Splendid Book

Chapter 121 Special Preparation

Chapter 121 Special Preparation
Shen Changle smiled and looked at the old lady lightly, but his heart was already overwhelmed.

The old lady Qiao meant that she was threatening her, and she even used Empress Defei to suppress her.Shen Changle sneered endlessly in his heart, when she was a girl from the Shen family, no one could threaten her like this.Now that she is a princess, an old lady in a small uncle's house dares to talk to her in this tone.

It's just that she also knew that the old lady Qiao was using the power of the Concubine De to pretend to be a tiger.She probably felt that she would not dare to offend Concubine De, so she wanted to use this method to force her to give in.It's just that if she gives in this time, maybe the old lady will disgust her next time.

Shen Changle is not someone who can let herself be wronged, because she has experienced a whole life, so she has always been peaceful and does not easily make enemies.But if anyone thinks they can threaten her, it's a big mistake.

"Since it's the kindness of the old lady, how can I shirk it. The old lady is right, there should be no shortage of servants around the prince, but it's just a trivial matter, why bother the empress," Shen Changle said, and she finally When he mentioned Concubine De in one sentence, he gave Mrs. Qiao a cautious look.

The old lady Qiao showed a satisfied expression on her face, and she only felt that it was expected in her heart.Don't look at this little girl is a princess now, but she is still young after all, she just mentioned Concubine De a little bit, but she was so frightened that she didn't dare to refute.The old lady Qiao has always said one thing at home, how can she allow her authority to be challenged, not even the princess.

Mrs. Yongshun who was at the side glanced at her daughter-in-law, but she was very worried.She didn't have the self-confidence of Mrs. Qiao. Speaking of it, although they were elders, their superiority and inferiority were all here. If this made the princess unhappy, it might also affect Uncle Yongshun's mansion.

Besides, since King Zhao got married, there have been rumors about their husband and wife in the capital.It is said that King Zhao loves the new concubine, and since they got married, the husband and wife are loving and harmonious, and there is only Concubine Zhao by the prince's side.

When the young couple were in love, the old lady would stuff people into other people's rooms. If it got out, outsiders would not know what to say about their Qiao family.

But no matter how worried Mrs. Yong Shunbo was, this meeting would not be able to stop the old lady.So she quickly winked at Mrs. Cao, and said, "Jin Xi, why don't you take the concubine to the bride's room to see the bride, since the bride has just entered the room."

In fact, this was her last resort, she was afraid that the old lady would say something shocking to the world later, even she would not be able to hold her back.I only hope that the princess will be sent away first, and after I meet with the master, I will ask the master to make the decision. I can't just offend the concubine like this.

Shen Changle didn't want to go at first, but she also knew that Mrs. Yongshun deliberately sent her away.She didn't want to stay here either, so she just left.So she got up and smiled slowly: "Except for my own new house, I have never been in a new house to see a bride. Today, thanks to my aunt, I will go to see my third cousin first."

"Then you thanked the wrong person. Speaking of which, you should thank the second lady anyway. If she hadn't married a daughter-in-law, I'm afraid you still wouldn't be able to see the bride," Mrs. Yong Shunbo would still be in a mood when she saw her It was a joke, and I was relieved, so I hurriedly joked a few words along with it.

After they left, Mrs. Qiao took a look at Mrs. Yongshun, and looked at her until she felt guilty.Don't look at Mrs. Yongshun who is in charge of the house now, but she is still trembling when she is in front of the old lady, who made this mother-in-law always have a deep prestige in her heart.Besides, everyone knows that the old lady does not rely on the eldest master or the second master in the mansion, she relies on the imperial concubine in the palace.

With the empress here, not to mention the people in the mansion, even the people outside will not give her three points.Even when she was in front of Princess Wuyi, she had a place to speak.

On the way to the new house, Mrs. Cao looked at her, hesitant to speak.Shen Changle probably also guessed what she wanted to say, but she really didn't want to say more at this moment.After all, Mrs. Qiao's words and deeds are not just excessive.If she was just a maid, she wouldn't be so angry.It's just the two maids, if she cares about the two maids, I'm afraid she really won't have a leisurely life in the future.

What she didn't like was that Mrs. Qiao actually used Concubine De to suppress her. Concubine De was her mother-in-law, and she should respect Concubine De. with.But this is a matter between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, if others think that Concubine De can be used to suppress her, it is a big mistake.

Unexpectedly, before they reached their new house, a servant girl came looking for them.It turned out that Cao's youngest son was crying all the time. I heard that even the nanny couldn't coax him, so he was crying for almost a quarter of an hour.The nanny was afraid that the child would lose his voice from crying, so she hurriedly sent someone to find Mrs. Cao.

When Mrs. Cao heard that it was about her son, she was anxious and distressed at the same time, and couldn't help complaining: "How did the nanny take care of the young master? She made him cry for so long. She couldn't even coax a child." Well, what's the use of keeping you."

The one who came to report the letter was just a little maid, and she would scold her for this, and she didn't dare to defend herself.I don't blame Mrs. Cao for being angry. For a woman, the child is the lifeline. After hearing the child crying for so long, how can the mother not be anxious.

She looked at Shen Changle with some embarrassment, just now Mrs. Yongshun asked her to accompany the princess to the new house to see the bride.But it's not the new house yet, so she can't leave halfway.If the mother-in-law knew about this, she would definitely be scolded.

Seeing that she was a little anxious, Shen Changle said considerately: "Since the child is crying, then you should go back and have a look. Maybe the child is crying so much because he hasn't seen you for a long time."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Cao said quickly, "How can that be done? I'd better go to the new house with the princess. Let the nanny coax her. Brother Ping has always been very obedient, and he wouldn't cry so much on weekdays."

