Chapter 107

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when Zuo Youruo left Mu Wanqing's apartment, and she waited until Mu Wanqing fell asleep before leaving.

She herself didn't know what to be afraid of, maybe it was because the people around her left one by one, which made her start to fear.

She just wants to cherish the people around her and doesn't want to make herself regretful.

Five years ago she regretted not treating Cai Lifen well, five years later she regretted not finding Zuo Qiyuan in time, maybe when she started to become famous, she should probably find Zuo Qiyuan.

If he knows that he has repented, then everyone will be happy. If he is obsessed with his obsession, she can turn around with a high profile.

But, it's over, it's all over, it's too late...

At this moment, it was already late autumn, and there were not many vehicles on the street after nine o'clock. Zuo Youruo looked out of the window and couldn't calm down.

Thinking of the wedding at the end of this month, she looked down on herself in her heart, Zuo Qiyuan had just left, and she was going to get married?I don't know what other people will think of her?

Or, there is no need for a wedding, she just wants that piece of paper, or that piece of paper is not needed, she just wants that man, wants to be with him, wants to be cared for by him.

When the car arrived downstairs in the apartment, she habitually glanced at the place where she lived upstairs, but this one glance almost scared her out of her wits!
That window, it was pitch black!
She remembered that before she left, she told Zuo Si Nian not to turn off the lights, and if she came back late, he would go to bed first.

But why the lights are still turned off now, it should be because the children don't want to waste it, it must be!

Zuo Youruo comforted himself in his heart, but the palms of his hands were still sweating, and he couldn't control his steps.

He rushed to the door of the apartment and stretched out his hand, only to realize that his hand was already shaking unbearably, and it was very difficult to even hold the doorknob.

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, pushed open the door, fumbled for the switch of the headlight in the living room, and pressed it tremblingly.

The room was instantly bright, and she looked towards the living room, but there was no one.

Heartbroken even more, she hurriedly walked towards Zuo Si Nian's room, but she only took one step when she heard a bang outside the door, and she turned around suddenly, but a gun was put on her forehead.

Zuo Youruo's eyes widened, and he looked at the person pointing a gun at him in disbelief, it was actually Joss!

But why she felt that this Josie was a little different, as for what was different, she couldn't tell!

Behind Qiao Si, Ren Tianwei was still following, Zuo Youruo looked at the two of them with trepidation in his heart.

These two people actually got together, there seems to be a word to describe these two people: working together!

"Josi, what do you mean?" Zuo Youruo told herself to calm down, and at the same time, she kept looking for Zuo Si Nian from the corner of her eyes.

Now his own safety is not important, what is important is the safety of Zuo Si Nian!

"Jos? I think you miss my big brother too much!" Jon replied disdainfully.

"Aren't you Qiao Si?" Zuo Youruo asked back, no wonder she felt that this Qiao Si was a little different.

So this person is Jos' brother?

But why did Jos' younger brother point a gun at him?And this person is so similar to the person who pointed a gun at him last time!

"Of course not! My elder brother is very precious to you, how could he be willing to point a gun at you?" Jon stepped forward, seeming very angry.

He didn't even know what was so good about this woman that Si Chenyue could risk his life for her, but his elder brother Qiao Si almost lost his hand because of her!

As long as he thinks of this incident, his heart will be furious!

"Since that's the case, aren't you afraid that your elder brother will know about you doing this?" Zuo Youruo was already a little anxious, until now, she still hasn't found Zuo Si Nian!

"Heh - don't worry, big brother won't know, even if he finds out afterwards, it doesn't matter, because I'm helping him!"

While talking, Jon gestured to Ren Tianwei with his eyes.

The latter stepped forward, took out a few pills from the bag, and stuffed them into Zuo Youruo's mouth!

"What are you giving me?" Zuo Youruo looked at her vigilantly, with his head slightly tilted back, refusing to take only those few pills.

"You'll know when you eat it, it's guaranteed to make you want to die!" Ren Tianwei smiled lewdly, and pulled Zuo Youruo's body.

"Go away, I won't eat!" Zuo Youruo waved his hand and pushed Ren Tianwei out.

"Be quiet, otherwise—" Jon warned her, and then looked towards Zuo Si Nian's room, that look made Zuo Youruo's hair stand on end.

"Your son is sleeping soundly now. If you are disobedient, I can't guarantee that I will accidentally punch a hole in my son!"

"How dare you!" Zuo Youruo glared at him with fiery eyes, it seemed that Zuo Sinian was fine.

"Do you want to try?" With that said, the gun in Jon's hand changed direction.

"No!" Zuo Youruo exclaimed, she dare not bet on Zuo Si Nian's life!
"Then just eat it obediently!" Jon's fierce face made people want to vomit.

Zuo Youruo looked at him, feeling disgusted in his heart, he and Qiao Si obviously looked exactly the same, but his behavior was completely different from Qiao Si!

When Ren Tianwei stuffed the pills into Zuo Youruo's mouth again, she didn't resist anymore, and looked at Zuo Si Nian's room worriedly.

"I also want to thank Mu Wanqing, if she hadn't called you to tell you to go out, we wouldn't have found the time to come in, haha—"

Ren Tianwei's ear-piercing laughter echoed around Zuo Youruo, she felt her dizziness getting more and more dizzy, and the scenery in front of her was floating around, just when she was about to faint, she opened the door until the door was pushed open , a familiar figure walked in and caught her before her body fell to the ground.

"Si Chenyue... Nian Nian..." She only had time to say these few words, and then she fell unconscious.

【The 10000D is changed today! [-]+ Oh!Rolling and begging for flowers!Ask for flowers!Ask for flowers!Ask for flowers!Ask for a purse!Ask for a purse!Ask for a purse!Ask for a purse!Don't ignore me, don't ignore me, oh, baby, don't ignore me]

(End of this chapter)

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