass it on."

Seeing her take the initiative to change the subject, Ji Yu smiled softly.

When the two of them were eating, when Ji Yu was serving her food, she saw her eating mouthfuls, looking very preoccupied.

"What are you thinking, eat well," Ji Yu taught.

Being taught by him like this, Shen Changle hurriedly started to eat again, but she looked at it for a while, and said: "Should I meet the people in the house this afternoon?"

"If you want to see her, you can do it anytime." Ji Yu looked at her and said, "If you still feel tired, take a good rest today and see you tomorrow."

"How can this be done," Shen Changle said immediately, the only serious masters in the palace were her and Ji Yu.The master's big marriage should be rewarded to the servants, if she doesn't show up, wouldn't it be letting the servants gossip.

Now that she is married, she should take on the responsibility of being the housewife.

As the mistress of the house, she was really indescribably shy when she read these words in her heart.

"There's nothing wrong with it. If you see them, it's a reward. If you don't see them, no one dares to gossip." He was still calm at the beginning, but when he said it at the end, there was a bit of disdain.

Sure enough, he is a serious master, but he is not ordinary.

It's just that there are a lot of people in the palace, so if there is any eyeliner from Concubine De, it is estimated that her daughter-in-law's every move in the palace cannot escape her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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