Shen Changle listened to the bustling voices in the mansion, not to mention the noisy voices, even the firecrackers had been set off for several rounds.Although they are in the backyard, they can still hear clearly.So she guessed that Brother Ping probably cried so much when he heard the sound of firecrackers.After all, the maid who reported the letter just now also said that the young master cried for almost a quarter of an hour, and a quarter of an hour ago was almost the time when the bride arrived at the door and started setting off firecrackers.

She then said the guess in her heart, and when Cao Shi heard it, a dazed expression appeared on her face.

She hurriedly said: "I said why Brother Ping is so abnormal today, it must be the reason. The child has never heard the sound of firecrackers, so he must be frightened."

But when she thought that her son was frightened, she wished to go back immediately, so that she could hug this little guy and coax him.It's just that when she thinks that the princess is still here, she really can't leave.When she was in a dilemma, Shen Changle smiled softly and said: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Brother Ping yet, or my cousin sister-in-law will lead me to have a look."

"But the third brother and sister..." After hearing her words, Mrs. Cao naturally wanted to agree happily, but the concubine said earlier that she wanted to see the bride.

Shen Changle said affectionately: "There will be more opportunities to meet in the future, but today is not in a hurry. Let's go and see Brother Ping."

Knowing that Shen Changle said this, it was all for her brother Heping, so she was naturally very grateful.The impression of Shen Changle also improved, after all, she was in a high position, and it was really not easy for her to be so anxious for others.It was precisely because of this that she looked at Shen Changle now and felt even more embarrassed.

Others said how generous she was, personally arranging a room for her husband.But this kind of suffering is only understood by herself.So when the old lady was meeting with the princess, she felt empathetic and felt very guilty.

When we arrived in Cao's courtyard, we heard the little guy crying hoarsely as soon as he entered the house.Cao Shi hurried forward to hug him in distress, the little guy is now over thirteen months old, just learning to walk.Seeing that mother came back, she was crying and howling at first, but she was gradually coaxed by Cao Shi to calm down.

Shen Changle has almost no experience in getting along with children. In her previous life, let alone being a mother, she was still innocent.Later, because she was a widow, she didn't want to get in touch with the children of her elder brother's family. That was her own nephew. Although he was still young, he could already see how handsome he would be in the future.

Now the little guy is lying in Cao's arms, and he has stopped crying.Just when he stopped crying, his eyes began to look around, and when he saw Shen Changle, he suddenly stretched out his tender little hand towards her.

Shen Changle didn't expect that he would reach out to him, so he immediately stretched out his palm and let his little hand grab his index finger.The white and tender little hand was so small that it could only hold her one finger.

"He's so cute," Shen Changle couldn't help but praise.

Mrs. Cao is also smiling at this meeting, after all, any mother is willing to hear others praise her child.She looked down at her son, and quickly coaxed: "Brother Ping, this is the concubine and your cousin. Auntie came here to see you when she heard that brother Ping was crying."

The little guy seemed to understand his mother's words, he grabbed her fingers, and then pulled them hard again.

Shen Changle looked at him happily, he was really cute, his big and bright eyes were like purple grapes, his white and tender cheeks were plump, but his mouth was so small.

"Princess, please hug our brother Ping," Mrs. Cao suggested seeing that she really liked her.

Shen Changle quickly waved his hands when he heard this, and said in fear: "No, no, I won't hold a child. I definitely can't."

"It's not natural to hold a child. The princess comes to hug. If the hug is not good, I will point it out." Cao Shi will talk to her now, and he is not as stiff as before." If the princess has a child in the future, there is no reason not to hold her own child."

When Shen Changle heard it, his cheeks blushed, but he felt it was extraordinarily strange.

Have a child, her and Ji Yu's child?Just thinking about that scene, the happiness in her heart seemed to overflow.She couldn't help but think of the agreement between herself and Ji Yu, they agreed that they would have children when she was older.

So under Cao's guidance, she carried the child carefully.At first, the little guy was really uncomfortable. He struggled a little in her arms, and after she adjusted his posture in time, the little guy lay down quietly.

When she left Cao's courtyard, she still had some unfinished business.It provoked Lu Wu beside her, and persuaded in a low voice: "If the princess likes it, give birth to the prince as soon as possible. Both the prince and the princess are so good-looking, our little master must be the cutest."

Shen Changle was so ashamed that he immediately glared at her, and said with a smile: "You are an unmarried girl, you talk about having a baby all day long, and you don't panic without shame."

If she had been teased in the past, Luwu would have been a little shy, but since Shen Changle got married, she has seen the embarrassing mark on her neck countless mornings.So she couldn't help being shy at this moment, and said more sincerely: "Princess, these are the true words of this servant."

Seeing brother Ping, her mood has already improved by half.It's just that what Shen Changle didn't expect was that Mrs. Qiao could be so short-sighted.When she was about to leave, she actually had two servant girls brought over.Shen Changle looked at the two maids, they were really Chunlan Qiuju, each with his own merits.The maid in pink long gown, with red lips and white teeth, has extremely charming facial features, even standing like that, she is alluring.As for the one next to it, it is soft and watery, like a warm little girl in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

If it was the case before, Shen Changle might still think that Mrs. Qiao was just talking casually.But when she sent these two servant girls over, she immediately understood that these two were really specially prepared for Ji Yu, right?
At this time, Shen Changle couldn't help but think of another possibility, maybe it was not the old lady's intention to give away this time?
But someone wanted to lend her hand as a gift?

(End of this chapter)

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