Splendid Book

Chapter 122 The First Dispute

Chapter 122 The First Dispute
Since this was specially prepared, Shen Changle would naturally not refuse the old man's kindness and let the two servant girls follow him.On the contrary, Mrs. Yongshun was very anxious in her heart, she quietly asked someone to invite Yongshun over.

Uncle Yongshun was a little impatient at first, how could the second child come over with so many guests in front of him.Even if it's just a nephew getting married, since he is an uncle and the head of the family, he can't neglect the guests.

It's just that the maid who came was a little anxious. Seeing that the uncle didn't want to go, she had to tell the truth in a low voice: "The old lady rewarded the princess with two maids earlier. Madam was afraid that the princess would be unhappy, so she asked the master to discuss it."

When Uncle Yongshun heard it, Dang even stared, and asked in disbelief: "What, the old lady gave two servant girls to the princess? Which princess?"

Many people gave a toast to Uncle Yongshun before, so his head was a little dizzy now, and he even asked which princess it was.But the little maid next to him knew that he was stupid, but she didn't dare to say it outright, so she reminded: "Master, the only guest in the mansion today is Princess Zhao and a princess."

"Oh, Concubine Zhao," Uncle Yongshun nodded, but just as he nodded, a shocked expression appeared on his face, he turned to look at the little maid in disbelief, and asked again: "You mean Princess Zhao?"

The servant girl nodded quickly, she is the personal servant girl beside Mrs. Yongshun, so she can naturally know the seriousness of this matter.Otherwise, my wife wouldn't have let me report in such a hurry.

Uncle Yong Shun glanced at Ji Yu who was sitting with Qiao Mingchen not far away, quickly took a picture, then turned around and walked to the backyard.He greeted the guests at the front, which is good, it only took one day to cause such a big incident.

It is a day of great joy, but it is necessary to add trouble to others. Isn't this...

If it wasn't for the old lady's doing, Uncle Yongshun would be so angry that he really wanted to curse.But since the mother did it, as a son, he can only go there quickly to see if there is any chance of redress.Not to mention whether Prince Zhao likes this princess, just her meddling in the affairs of Prince Zhao's mansion will make Prince Zhao displeased.Although the old lady is the prince's grandmother, what she did was too much.

So Uncle Yongshun didn't dare to disturb others, so he quietly went to the backyard.

When the eldest lady saw him, she breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "Uncle, please think of a way quickly. Mother has already asked the two maids to give to the princess. I also persuaded him a few times earlier, but But I was scolded by my mother. I..."

"I know this is not your fault," Yong Shun Bo also knew her embarrassment, and immediately comforted her.But now he asked again: "I only heard the general idea just now, now you can tell me in detail."

After the eldest wife told the story from the beginning to the end again, Uncle Yongshun immediately asked again: "Did mother tell you that this matter is her own idea, or the palace's idea?"

When he asked such a question, the eldest lady was also stunned. After thinking for a while, she couldn't remember whether the old lady had mentioned it just now.But she said again: "I don't know whose idea this is, but I didn't look at my mother casually. After all, it is not a short-term thing to prepare two maids. But just now, my mother was brought over. I don't think the two servant girls are from our house."

"What, it's not from our family?" Uncle Yongshun was surprised when he heard that, since they were not from the family, then these two people must not have fallen from the sky.

So he couldn't help but said, "Instead of guessing here, I'd better ask my mother."

He said that he was going to go, when the eldest lady saw what he said, she panicked and said: "Master, if you will pass now, wouldn't the old lady know that I have complained to you, I am afraid that the old lady will also tell you later." will blame me."

She was really frightened, and she wanted Uncle Yongshun to bring the two maids back quickly, but she was also afraid that he would ask the old lady and make the old lady hate her in her heart.

"Don't worry Ma'am, I will fully bear this matter. If my mother wants to punish, just let her old man punish me." Yong Shunbo patted her on the shoulder, signaling her not to worry too much.

The eldest lady could only smile wryly in her heart, even though she said so, with the old lady's temperament, how could she blame the uncle.I'm afraid that after this, she will still be blamed.It's just that it would be between offending Prince Zhao's mansion and offending the old lady. She thought about it for a while, and decided to choose the lesser evil.

So Uncle Yongshun immediately went to the old lady's yard again, at this time the old lady had come back to rest.When he came in, the old lady was closing her eyes, letting the servant girl pinch her shoulders, making them loose.

