Chapter 106

Day by day, Si Chenyue seemed to be very busy, since the last time he talked about the wedding date with Zuo Youruo, he didn't show up much.

She is so busy every day that she really runs out of time, but she can't find anything to do, so she thinks wildly, and finally makes herself nervous.

Josi approached her twice, but she used excuses to block her. The last time Si Chenyue was so angry, she remembered that she wasn't afraid, but she just didn't want any inexplicable misunderstanding between the two of them again.

That day Mu Wanqing called her, and Zuo Youruo knew something had happened when she heard the voice over there, but Mu Wanqing kept crying and crying, and she couldn't find out why, so she had to hang up the phone. Ask the person outside the door to take her to see Mu Wanqing.

Zuo Sinian was going too, but she was afraid that it would be inconvenient to bring the child, so she didn't take it with her. It happened that a bodyguard stayed behind to take care of Zuo Sinian and sent her there.

When she arrived at Mu Wanqing's apartment, she realized that Wen Shaoting had just been here.

Seeing the mess all over the floor, she thought the two had fought, but when she asked, she said no.

"Wanqing, can you tell me what happened before you cry? I don't know what to do with you crying all the time?" Zuo Youruo knelt down beside her helplessly and asked, grabbing her shoulder .

Only then did Mu Wanqing raise her head, her eyes were swollen like rabbit eyes, and she was still sobbing when she looked at her.

Zuo Youruo smiled wryly, and reached out to wipe away her tears. Finally, God also gave her a chance to comfort this woman who has been comforting her all this time!
"Okay, don't cry, it's all ugly." After all, he is not good at comforting others, and his comforting words are also very poor.

Mu Wanqing glared at her, and said: "Ruoruo, I finally know why you left without saying goodbye, and I really want to leave this place, it's too painful, I can't take it anymore."

"What's wrong? Did he hurt you?"

"I don't know how to say it. We're obviously fine, but we seem to be inextricably linked, and it's still chaotic." Zuo Youruo saw the pain in Mu Wanqing's eyes, but didn't point it out.

"Wan Qing, although I don't know what happened between you two, but I believe in my heart, if you really love each other, then no matter how far you run away, you will still come back, just like me."

After finishing speaking, she curled her lips and told herself in her heart that if Si Chenyue appeared tonight, she must ask Sichenyue what happened between Mu Wanqing and Wen Shaoting.

"It's just a misunderstanding between you and Chen Yue, but it's not a misunderstanding between me and him, it's an inextricable knot. He will never forgive my father no matter what."

As she said that, Mu Wanqing's tears flowed down again, but she was still smiling.

Zuo Youruo was a little frightened by her appearance, she knew this kind of expression, a person who is suffering to the extreme, suffering to the extreme, will be like this.

"Really... Is there no way to untie this knot?" Zuo Youruo asked hesitantly. She believed that there was no knot in this world that couldn't be untie.

There are no things much ado about.

Heart knots are nothing more than a person who has got into a dead end and refuses to listen to other people's explanations, other people's advice, and other people's confession. In fact, as long as you take a step back, you will be able to broaden your horizons.

Mu Wanqing sighed deeply, and then murmured: "I never doubted that he was with me for a purpose, knowing that I met him in VITAS that day, no, I ran into him He, he was on the phone, and I approached him from behind, originally intending to give him a surprise, but my surprise hadn't been delivered yet, but he gave me a fright."

"What scare?" Zuo Youruo was curious, it was just a scare, how could he come to this point.

"I heard him say on the phone: Mu's reserve price is 1000 million. After our sniping these days, Mu's foundation is already unstable. As long as the old man is not given a chance to stand up this time, Mu will definitely win it." .”

"What?!" Zuo Youruo yelled out, Wen Shaoting secretly sniped the Mu family? !

how is this possible?Isn't the Mu family the company of Mu Wanqing's family?

"Wan Qing, did you hear me right?"

Mu Wanqing smiled, she also hoped that she had heard wrong, but the truth is like this.

"You don't know, he turned around and saw me stunned, only flustered for a second, then called me Qing as if nothing had happened, and asked me why I was there, haha, I really suspected that I heard it wrong, but When I questioned him, he admitted it!"

"Why did he do this?" Zuo Youruo was confused, and Wen Shaoting couldn't help it? !
"Because, my dad worked with his dad back then, but my dad withdrew the capital in the end, which caused Wenshi to almost go bankrupt. It was because of Si's and Wen's that they survived until today, so the relationship between Wen Shaoting and Si Chenyue is special. it is good."

"Isn't this a very common problem? In terms of business cooperation, everyone is looking at money." Zuo Youruo rolled his eyes, and really couldn't understand what these people were thinking.

"No, these are not the reasons why he loves our family. The real reason is that the blow was too severe. His father was in a trance while driving, and there was a car accident, and his parents died on the spot!"

Zuo Youruo was so shocked by Mu Wanqing's words that he couldn't speak, his mouth was open, unable to utter a word for a long time.

car accident? !Died instantly? !Or two parents? !
What a heavy blow this would be. If it were her, she didn't know if she could bear it!

"Then he approached you and stayed with you on purpose, all for..."

"Yes!" Mu Wanqing continued, "Unfortunately, I always thought that he really liked me, am I stupid?"

Zuo Youruo had a sore nose and almost burst into tears, hugging Mu Wanqing tightly, her comforting words seemed weak: "It's not that you are stupid, it's that women in love are stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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