"The son has met his mother." Although Uncle Yongshun was middle-aged and even had a grandson, he was still respectful when he came to the old lady.

The old lady opened her eyes, looked at him with some surprise, and asked, "Why did this come here? Aren't you busy ahead?"

Uncle Yongshun smiled wryly in his heart, if you don't come out like this, he will naturally be busy ahead.

"Mother, my son was really terrified when he heard about it, so he came here to ask clearly." Yongshun Bo paused, and then continued: "I heard that mother rewarded two servant girls to the princess. Meaning, or the meaning of the palace?"

Old lady Qiao didn't expect him to come here in such a hurry just to ask her about this matter.Dang even asked with a sullen face: "Why, as a grandmother, is it possible for me to reward her with two servant girls or to harm her? Is it worth your mobilizing people to come and question me?"

The old lady thought it was wrong, even if Shen Changle wanted to sue, she should sue King Zhao, how could she sue her son.

So her face turned cold, she snorted, and asked, "Did the eldest daughter-in-law tell you?"

"Mother, it doesn't matter who told the son. The important thing is that the two maids you sent are not just two maids. The prince and the concubine have only been married for a few months, so you put people in the prince's room Let alone others, what do you want Duke Wei's mansion to think about our Yongshun uncle's mansion? Weiguo Duke's mansion is a first-class mansion, not only his own dignitary, but also his in-law Guangze, how can our Yongshun uncle mansion be the foundation Comparable. If you do this, won't you bring disaster to our house?"

Uncle Yongshun's words were really serious, and Mrs. Qiao's face turned red and white with anger.She immediately pointed to his nose and cursed: "Okay, you came here just to scold me, an old lady, for causing trouble for you. Well, since that's the case, just let the Shen family come to me if you have anything to do. I'd rather Look, I gave my own grandson two maids, who is in the way, even if I come to the empress and the emperor, that is also my wife who loves her grandson."

"Mother, son doesn't mean that," Uncle Yongshun felt even more helpless when he saw her misinterpreting his meaning.

"I think all of you have lost your head. So what if she is the princess, isn't she your junior? Not to mention that I only gave her two servant girls today, but I will give her ten or eight servant girls in the future. She also has to thank me for my kindness," the old lady just slapped the table hard.

Over the years, as Concubine De's status in the palace has risen, she, an old lady, is even more comfortable outside the palace.Who can not give her face, and who dares to lose her face.Besides, she didn't give this matter casually, if it wasn't for Concubine De's hint, why would she be so nosy.

When Uncle Yongshun heard it, he simply asked again: "Then is this the mother's intention, or the empress's intention?"

"Do you think I would do this without your mother's intention?" Mrs. Qiao gave him a sideways look, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her mouth.

Uncle Yongshun immediately understood in his heart that he had also heard that the empress did not seem to be very satisfied with the princess, so he had this suspicion before.So when he heard the old lady say that, he immediately believed it in his heart.

It's just that he believed it, but he still couldn't agree with the old lady's way of doing it.

"Mother, it is what the empress means. You should also discuss it with your son. If you reward the prince rashly, if you offend the prince, it will not be worth the candle." Mrs. Yongshun also knows the old lady Qiao's temperament. , so I didn't dare to speak too much, so I had to negotiate softly.

"I rewarded the servant girl to the princess and asked her to arrange to serve the prince. How could the prince be angry?" the old lady Qiao said nonchalantly.

Uncle Yongshun smiled wryly in his heart, he still had some understanding of his nephew's temperament, if he really liked women, why didn't he even have a maid in the room before getting married.For this matter, it's not that the empress didn't let her mother think of a way, even he helped find a Jiangnan woman.But which one is the one who is admired by the prince.

Besides, he had also met Concubine Zhao, how could an ordinary woman compare to her stunning beauty.Since the prince already has a concubine by his side, how can he value the little jade jade they gave him.

So Uncle Yongshun still persuaded: "Mother, even if it is the empress's intention, it should be the empress. If the empress rewards people, the prince and princess will not dare to say anything, but if we do this, we are meddling in Prince Zhao's mansion." Housework. That's why I thought the two maids had to come back."

When the old lady heard this, she immediately became anxious and said: "This man has given out all the rewards, so there is no reason for him to come back."

"Of course it's not for the mother to ask for it, but for the son to ask for the Liu family," Yong Shunbo said immediately. He asked the eldest wife to come forward because the eldest wife is the elder. If she came forward, it would also turn the matter into a trivial one. up.

Of course the old lady was unwilling, but what she didn't know was that Uncle Yongshun had made double preparations this time.

As early as when he came over, he asked the eldest wife to go to the princess and bring back the two bad girls first.And he himself came to persuade the old lady, no matter whether he succeeded in persuading or not, he had to talk about it anyway.

Shen Changle was already ready to go back to the residence, but who knew that Mrs. Yongshun came to find her, and took back the two servant girls who were rewarded to her.

The two servant girls were standing beside her now, and when they heard this, their faces turned pale with fright.There's no reason to send someone back and take them back, so if this person is really asked to go back, the end will definitely not be good.

On the contrary, Shen Changle said with a tactful smile: "It's not that I'm reluctant to return him to my aunt, it's just that this is what the old lady rewarded me. If I don't take him away, I'm afraid I'll die in front of the concubine Defei." It's hard to say."

At this time Shen Changle is not as angry as before, after all they are just two maids.What she was angry with was always that the old lady was threatening her with Concubine De as a token.

Madam Yongshun didn't expect to run into a nail that was neither soft nor hard. She thought that since she was willing to take him away, Princess Zhao would be willing to hand him over to her.So at this moment, she didn't know how to continue.

After the two parties were silent for a while, Mrs. Yongshun seemed to have made up her mind, and said: "The old lady, I will take care of it myself, so I ask the princess to let me take these two maids back."

Shen Changle didn't want to embarrass her too much, after all Mrs. Yongshun had been helping her smooth things over just now.So she waved her hand and said with a smile: "Since the eldest aunt said so, then Changle would be more respectful than obedient. Please ask the eldest aunt to take these two people back."

Mrs. Yongshun breathed a sigh of relief.

So while she was still there, Shen Changle said something back, two rounds of wedding banquets had already passed, so it wouldn't be interesting for her to sit down any longer.

Madam Yongshun left a few words, and seeing that she insisted on going back, she was sent to leave.

And the banquet in front was not over yet, so Shen Changle asked someone to talk to Ji Yu, and then left immediately.After getting into the carriage, Lu Wu beside him immediately said angrily: "I have never seen such a brazen family before, one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face, and they are playing with us together."

It's not to blame her for being angry, the Yongshun uncle's mansion is so capricious, even Shen Changle is angry from the bottom of his heart.But Mrs. Yongshun came, she did not expect it.She thought that she really brought back those two maids who were an eyesore.

Of course, she wasn't worried that Ji Yu would take a fancy to them, it was just the appearance of Pu Liu.

When she arrived at the mansion, Chunliu asked her if the wedding banquet was fun at first, but Luwu gave her a look back.When Shen Changle saw their eyebrows and eyes, she didn't say much, but ordered her to fetch water to wash up. After this day, her back and back were really sore, and when she sat there, she had to maintain her noble and elegant appearance everywhere.

When she went to bed to rest, Ji Yu hadn't come back yet, probably because she was detained.

Originally, she wanted to lean on the bed and read the book for a while, but who knew that after reading it, she fell asleep.When there was movement nearby, she asked in a daze, "Is the prince back?"

As soon as Ji Yu opened the curtain, she heard her soft voice, and immediately coaxed: "Hey, you go to bed first, and I'll come over to accompany you after I wash up."

I don't know if she heard this sentence, but after Ji Yu spoke, her slightly frowning brows were smoothed away.Ji Yu looked at her sleeping peacefully, her heart softened like it had been soaked in warm water, she was obviously drinking, but she was always thinking of her in her heart, and when she returned home, she didn't even have time to change her clothes, smelling of alcohol, Come and see her.

After he came back after taking a shower and changing into a clean undershirt, he saw that the person on the bed had already sat up.

"What's the matter?" He hurriedly sat over and touched her cheek, and he was relieved when he saw that she didn't have a fever.

Chang Le opened his eyes in a daze, stretched out his arms to hug him, and then fell asleep again.And when Ji Yu saw her rushing over, he thought the little guy had something to say, but he waited for a long time, only heard her even breathing, and couldn't laugh or cry.

When he fell asleep with the person in his arms, only her and his breathing were intertwined between the beds.

His heart has never been more stable.

Lu Wu was naturally dissatisfied with the old lady Qiao's behavior, so she waited for Shen Changle to find an opportunity to expose the old lady's true face.But who knows, the girl didn't mention the old lady of Qiao's family all day long.

Lu Wu comforted herself from the bottom of her heart, maybe her daughter just felt that it was not good to sue right after she came back.So she would definitely mention it inadvertently, but after Luwu listened for several days, she still didn't hear Shen Changle mention what happened that day.

Just when she couldn't help but want to ask for clarification, Duke Wei's mansion sent someone to send a good news that the young lady was pregnant.

When Shen Changle heard the news that Nie Qingsang was pregnant, she was even happier than herself.She hurriedly asked people to find all kinds of medicinal materials and supplements from the warehouse, packed a whole car, and took the maid to go home.

Although Shen's mansion is only a quarter of an hour's drive away from Prince Zhao's mansion, when Shen Changle returned, he was told to go back first.

When her carriage arrived at the door, she saw that Nanny Chang was waiting for her beside the old lady.

She didn't think so before, but when she got to the door, Nanny Chang turned her head to look at her, and said: "If the old lady says anything later, it will be for the good of the princess."

Shen Changle was a little surprised, what happened.As a result, as soon as she entered the door, her grandmother's complexion was not good.She smiled awkwardly, and asked: "It's not that my sister-in-law is happy, why do I look at this like a triumvirate of trials?"

Needless to say, the old lady is at the top, and the second and third aunts are sitting on both sides, like protecting the left and right.Nie Qingsang, who was supposed to be the protagonist, sat next to Third Aunt and looked at her worriedly.

"You still know how to come back?" The old lady looked at her with a look of hatred in her eyes.

Shen Changle is really confused, what's wrong with her?
But she said she didn't want to make a smiley face, so she quickly raised her smile and said coquettishly, "What is grandma saying? I can't understand anything. I didn't make a mistake, right?"

"You girl, you were bullied outside, why didn't you even know when you came back to file a complaint?" The old lady thought that she was trying to keep her secret when she saw that she still didn't tell the truth. She was really distressed and anxious.

Shen Changle blinked, then looked at Nie Qingsang again, but who knew that the sister-in-law also had the expression that you were wronged.

Just when she was puzzled, Mrs. Zhao said straightforwardly: "If you want me to say that Changle is too honest, the old lady of the Qiao family is nothing more than bullying her as a young daughter-in-law. She has a tender skin and doesn't know how to refuse." She, that's why her room is stuffed with people."

That's what it was about.

Oh, so it was because of this matter, but then Shen Changle was surprised, why did everyone in the family know about this matter.

Seeing what Mrs. Zhao said, the old lady said slowly, "In the future, if something like this happens again, just come back and tell me that your natal family is not just a decoration. If you are bullied outside, I, an old woman, will fight it out." You have to get justice for this face."

Shen Changle blinked his eyes for a long time, only then did he not let the tears come out of his eyes.All along, she tried her best not to trouble her family. She worked hard to follow the rules and didn't want to make mistakes in every step.She didn't want to let the tragedy of her previous life happen again, and she didn't want to make herself a burden to others.

But it wasn't until this moment that she realized that she was never a burden.

But in her opinion, this matter is over. Since Mrs. Yongshun took the maid back on the spot, it means that this matter is only the behavior of Mrs. Qiao alone.Or in other words, it was just something someone asked Mrs. Qiao to do.

That's why she didn't say anything to anyone, after all, she didn't want to have a direct conflict with Uncle Yongshun's mansion.

After listening to her own thoughts, the old lady nodded and said: "Your idea is right, but people are bullied by being kind. If you are too kind, others will only think you are easy to bully. So this is how you behave. Both have softness and firmness, neither too tough nor too soft."

Shen Changle went back thinking about what the old lady said, but when she got home, as soon as she entered the yard, she heard Lu Wu who stayed at home greet her.

Ji Yu has come back.

After she went in, she saw Ji Yu sitting on the Arhat couch, drinking tea, but she seemed a little worried.

Could it be that she was wronged outside, but the thought flashed by, even she was about to laugh, who would dare to show Prince Zhao's face.

"Come here," she heard him beckon as soon as she reached the door.

Shen Changle walked over, but before he reached the front, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm.

Shen Changle: "..." What's going on.

"Why didn't you tell me," Ji Yu's voice was low, as if water was about to drip out, and Shen Changle's back tensed up in fright.

She was dumbfounded again, why did everyone come to ask her about things today, how could she have any secrets.

"Why didn't you tell me about Uncle Yongshun's mansion?" When Ji Yu spoke again this time, Shen Changle could already hear the suppressed anger in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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